National Gaowu: I Have An Infinite Replicator

Chapter 169 To The Enemy, One Should Not Be Kind (Plus More!)

Even if this high-level healing medicine is in the base, it is still a very good thing. A piece costs thousands of points, and generally no one is willing to buy it. They just spend money to buy some low-level healing medicine.

Intermediate is fine.

"Take it and heal your wounds first, and treat it as your reward for providing me with information."

When Ling Yang said that, Xiao Beiguan naturally couldn't say anything more.

People's "predecessors" don't care about these things, and the refusal is to refute their face.

After distributing the healing medicine to his team members, Beiguan walked to Ling Yang again.

"I mainly want to know, what is going on with these alien races, why are there so many?"

What Ling Yang refers to is not the number of alien races, but the types.

Although the gathering places of foreign races in the book, except for a few foreign races that are xenophobic, many foreign races actually communicate and live together.

But among the dozens of alien races on the ground, there are seven or eight "eight-nine-three" races, which is a bit too much and goes against common sense.

Xiao Beiguan was taken aback for a moment, the information they had was actually related to this, but thinking about it, this was not something he wanted to say on his own initiative, and it was indeed not classified as a secret.

"Reporting to my predecessors, we have been sneaking into several villages where kobolds gather for nearly two months, and found that in the past two months, many other alien races have gathered towards the kobold tribe."

Ling Yang and so on, but, no more...

"That's it?"

Ling Yang asked in surprise.



Ling Yang asked again.

Xiao Beiguan was stunned for a moment, then said:

"Specifically, there are these races..."


Ling Yang interrupted with a wave...

This is the same as not asking, it is something that can be seen with the naked eye.

However, if he hadn't met such a small team, Ling Yang would not have realized so quickly that so many races had come to the kobold clan.

"Just talk about the approximate number and scale of the races."

Xiao Beiguan nodded and said:

"As far as we know, there are about eleven races who came to the kobold tribe successively. The scale was not very large at the beginning, but after two months, more and more people gathered. We felt something was wrong and wanted to investigate further. After a while, it was discovered."

"Where did you go to be found? There are so many races there?"

Xiao Beiguan nodded:

"It's here..."

He took out the leather map and showed it to Ling Yang. Although there were bloodstains on it, the direction could still be vaguely cleared after drying.

"This is the core area of ​​the nearby kobold tribe..."

Ling Yang looked at it and frowned.

The kobold tribe occupies a large area, but because the land is barren, there are relatively few people in each gathering place, and there may be as few as three or five households to form a tribe.

The place marked by Xiao Beiguan is within a few hundred miles, a large tribe of several thousand people, and manages a large number of kobolds around it.

However, the institutional civilization of alien races is indeed incomparable to that of human beings. It is said that it is management, but in fact it is to collect protection fees occasionally, and the lives of each tribe hardly interfere with each other.

Also attack each other.

"You go back directly to where I came from, there should be no danger."

Ling Yang pointed behind him. There were not many ferocious beasts in the woods, and their levels were not high.

Ling Yang had found and killed the highest-level gold-ranked beasts, and several high-level silver-ranked beasts were also slaughtered by Ling Yang.

Although the smell of fresh blood is easy to attract ferocious beasts, the bloody smell of silver-ranked and gold-ranked ferocious beasts can deter low-level ferocious beasts, keeping them from approaching the place Ling Yang passed by for the time being.

"Thank you senior."

Xiao Beiguan and the others did not delay anything, and all members saluted Ling Yang as a military salute.

A few of them were in relatively good physical strength, and the less injured team members picked up the corpses of their teammates on the ground and rushed to the camp.

"My task is to find out how many other races have come to the kobold tribe, and why so many have come..."

"Xiao Beiguan and the others have been investigating in the foreign race world for two months, and found about eleven different races, which saved me a lot of effort."

"And there is a specific location..."

Ling Yang thought about it:

"The one who agreed to let me come in to pick up the money? It seems that the money is not easy to pick up..."

"Fortunately, my goal is not this..."

Rongyuan Fruit can increase the absorption of Yuanli within a certain period of time, which is very useful and can save upgrade time.

Time is life, the younger the age, the higher the level, the more thoroughly the body and soul will be nourished, and the road ahead will be easier.

This is common sense.

Ling Yang can quickly level up with his own combat power, but with Rongyuan Fruit, he can get twice the result with half the effort, who wants to spend that hard work?

Moreover, it took Ling Yang a full two months to be promoted from a great martial artist to a martial arts master....

Don't look at the promotion from a first-rank martial arts master to a second-rank martial arts master, it will be very fast, within an hour or so.

But that time Ling Yang really felt the mortal crisis besieged by several silver beasts.

If it weren't for relying on his physical strength, he took a few hard blows and exchanged injuries for his life, I'm afraid he would really have confessed.

It is true that wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, but Ling Yang still hopes to be a little safer.

But if it is safe to slowly hunt high-level ferocious beasts, or hunt aliens here, based on the upgrade speed from a great martial artist to a martial arts master, he is now a second-rank martial arts master, and it will take a long time to upgrade to the Wuhou realm. How many times.........

There are not so many silver-level fierce beasts and alien races, so it is troublesome to find them, and it is extremely dangerous to pull out carrots and bring out mud if you are not careful.

After all, they are also waiting to kill you so that you can level up. As soon as they do it, they greet you, and they will besiege you.

It was like this last time in the depths of the wilderness on the border of Su Cheng. There was already a silver ferocious beast, but it was not killed in time. After a roar, several more came.

Silver level, whether it is a beast or a foreign race, the speed is too fast.

"It is impossible to go back and hand in the task. If the trouble is within the acceptable range, I will solve it smoothly?"

Ling Yang cannot be said to be arrogant, but rather confident.

He really intends to kill a few stronger ones first if he finds out that alien races are gathering, and if there are any unruly intentions, the low-level 5.8 ones can't cause any big trouble

His main goal is Rongyuan Fruit.

In a village of kobolds, there are kobolds kneeling and kowtowing in front of Ling Yang.

A female kobold, the strength is probably gold level.

There were three or four cubs under their knees, all knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Ling Yang.

The equivalent of a human doll...

Ling Yang looked at these young kobolds with infinite fear in their clear eyes.

I'm afraid many people would be hard-pressed to kill, but Ling Yang saw the jerky hanging on the ropes to dry...

Human hands, feet, heads, and withered appearances are clearly recognizable.


A burst of blood spurted out, and all the kobolds in front of them, no matter how old or young they were, were beheaded by Ling Yang.

This is not the time for mercy, nor is it the place for mercy. .

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