A steel knife appeared in Xu Zhe's hand out of thin air, and with a single blow, it slashed directly at the pawn who killed his father, cutting it off at the waist.

A little bit flashed in his heart, the violent emotions in his eyes, and the pawns who invaded here in a moment were all killed by Xu Zhe.


After a few hours, nineteen of the twenty Pathwalkers had been found, seven of them Preservation Path, three Destruction Paths, three Hunting Paths, three Wisdom Paths, and one each of the Abundance, Nothingness, and Joy Paths.

And Xu Zhe is a walker who embarks on the path of destruction, vowing to make all the evil things that are destroyed pay the price!

Safari: ???


...... National Games ....

Along the way, the three of them found no creatures other than the hilichurl king, but found many traces of large monster battles at the edge of the forest.

It looked like the hilichurl had fought something.

Along the way, Li Shang's face had a few more red marks, Ah Ji walked to Li Shang's side and hummed twice, and then trotted to catch up with Xiao Zhi.

"Kafka~Xiao Zhi, she beat me~"

Li Shang directly lay on the soft top and pointed at Xiao Zhi to accuse her of the evil deeds just now, and the more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became, and her head continued to rub.

Kafka comforted Li Shang: "Okay, don't be sad, it won't hurt if you blow it." "

I want to kiss~

" The green tendons in Xiao Zhixiao's hand burst out, and he turned his head and shouted at Li Shang: "

Okay!" Is it okay to point a face! Don't be a kid all day! "

Kafka~ You see that she still murders me~" "

Don't stop me! I'm going to beat her up today!

"Okay, don't be angry, Xiaoshang didn't mean to."

Xiao Zhi glared at Li Sheng angrily.

"Child, I look at her as a pervert!"


Kafka changed the subject: "Don't you feel strange after walking for so long, why haven't you seen a single bug for so long?" "

What's so strange about this, indecisiveness, honkai mechanics!"


Kafka spread his hands helplessly: "Okay~"

Before everyone had taken a few steps, Ah Ji seemed to smell something, and after screaming twice, he ran towards the depths of the forest.


Xiao Zhi shouted, Ah Ji did not stop his cheerful steps, and disappeared from everyone's sight after responding.

Xiao Zhi covered his face and said, "Alas, let's go, let's see what Ah Ji has found."

"I'll bet on a pack of spicy strips, and that chicken will definitely find a mushroom!"

Kafka was a little curious: "Oh? Why are you so sure?

Li Sheng covered her stomach a little embarrassed and said, "Hehe, I want to eat chicken stewed mushrooms." Ah

Ji, who was hurrying in front, suddenly felt a chill in his back, and couldn't help but feel excited.

Li Shang hadn't eaten anything for a few hours since she came here, and after walking for so long, her 'mortal body' felt hungry.

After a while, a hundred ways to make chicken appeared in my mind, spicy chicken, dry pot chicken, cola chicken wings, white cut chicken...

The more I thought about it, the more hungry I became, so Harazi left it all back.

Xiao Zhi looked at her like this, and he was simply angry.

"No, just kidding, you really have thoughts about my chicken!"

Li Sheng wiped his son, looked at Xiao Zhi apologetically and apologized: "Hehe, I'm sorry I'm too hungry, do you have anything to eat there?" "

Yes, the whole table of chickens only needs ten crystals, and you can support credit!"

"Credit! Don't be overwhelmed by debts! The

three of them continued to walk through the forest, and in a short time they came to a sparsely wooded place, which looked like a primitive tribe that had been abandoned for a long time.

The shape of this tribe is also very familiar, after all, it was also a place where a few years of missions were done, and the arrow towers of the hilichurls were destroyed.

At this moment, Ah Ji is standing in front of a treasure chest, which I don't know how long it has been here, and it is covered with moss.

Ah Ji seemed to smell a very good fragrance, this smell Ah Ji was very familiar, so he looked back...


Ah Ji stared at Li Shang and Xiao Zhi's mouths full of oil, this is! The breath of the same kind!

"Yo, do you want to eat too?"

...... As we all know, a chicken is a bird, not a fat chicken, and it is not the same kind as a fat chicken...

Xiao Zhi wiped a handful of Ji on Ah Ji, wiped the oil off his hands, and walked to the box and squatted down to take a closer look.

"Yo, it looks like it's an antique, it's been here for hundreds of years."

"How much can I sell if I sell?"

Kafka commented: "This kind of thing is not worth anything in my world, there is no power left on it, it is a very ordinary object. "

It's on, right?"


Xiao Zhi slowly pushed open the box, and suddenly a golden light came out of the box, and little stars flashed in Li Shang's eyes.

"Wow, Golden Legend!"

The treasure chest was slowly opened...

A bunch of Mora appeared in front of everyone....



Li Shang pointed to the half-submerged corner of Mora and exclaimed, "Wow! There really are mushrooms here! "

Ah Ji:"??? "

Okay, you're still thinking about my chicken!"

Xiao Zhi hugged Li Shang's head, drilled her head with his middle knuckle, and said viciously.

The system looked at its own host, silently returned two IQ points again, and the rest was really gone, and it was really all sold!

"Is gold worth anything?"

"Well, this gold can buy a lot of roast chicken."

Xiao Zhi glanced at Kafka, and Kafka instantly understood what Xiao Zhi meant, and shook his head slightly.

"That's worthless, throw it away! See what else is inside. Saying

that, a box of gold was discarded by Xiao Zhi at will like a box of garbage, and the audience in the live broadcast room who watched it cried bitterly.

: Woo woo, I'm so envious, they can't look down on gold, is this the gap between people?

: I want to ask how to get into this national movement, and I want it too! (Crying and making a fuss .jpg):

Sister Sword Fairy, when will you let me be your dog!

: I'm different, I'm thinking that I can use a few roast chickens to abduct the Sword Immortal and take it home hehehehe.

: Ah this, you are so bad oh, I like it so much (bad laugh .jpg):


: Wife, I was wrong! I don't dare!


The four-legged monster eventually invaded the forest, and the king was injured.

The shaman persuaded the king to retreat into the depths of the forest, and it was the most powerful of us.

The king did not go, he said to protect us, he said to kill these intruders, and when it was safe to take us back...


We are leaving today, and the wounds on the king's body have become more and more, and the king seems to be in pain today, and many of his companions have become monsters after being scratched.

We were reluctant to give up the king, but it drove us all out, and the shaman said that the king was all right, that the king was strong, that it would drive away the invaders and come to take us home.

We made a meal for the king at the end and left, goodbye, king, we wait for you....

"You are not really a god, but from the outside it seems that you are the god who has always guarded us..."

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