National Gaowu: I Have An Infinite Replicator

Chapter 173: Ling Yang's Wrath, Massacring The City! (Plus More!)

But it's not enough, not far enough!

The most ideal result envisaged by Ling Yang is that the five Baijin powerhouses beat each other to the bone!

In this way, he is sure to take advantage of the chaos to instantly kill one, or even two!


Looking at the ninth- and eighth-rank powerhouses of the Heijia clan rushing over, Ling Yang put on a stern smile on his face under the mask.

"They're all dead, so the so-called Catacomb King must be Lan?!"

"The Heijia tribe is bullying too much! Brothers, kill them!"

Ling Yang let out an angry roar, and then rushed forward, directly smashing into the group of gold ranks of the Black Armor Clan!

The strength remains below Wuhou level, but it exceeds the ordinary gold level nine!

Seventh and eighth ranks, you will die if you meet!

The other kobolds are also extremely powerful, they have also suffered for two months!

Although there are also some cowards, but still - how many people rushed out!

"Kill kill kill!"

All of a sudden, people turned their backs on their backs, and before the other races could understand the situation, there were already several corpses on the ground!

There are kobolds and black armors!

However, the fighting power of the Black Armor Clan was really good, almost all the dead were killed by Ling Yang, and none of the kobolds were killed!

But who cares?!

Killed by Ling Yang, it was killed by the kobolds!

The Catacomb King saw that he was blocked in this way, and two or three of his cronies died immediately, plus the first two, almost all of them were dead, and he went crazy!

"Damn! I must kill you today!"

"How dare you! This is my clan's territory, Catacomb King, you pass!"

"Stone King, there is no need for your lineage to exist. Let's destroy your dog-head clan today!"

The Catacomb King roared, and shot directly!

The Stone King was angry, but he yelled:

"Okay, good! Today you destroy my clan, tomorrow you go to kill the mushroom people, and the day after tomorrow you go to kill the green-skinned barbarians! Are you still not doing it?! It is very important for us not to have the black armor clan!"

His eyes even turned to the leader of the Baijin fifth-rank hyena clan!

The leader of the hyena tribe has been staying out of the matter, but at this time he was suddenly involved.

He felt that something was wrong with Ling Yang, but at this moment, the Catacomb King of the Heijia Clan was completely insane!

In other words, he was really afraid of the hyena king's attack!

"Hyena King! How dare you offend my Black Armor Clan?!"

The Hyena King squinted his eyes, then stood up and stepped into the air:

"The resources of the human territory, our four clans are enough!"

"Your death will be caused by the human race!"

At this time Ling Yang has almost killed all the gold ranks of the Black Armor Clan!

And the other kobolds spontaneously started to snipe and kill all the black armor tribes!

The green-skinned barbarians and the mushroom tribe also attacked the black tribe directly after their leaders attacked!

And hyenas!

The originally arrogant Heijia clan turned into a completely beaten character at this time!

"You, you, very good!"

If the hyena king doesn't make a move, the real estate king won't be afraid of the three leaders of the dog-head tribe, the green-skinned barbarian tribe and the mushroom tribe joining forces!

But the hyena king made a move, and the four of them joined forces to attack, and he would definitely die!

"Just wait for me! When my clan uncle frees his hand, you will all die!"

After all, the Catacomb King of the Heijia tribe immediately started to run away!

"Since he has done it, he can't live, he must be killed!"

The hyena king who made the last move was the most decisive. He dodged to catch up with the Catacomb King and slapped him on the back with one paw!

But the Baijin-level black-armored double-claw clan has a solid defense!

Received a paw from Baijin's fifth-level hyena king, but he was unscathed!

"You can't kill me!"

The Catacomb King taunted and fled crazily. The four chiefs of various clans chased and intercepted him, forcing him back again and again!

Ling Yang looked at the five leaders who were gradually going away, and the dagger in his hand disappeared, replaced by two sets of forward and reverse flywheels rotating at high speed!

The terrifying tearing energy directly scraped the ground into two grooves!

"Hey guys..."

Ling Yang's voice was loud, and many of the aliens from the Golden Realm who were watching the show and chasing and killing the Black Armored Double Claws turned their heads and looked at the cracked empty wheels in Ling Yang's hands with some surprise.

"Human meat, is it delicious?"

The face under Ling Yang's mask showed a cruel smile, and the flywheel in his hand shot instantly!

Twenty sets of flywheels flew out of Ling Yang's hands one after another!

The number of flywheels he can perfectly control now is actually fifteen sets!

Yes, reached fifteen groups!

Twenty groups, Ling Yang can't control it perfectly!

However, he didn't want to control it at all!

For the first time, Yang directly let the flywheel fly out of the medical control for the first time!

Aliens are all around, cut it up, kill it!

No one can escape today!

There are more than 40 gold-level aliens left, none of them can stop the strangulation of Ling Yang's flywheel!

...asking for flowers......

They didn't react, they were already dead!

Especially the kobolds closest to Ling Yang!

When they reacted, they wanted to join forces to kill Ling Yang, but they came over and killed a few!

If you want to escape through the air, it is far inferior to Ling Yang's speed of throwing the flywheel!

After pouring several sticks of the special-grade pull-back potion in his mouth, Ling Yang seemed to have turned into a flywheel launcher!

None of the gold-level foreign races could escape, and all of them died under Lingyang's flywheel!

Dozens of strands of energy poured into Ling Yang's body, but Ling Yang didn't realize it!

In this city of kobolds, he doesn't want to leave anyone alive!

On the stone table, the human girl who was torn apart was still lying quietly!

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Ling Yang really went crazy for once!


Drinking the special power-boosting potion, the cracked empty wheel did not retract at all, and shot everywhere!

The whole city is now densely packed with alien races, and the flywheels fly randomly, and the corpses are separated!

Of course there are gold ranks outside, but that's Ling Yang's main target!

Blood flowed like rivers in the city, and the clan wailed!

The earth and rock buildings could not stand the devastation of Cracked Sky Wheel, and turned into ruins one after another!

The five Baijin-level leaders flew to nowhere, but this alien city was killed by Ling Yang from south to north, and from east to west!

Ling Yang doesn't know if there are any aliens who have escaped, he only knows that the anger in his heart still hasn't dissipated!

When those two balls of bright red flesh covered with blood appeared in front of him, his anger today is destined to be difficult to dissipate!

Ling Yang jumped thousands of meters into the air, and poured dozens of super-strength potions into his mouth, until the meridians all over his body swelled!

The super-strengthening potion's ability to continuously restore the energy is superimposed layer by layer, Ling Yang will not be exhausted within five seconds!

He was condescending, and a phantom of a tiger's head kept zooming in and zooming out in his hands!

Within five seconds, the fifteen caves are exhausted again and again and replenished!

The endless energy is poured into the day tiger!

In this blow, Ling Yang didn't pursue concentrated attack power, because the enemies worthy of Ling Yang's attack were all dead!

The city on the ground is already in ruins, and the number of living alien gods is small and small!

But Ling Yang still felt that it was not enough!

not enough!

(This is the addition of five hundred evaluation votes! On).

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