National Gaowu: I Have An Infinite Replicator

Chapter 189 Go Grab Something, Or Flip The Table! (Please Subscribe!)

In case it really explodes...

Then pull it down.

Nothing can compare to becoming Marquis Wu himself!

Looking back in less than half a year, I went from being a first-rank martial artist to becoming a Marquis of Wu that people look up to...

"The system..."

Ling Yang shook his head with emotion.

Of course there was his hard work in the middle, but if there is no system, he is afraid that he still has to work hard to get into a Wuhan University.

Ling Yang took eight Baijin-level aliens to search. Fortunately, the treasure house of White Shark City is underground, and it is very solid, and there is not even a large-scale collapse.

Ling Yang even found some comatose white horseshoe crabs inside.

Naturally, it was directly killed.

The eight Baijin-level foreign races didn't dare to say anything, they just thought it was Ling Yang's idea of ​​wealth.

"Help me pack these herbs and ores, don't want any of those porcelains!"

Just kidding, porcelain and cloth "087" materials are very valuable to foreigners, but to Ling Yang, a human race, they are worthless.

He distributed the space ring to the eight Baijin alien races.

It can be regarded as waste utilization, and it is not too late to kill after using it.

The treasure trove of the White Shark Clan is not small, and some places need to be excavated by hand. Ling Yang has taken a fancy to these eight free laborers.

As for the eight Baijin alien races, they also took advantage of Cai to kill Ling Yang?

The possibility is zero, the bloodline and hierarchy of the alien race are too strict, and no one dares not to abide by it.

Not to mention killing Ling Yang, the "Moon Ape Clan", even if they were asked to kill a White Shark Clan, they wouldn't dare!

And the bloodline of the Moon Ape Clan is several grades above that of the White Horseshoe Clan!

Eight alien races dug and harvested, and finally filled the sixteen space rings given by Yang.

They are all space rings of ten cubic meters. On the side of the foreign race, space rings are really scarce. After killing 13 leaders of the White Shark tribe, only fifteen space rings were found from them.

Almost one per person!

Look at Rong Tianhe, what he is carrying is one hundred cubic meters, and there are more than ten empty space rings in the ring!

More than ten per person!

One hundred and sixty cubic meters is obviously not enough to store all the resources in White Shark City, even if Ling Yang has jumped to a higher level.

"The rest, you take it."

Ling Yang waved his hand, they only thought that Ling Yang was a tip for them.

The eight alien races immediately went to collect resources happily.

Ling Yang picks the rest, although they don't like it anymore, but the alien race is barren, and the ethnic group needs it!


Ling Yang once again harvested eight full space rings, and eight Baijin-level alien body parts...

The eight Baijin-level aliens couldn't figure out why Ling Yang suddenly killed them!

Facing eight Baijin-level foreign races at the same time, this is Ling Yang's test of his current combat power.


It can't be said to kill instantly, but you can kill whoever you want, and no one can escape!

The speed of the Dragon God Art has reached an unimaginable level!

Even if Ling Yang doesn't use the Dragon God Art, his flying speed has already reached eleven times the speed of sound with his cultivation!

"After the news is sent back, the base will definitely take precautions."

"The most important thing to do now is to go to the Rongyuan Secret Realm to get involved, even if I can't get the so-called Rongyuan Supreme Fruit, it must not be difficult to snatch the Rongyuan Fruit.

"Maybe you can take the opportunity to directly destroy the most sacred fruit of Rongyuan. If the human race can't get it, then everyone don't take it!"

Ling Yang knew that if he wanted to compete for the most holy fruit of Rongyuan among the crowd of martial kings with his own strength, the probability of success was extremely slim!

Then flip the table!

Grandma has a leg.

But before that, Ling Yang needs to improve his strength to the top!

take medicine!

Raise your stature!

It can feel that its indestructible golden body may be accomplished at the Marquis Wu level!

At that time, I am afraid that I will be able to achieve real rebirth of severed limbs!

This is directly equivalent to opening another blood lock, how can ordinary people fight Ling Yang!

"The Rongyuan Secret Realm is located in the southwest of the entire Alien World, near the center, and it is about 70,000 to 80,000 kilometers away from here!"

Ling Yang took out the map and roughly calculated the distance between Rongyuan Secret Realm and White Horseshoe City according to the scale!

The alien camp of the Suzhou base is probably located in the northeast corner of the alien world, a relatively marginal location!

Almost all bases will do this, be safe!

But the problem is, if Ling Yang wants to go to Rongyuan Secret Realm, he will have to cross almost half of the foreign world!

The area of ​​the alien world is larger than that of the human world!

The straight-line distance is nearly 80,000 kilometers!

Twice the circumference of the Earth!

If Ling Yang didn't use the Dragon God Art and flew at the speed of a first-rank Marquis Wu, he would only fly 13,000 kilometers in one hour!

Flying over, it would take six hours non-stop!

Where can ordinary people stand?!

Ling Yang has enough energy, no less than King Wu, so he doesn't have to worry about energy, and his physical strength is also enough, but this is not a rampant thing, how dare he fly all the way in a straight line?

The alien world also has a place similar to the wilderness. If you are not careful, there will be a few powerful beasts inside!

Especially if you go straight, you need to cross a sea of ​​alien races!

What is in the sea has always been a taboo in the human world!

In short, the sea world is far more terrifying than the land world!

Therefore, Ling Yang must take a detour, and must maintain the best fighting condition at all times, and cannot let himself be too tired, so it is impossible to fly all the time!

Ling Yang compared the map and planned the route according to the cities built by some relatively powerful foreign races...

After avoiding a lot of very dangerous places, the connected lines made a big circle!

The distance of about 80,000 kilometers has directly doubled!

"I have to leave quickly, otherwise the yellow wreaths may be cold!"

Next, Ling Yang needs to keep a low profile and not kill all the way.

Because along the way, there are cities built by foreign races with high-level blood, and there may be emperor-level masters or even respect-level masters in them!

If Ling Yang destroys a city like this again, he is definitely looking for death. Those high-level alien races will not be afraid of the Moon Ape Clan 5.3, and there are even races stronger than the Moon Ape Clan, not a few!

However, if the opportunity is good, it is not impossible to destroy one or two foreign cities to improve the cultivation base...

But when I think of killing five king-level alien races to level up...

Ling Yang was a little desperate.

It's not about whether you can kill it, but about killing a king and getting five...

It is impossible for the higher-ups in the alien world not to notice him.

Or you have to kill a large number of low-level aliens to pile up.

Similar to the city of the White Horseshoe Clan, destroy five or six of them...

"Forget it, the matter of upgrading, if there is no particularly suitable opportunity, don't think about it for the time being, first find a relatively safe and stable city, and upgrade the golden body!"

Ling Yang is now waiting for the level of the golden body to increase, and the success rate of entering the Rongyuan Secret Realm to compete for treasures will be much higher!

Or, the confidence of flipping the table will be much greater!.

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