National Gaowu: I Have An Infinite Replicator

Chapter 126 Ling Yang Was Kidnapped? Acknowledge The Truth! (Please Subscribe!)

"Ling Yang!"

Chen Li'an and Su Nianxue also shouted anxiously when they saw this, but when they looked up, Rong Tianhe had already disappeared into the air with Ling Yang!

"Hold this token, if someone attacks you, activate it directly, no one under Marquis Wu can hurt you at all! The city defense team will come soon!"

"You stay here and watch over, that Zhao Cheng also don't leave, wait to be punished!"

Shen Luo said the first sentence to Chen Li An and the others, and the latter sentence to Rong Baichuan and Zhao Cheng!

Afterwards, he disappeared directly on the spot, ran towards Ling Yang and Rong Tianhe and chased after them!

Eighth-rank Marquis Wu, nearly eighteen times the speed of sound, screamed loudly on the spot!

"Hahaha...well, what a young and solid body...good!"

Listening to the voice behind, Ling Yang felt like a ghost.

If a 28-year-old girl like Su Nianxue said this, Ling Yang would feel relaxed and happy, an old man who is almost 200 years old.........


"Old man, what on earth are you going to do!"

Ling Yang struggled a few times pretendingly, and 31 asked in Lie Gangfeng!

"Hahaha... boy, you will know soon!"

"Hehe, you are a dignified Marquis Wu, I have been caught by you now, what else do you have to worry about?"

Ling Yang said this, let Rong Tianhe prove it.

Indeed, Ling Yang is only a first-rank martial arts master after all!

Tell him the truth, it's okay!

"Hehe, little guy, let you die to understand! Your appearance makes me believe that God treats me well!"

With Rong Tianhe's narration, a story that shocks the world and makes people lose their conscience gradually unfolds!

Rong Tianhe, the genius camp of more than a hundred years ago!

If you are less than a hundred years old, you have already broken through to a martial arts master. Before you break through, you have three sons and a daughter!

However, after the breakthrough, it is crazy to create people!

Even though it was difficult for the Martial Dao Grandmaster to conceive, he couldn't hold back his hard work, and finally Rong Chuan gave birth to this last son, and there were nearly sixty births in total!

But where did those children go?

Because of taking too much of the worst Wuzang powder, Rong Tianhe's body accumulated countless decaying substances, which penetrated deep into the bone marrow!

Although the strengthened internal organs made him stand out on the road of cultivation, but later on, when he was supposed to be in his prime, he felt the rapid loss of vitality, and his appearance also aged rapidly!

He sought medical treatment everywhere, asked senior experts, and finally learned that his body was full of decaying power!

It is these rotten powers that cause him to age rapidly!

After learning the truth, he almost despaired, but the desire to survive made him comprehend a set of extremely evil martial arts!

Or rather, means!

This method can absorb the blood of the closest relatives through devouring, reintegrate into the body, wash away the power of decay in the body, and thus achieve the effect of delaying aging!

Moreover, the higher the cultivation level and the younger the relative's flesh and blood, the more vitality can be provided to him!

That's why Rong Tianhe desperately created humans!

And after the Martial Dao Grandmaster, the children born to him are generally above the level in talent!

All the children, before the age of fifty, no matter what state they reached, were devoured by him, and their lifespan was delayed until now!

Among all the descendants, Rong Chuansheng is of course the most talented!

It was the offspring he gave birth to after he broke through Marquis Wu and tried his best, so he paid so much attention to and doted on him so much!

Especially when encountering a beast horde, Rong Chuansheng has already reached the eighth rank of warrior at a young age!

The future is endlessly bright!

He already had endless hopes, and he did everything he could to send Rong Chuansheng into the best Wuhan University in Dragon Country, where he could receive good training!

If one can break through to become a martial arts master before the age of fifty, then...

Swallowing his blood can delay his lifespan by at least fifty years!

But all this was ruined by Ling Yang!

He's naturally almost insane!

However, the appearance of Ling Yang made him see a turning point in despair!

A martial arts master who is only eighteen years old!

Moreover, both the mental power and the physical body seemed to be extremely strong, and he was able to resist his palm without any harm, and even broke his skin!

This made him hate his rotten body even more, but at the same time he was full of greed for Ling Yang's body and blood!

This evil skill was created by himself, and he has been trying for these years to see if he can use the blood of other geniuses to help him flush out the power of decay in his body!

He tried several times and personally captured some martial artists or great martial artists under the age of 50 as experiments!

The end result was very bad!

It is true that it can help him wash away some rotten power, but the different bloodlines will cause a certain amount of damage to his meridians, making his already withered body worse!

Moreover, the rotten power of washing is also negligible, far inferior to the biological heirs of the same level, or even grandchildren, great-grandchildren!

Why is the Rong family already at least the fifth generation, but still the second generation is in charge?

The outside world speculates that the three Rong Baichuan brothers are too powerful, and that the younger generation of the Rong family did not produce any outstanding talents!

But in fact, my generation, anyone who is a little bit better has been "eaten" by Rong Tianhe!

Even if the income of the grandchildren is not as high as that of the direct children, Rong Tianhe has no other choice!

In a few more days, I'm afraid he will even eat those younger clan members whose bloodlines are extremely thin and talents are extremely low!

He's almost exhausted!

However, Ling Yang appeared in front of his eyes!

After the blood of non-other heirs is drawn, it will indeed damage his meridians and physical body, and there is not much power to wash away the decay!

But, it's because those geniuses aren't geniuses enough!

The most gifted one he has secretly captured, fifty years old, a third-rank great martial artist!

Almost the same as Su Chengan!

The amount that 097 can wash away the rotten power in his body is about one-tenth of that of a direct heir of the same age and level!

But if he devours ten of them in a row, the damaged meridians may cause his physical body to collapse on the spot!

Not worth the candle!

But, if you are younger and have a higher level, you can make up for it!

He once considered Huang Yi of the Wild Wave Hunting Team!

Fifty-four years old, breakthrough martial arts master, a genius in the regiment!

If he was captured to devour his blood and wash away the amount of rotten matter, it would probably be at least equivalent to his own heir of a ninth-rank great martial artist!

But because Huang Yi became an outsider of the city defense team and was a small leader, he was temporarily unable to implement the plan.

However, he saw Ling Yang today!

eighteen years old!

First Rank Martial Dao Grandmaster!

Too young, too young!


I'm afraid this is not a concept that can wash away many decaying substances!

Rong Tianhe even felt that as long as Ling Yang's blood was devoured, the decayed substances in his body might be swept away!

"Hahaha, God, treat me well, treat me well!"

Rong Tianhe laughed out loud.

Ling Yang, who learned everything, sighed secretly, this Rong Tianhe is considered a genius, he created his own martial arts, and has extended his life to this day...

"Then, after listening to the story, why don't I fly?"

"Dragon Divine Art!"

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