National Gaowu: I Have An Infinite Replicator

Chapter 151: Ling Yang Was Trapped? Dream! (Please Subscribe!)


Ling Yang shook his head.

"By the way, who is he and where is his office?"

Ling Yang finished sucking the powder in the bowl, and suddenly thought of this question.

"Boss, who is that old Mr....... and where is his office?"

Ling Yang asked the boss.

The boss came over and took away Ling Yang's bowl, and said with a smile:

"I want to know? The old man didn't pay, so you paid for it?"


"It seems to be cheated!"

Ling Yang was suddenly a little dazed.

"Forget it, two bowls of snail noodles."

"How much boss?"

Ling Yang is ready to pay the bill.

The boss laughed and said:

"A bowl of fifteen, Japanese and Western three bowls.

"But those who don't charge money, use points."


Ling Yang suddenly remembered the big screen in that hall.

Points seem to be related to the training results of this special training camp...

"I haven't, boss."

"It's okay, just put the bracelet here and give it a 'drip'. If you can lose it, points will be deducted from behind you."


Ling Yang didn't even need to think about it, these points must be very important, why was he cheated of thirty points by an old man he didn't know for no reason?


"Come on, on my own."

The boss laughed and said:

"Then I won't tell you where the old man is."

Ling Yang chuckled:

"Oh, I don't plan to go to him, love so and so.


Ling Yang brushed his bracelet, got up and left.

"This kid......"

The boss froze for a moment, then smiled wryly and said to himself:

"The general didn't trick anyone this time."

"But it's okay for the general to cheat this little guy for what?"

The boss didn't know why, but he didn't think too much about it. After all, in his opinion, Ling Yang was only a second-rank martial artist.

"Teacher! We are here for training and not in prison, why don't you let us go out!"

"That's right, didn't you start training? What happened when we went out for a walk?"

In the entire thirteen cities of Suzhou Province, among the selected geniuses, there are a total of five or six hundred people in front of you.

On average, there are more than 50 people in each city.

Ling Yang found Su Nianxue in the northeast corner. At this time, there were many people making noises in other places, so it was quiet here.

"What are you doing〃?"

Ling Yang picked up the chopsticks, took a sip of the long fish noodles, and pointed at the group of students over there with his chin.

"Arguing for permission to be released, let's go shopping."

Su Nianxue picked out more than half of the noodles in the bowl and gave it to Ling Yang, the day said.

"It's so normal. Who doesn't want to go shopping in such a city, and so do I."

Ling Yang took a bite of the shredded fish and found that there were actually two pieces of fried pork ribs in the long fish noodles!

What you do here is exquisite!

"Students, whether you can go out or not, we teachers don't matter, the initiative is in your hands."

Finally, a teacher finished his meal and stood up to speak.

Ling Yang looked at it, and remembered that it seemed to be the teacher in charge of Huicheng or Tongcheng?

A middle-aged man in his forties.

"Teacher, how can we get out? The elevator can only light up those floors.

"Simple, don't press the elevator with your fingers, use your wristband. Go to which floor, press which floor."

The middle-aged teacher said with a smile.

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple!"

Ling Yang and Su Nianxue are naturally listening, Su Nian said:

"Use the bracelet to press the elevator? Shouldn't you be deducting points?"

Just now he has already paid for two bowls of long fish noodles, and the round ones are bracelets.

Sure enough, the middle-aged teacher went on to say:

"However, if you want to go to other floors, you need to collect certain points. The points for each floor are fixed. However, how many points you charge depends on how many elevator floors you have taken."

"For example, if you live on the 24th floor, if you want to go to the first floor, then multiply the basic points by 24..."

"If you go to the 30th floor, multiply the base points by six.

"So you understand what I mean?"

Some students immediately said after hearing this:

"Teacher! How should I get points? I have already earned more than 500 points for a meal just now!"

"Ate more than five hundred in one sitting?"

Ling Yang looked at the person who spoke, Zhuang Haofei, and that Ge Qing was sitting at a table not far from him.

The table was full of all kinds of food, each of which didn't seem to take a few bites.

Apart from Ling Yang who knew Zhuang Haofei, there were many students who didn't stand up and protest around the teacher, the expressions on their faces were incomparably rich!

These students have one thing in common, that is, their grades are generally very high, they seem to know what points are, and the food in front of them is relatively simple.

"Could it be that before these people came here, their family members had told them some precautions about the special training camp?"

"Then Zhuang Haofei's family is okay, why didn't the elders say anything to Zhuang Haofei?"

Ling Yang expressed doubts, but in fact, he had already determined in his heart that the points might be quite precious.

"Hehe, how to get this point, you will know later. In short, if you want to go on, you need to spend points.

"Of course, those who don't want to spend points can take the stairs for free."

The teacher looked around at a group of students and smiled, then tidied up and left.

"Ling Yang, I don't feel right."

Ling Yang laughed:

"々 Is there something wrong with the points, or something wrong with taking the stairs?"

Su Nianxue was stunned for a moment, and said:

"Integral points, but what you said, I don't think it's right to take the stairs. y

Ling Yang said:

"Where in the world is there a free lunch?"

Soon, Ling Yang and Su Nianxue heard screams coming from their ears, followed by medical staff in blue coats, carrying several bloody students, quickly passing by the entrance of the restaurant .

These are the students who are just about to go down the stairs.

"Oh, idiot."

Not far from Ling Yang and the others, a well-built boy with hair that seemed to have been blown up by a bomb sneered disdainfully.

Ling Yang was slightly taken aback when he saw him.

Eighth-rank martial artist, the level is not low, except for Su Nianxue, this year's cultivation is the highest.

But what makes Ling Yang stunned is not his level, but a big basin in front of him!

Yes, an iron basin, the kind for washing your face!

There is still a small half pot of rice in it, which seems to be mixed with some dishes.

The boy held a spoon for rice (Li's good) in his hand, and he ate up the rice in the basin with just a few spoons.

Su Nianxue also slightly grew her small mouth.

Although warriors have a lot of food, it is a bit exaggerated to eat with a washbasin.

"Hey bro, is rice cheap here?"

When the big man with afro passed by Ling Yang, Ling Yang took the initiative to ask.

The afro glanced at Ling Yang, and said in a low voice:

"Well, it's free, but if you buy a pot, you'll get five points."

After Afro finished speaking, he thought for a while and turned to Ling Yang and said:

"I suggest that you eat rice in the future, with two stir-fried vegetables."

"Thirty-one bowls of long fish noodles are enough for the two of you to earn grandchildren for three days."

After finishing speaking, Afro left early...

(The flowers are four thousand, and the evaluation votes have also increased by more than four hundred. Let's round up, and the total is one thousand, that is, four chapters plus updates. Including the reminders and rewards from the big guys, there is still three more changes. Seventh update.....It's drizzle, it will be added until next Tuesday at most, adding more makes me happy!).

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