Xiao Zhi wiped her hair after taking a shower, and walked wet with an iron chain, and the chain was tied to the big fish she had just caught.

It was as if the big fish had lost its dreams and turned into a big salted fish!

The reason is very simple, just on the shore, it was beaten by a chicken! It can't beat a fat chicken!

As soon as Xiao Zhi came over, he was attracted by Li Sheng who was sitting next to Kafka.

There is no other reason, it is that Xiao Zhi feels that Li Sheng is too quiet now, as if he is a different person

, Xiao Zhi pointed at Li Shang and asked, "Kafka, what's wrong with this kid?"

"I don't know, it's like a confession after being comfortable."

Kafka lazily leaned back on the chaise longue, which Xiao Zhi didn't know where to dig it out, and it was quite comfortable to lie down.

"Oh, can you grill fish?"

Kafka raised her eyebrows, looked at the big fish behind Xiao Zhi who was dragged by chains and said, "Do you have to grill such a big fish?"

Xiao Zhi laughed: "Just pick some of the most tender places and bake them, and throw away the rest!" The

salted fish lying flat did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and the chains on his body became tighter in an instant, and he saw his headless body before he could struggle.

Originally... I'm dead....

"Take this part of the stew, and take the barbecue here, and throw the rest away!"

The consciousness of the fish head has not completely dissipated, watching the two of them discussing how to eat their bodies, the fish head feels very angry, it really wants to jump up and shout more cumin! Let me take two bites!

In the case of extreme anger, the head of the fish that had already landed miraculously jumped twice, and then it quacked...

Xiao Zhi looked at the lifeless fish head and felt speechless, and the conscious lawgiver just felt extremely angry, and thought that it was going to jump up again and slap himself.

Who knows that's it? Quack!

After the death of the fish head, the reward of the national fortune appeared, and the reward was a lot of bhikshu kings, but with the idea that there was better than nothing, Xiaozhi still put it in his pocket.

What is it called?

It's called refusing to waste!

The time in the national sports space is the same as the time on the blue star, and the night falls quietly, unlike the blue star, there is only one sun for lighting in the national sports space, and there are no stars and moons.

As a result, the world is exceptionally dark after nightfall, but there are also some strange flowers that can emit blue fluorescence in the night.

After the three of them had eaten and drunk enough, they prepared to rest in place for the night, and the rest of the matter was to wait until tomorrow.

In order to prevent two teammates from being bitten by mosquitoes in the wild, the great lawgiver of knowledge modified the consciousness of this world.

In situ it is not reasonable to appear a two-storey cottage!


"What kind of expression did you have, were you also shocked by this hand of the great Lady of the Lawgiver?"

Li Shang looked incredulous, in her impression, the lawgiver of consciousness seemed to be the lawgiver of consciousness... When will you be able to build a house out of thin air like this?

Or does Xiao Zhi go out and bring his own house?!

"How did you do that?"

"Haven't you heard a word?" Xiao Zhi tied his hair and said, "I can't make a decision."

Li Shang subconsciously connected: "Collapse mechanics?

Xiao Zhi snapped his fingers: "That's right!" Hurry up and rest, and take a good walk around the world tomorrow! As he

spoke, all the lights in the house turned on, and Xiao Zhi walked in first.

Li Shang and Kafka stood side by side, Li Shang's hand unconsciously grabbed Kafka on the side, seeing that Kafka did not object, the little hand began to gradually become bolder.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Kafka looked at Li Sheng who was smiling evilly, shook her head helplessly with a smile, and poked a jade finger on Li Shang's head.

"Okay, don't think about anything bad, let's go to rest early! Tomorrow and see where to go.

As he spoke, he walked leisurely towards the second floor, and seeing this, Li Shang also trotted to follow, and shouted in his mouth: "Mom, wait for me!" "

In the dead of night, the picture in the live broadcast room is stagnant outside the house, but the water friends in the live broadcast room are not idle.

: Do you think something is going to happen tonight?

: Are you talking about... Hey, hey, hey....

: Yes, the night is so dark, I think something bad will happen tonight, what are you doing?

: Well, it's me who has a dirty mind.

: But do you think the sword fairy can take the card mother?

: As far as the IQ of the sword fairy, I can take a picture to deceive her a hundred times, and if you want to take it to Kama, take the sword fairy!

: That's right...


The time of the night passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already early in the morning, and when the three of them were sleeping deeply, the prompt of the national fortune suddenly sounded.

[Dragon Kingdom players solve the Glow-in-the-dark Forest Lord Honkai Hilichurl King and successfully trigger the mission: Turf Battle!]

Due to the fall of the Honkai Hilichurl King, the Luminous Forest is unoccupied, and several lords are coming with their men in an attempt to occupy this fertile land. 【

Congratulations to the Dragon Kingdom for triggering the mission: Survival!】 【

Survive the battle of several lords and escape from this area!】 Task reward: (National Fortune Points: 1000, a mystery box, and the national fortune of the country is improved!)

[Congratulations to the Dragon Kingdom for triggering the mission: Attack!] [

Kill all the invading lords and take possession of the Luminous Forest and their abundant lands!] Task reward: (National Luck Points: 5000, a random golden relic selection box, the National Luck Mall is opened!) The national fortune of the country has been greatly improved! Destiny Walker increased by 50!

Xiao Zhi lay on the bed with his eyes closed, listening to the sound of the national fortune prompt that kept making sounds, the green tendons in his little hands burst out, he couldn't bear it anymore, and several chains shot through the house to the sky to express his dissatisfaction.

"You, you don't sleep at night!"

On the second floor, Li Sheng was lying on the bed, trembling slightly, looking sideways at the iron chain that shot out from under the bed beside him and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The chain almost exploded in the skull of his own head by 0.01 centimeter.

Wiping the sweat on his head: "Mom, I almost saw my grandmother waving to me." There

was also a strange noise in the forest, but it still sounded far away, just the roars of various beasts and explosions.

It sounds like two or more monsters have started to fight together.

Kafka lazily opened the door and looked outside: "It's so noisy, it's disgusting to disturb my beauty sleep!"

Kafka was dressed in pajamas, the jacket she had been wearing was still draped over her shoulders, her feet on the cold floor, her toes grabbing.

Li Shang looked at Kafka weakly and said, "Kafka, help me..."

Kafka looked back, and several scarlet chains drilled out of the floor, directly penetrating the wall panels and ceilings, and fixed Li Shang there, but it was not hurt in the slightest.

looked at Li Sheng with a chuckle: "What, did you make Xiao Zhi angry again?" "


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