"Shet! Why is there so much of this! "

Jenny doesn't need to aim at all, the fire elemental has a natural restraint on the water element, and he can destroy one or two water slimes with a single spray.

But he couldn't resist the steady stream of slime army, Jack turned his head to look at the situation of the two teammates behind him, but unexpectedly there was no one.


"Jenny! Over here! Yalu's voice came from above, and when he looked up, he was lying on a tree and waving at Jenny.


Jenny had a question mark on his head, he didn't know when his two teammates had climbed the tree, and he didn't say a word to himself when he climbed the tree.

"Stinky snake! Die! Die! "

Shet! I said, how can I hear your gunshots and not see this annoying thing to die! Lauren! Where are you hitting!

Jenny scolded.

Lauren is the intellectual destiny of the whole team, that is, the one who takes the large-caliber sniper rifle, and it seems that it is the giant python that is aimed at it.

"My God! Did you throw your brain in the toilet to fill the waste! "

Water slimes are constantly emerging from the water, and then surrounding the direction of the three of them, this situation must not be easy to snipe.

The only way is to deal with the culprit of this crisis first, an elite-level python!

Seeing that they had fought for so long and had not resolved the battle, the melon-eating masses of the Dragon Kingdom commented one after another.

: It's so slow to fight an elite monster, compared to our sword fairy sister is really strong, sword fairy sister yyds!

: I'm Sister Sword Fairy's dog!

: Hehe, I'm the loyal dog of the great Lady of the Lawgiver!

:Feed! Isn't that still a dog!

: By the way, do you know why our live broadcast room in the Dragon Kingdom has always been black?

: I don't know, it seems that before the black screen I heard the rune say that the weather is too hot... She wants to take a shower?

That's right, the live broadcast room of the Dragon Country has been temporarily closed for privacy reasons, and the idle Dragon Country netizens began to look around, and happened to see the battle here between the Bear Country and the Lighthouse Country.


Lauren's combat skill is a gambling dog combat skill, which can be used with a bullet that draws a random ability each time he uses, and his talent is with a very high armor-piercing effect.

This time, the bullets in the magazine have a burst effect, and the first hit is the original damage, and the next hit will increase the damage by 10% compared to the previous one.

A total of ten rounds.

Now the situation of the giant python is not good, the three AKs continue to suppress it, and from time to time a large-caliber bullet flies through its own skull.

Looking at the insect in front of him, he finally couldn't help it, and a mouthful of venom sprayed towards the three of them, and a green leaf withered instantly as soon as it touched the venom.

Alexei's pupils shrank, and the venom couldn't be avoided at such a close distance, so he could only protect his eyes with his arms to prevent the venom from entering his eyes.


The giant python felt that its breath had shrunk a little after spitting out this venom, and the fierce light in its eyes was even more intense, and before it could make any next move, a bullet hit its eyes.

Lauren looked at the accurately hit bullet and hammered the trunk hard: "Ness!

"Whew, I'm tired, these big slugs are endless."

Jenny leaned against the trunk of the tree and panted, and he really couldn't beat the slime below, and he would be exhausted if he fought again.

"Jenny, what's your ultimate?" Lauren said as he shot again.

"You can remotely rush to your teammates' side, add a shield to your teammates, and provide... High amount of Fire and Physical Resistance. Jenny said.

Lauren nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "Jenny, you go and help those three hairs, and Yalu and I will help you later!"

Jenny looked surprised: "Shet! My God. You asked me to help those three hairy people who just almost killed us! Are you crazy?

"Now that they're dead, we can't run!" Helping them now is helping us!

Jenny pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, I hope those hairy people won't kill me first." As he

spoke, the shotgun in his hand was reloaded, and red flames appeared on his body before disappearing in place.

When they reappeared, they were already in front of the Lighthouse Nation players, and a layer of fire elemental shields appeared on the bodies of the four of them.

"Yo! Looks like you're in a mess!

Jenny casually taunted, and Jenny still remembered the thing that he had just been beaten and didn't dare to show his head.

"Don't be nosy!"

"If you're going to say that, I'll leave."

Alexei took a breath and said, "Lighthouse Grandma, let's cooperate!" "

Heh, let's talk about it when you're alive!"

Jenny was whipped away by the giant python's tail, but fortunately, the shield resisted most of the damage, and got up unharmed and patted the non-existent dust, which is worthy of protection, and the sense of security is so strong.

After putting another layer of shield on his body, he continued to rush forward, getting rid of the annoying group of water slimes, and Jenny suddenly felt happy.

The water elemental attack is fast enough to break the fire shield!

"Boss! I'm going to have my ultimate charge!

Sergei shouted in surprise, he could feel a majestic power in his body, which could be released at any time.

"Then what are you waiting for, are you going to keep it and go back to your mother-in-law as a bride price!"


...... On the other side....

"Woo woo woo ~ Mom, just let me go over~"

Li Shang lay in Kafka's arms and coquettishly, without the momentum of a supreme disciple at all.

Kafka stroked Li Shang's head, enjoying the present, and said softly: "No, Xiao Zhi said that Xiao Sushang went to play LM."

"There's nothing to do, just now I just wanted to pinch Xiao Zhi's back, who knew that she would hit me in the head, you see my head is swollen now."

Li Sheng absolutely didn't admit that she had just become a warden, and she definitely didn't admit that she was beaten by Xiao Zhi because she almost had foot foot in her mouth.

On the other side, Xiao Zhi was taking a leisurely bath in the pool, and muttered to himself: "This Li Sheng is almost angry with me, why is it like a paramecium that has seen Yayi, speaking of Yayi, I don't know how the old antique has been doing."

"Let her go out to travel together and relax and don't come, guarding her spring every day is like someone stealing."

As he spoke, a chain suddenly appeared in his hand, and he shot towards the bottom of the water, and a splash of several meters was blown out of the water, and a big cyan fish was caught alive.

"Chicken! Extra meals! "


[Congratulations to the Dragon Kingdom players for killing elite-level monsters and getting a bronze treasure chest!] 】




: People are more angry than people!

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