National Gaowu: I Have An Infinite Replicator

Chapter 195 Hunting Time! Cultivation Has Been Improved Crazily! (Please Subscribe!)

All the king-level powerhouses, as well as the emperor-level powerhouses, have entered the core area of ​​the Rongyuan secret realm at this moment!

All of them are here for the most sacred fruit of Rongyuan. At this time, I am afraid that the surrounding area will be overthrown, and it is impossible for them to have any time to take care of the peripheral affairs!

Relying on this point, Ling Yang began to kill without any scruples!

Ling Yang, who already has the strength to rival the Martial King, killed these Baijin-level aliens, isn't it easy?!

Not to mention full power!

Dozens of flywheels are like deadly ghosts, including Baijin Jiupin, there is no one-handed enemy of Ling Yang!

Even if there are hordes of Baijin class to surround Ling Yang, it's just a lot of effort and effort!

In the end, they can only give food and experience to Ling Yang!

Also, countless space rings and their resources!

Come to Rongyuan Secret Realm, how can you not have a space ring in your hand?!

At least one team!

This is already a very poor alien race!

Most teams, each person is equipped with at least one or two space rings!

Those alien races with higher bloodlines have several of them!

Although they 31 didn't bring many things into the secret realm, but there were quite a few who found treasures. They were killed by Ling Yang, and all their things became Ling Yang's spoils of war!

"Who are you?! As a member of the same family, why do you want to kill me?!"

In front of Ling Yang is a group of Moon Apes!

Yes, Moon Apes!

It looks like Ling Yang is not the slightest difference!

But now Ling Yang is mercilessly slashing his butcher knife at these Moon Apes!

The Moon Ape Clan is worthy of being a strong clan, wait for it!

There are twenty people in the team!

Baijin Ninth Rank Five!

For the rest, the lowest level is Baijin sixth order!

But even so, it only cost Ling Yang a moment!

All Moon Ape Clan, perish!

"My king! There are traitors in my family, there are traitors in my family!"

When the last Baijin ninth-level foreign race died, he let out a wild cry!

But the Moon Ape Clan is now in the center of the Rongyuan Secret Realm, competing for the most sacred fruit of Rongyuan, where can we hear the shouts from the periphery?!

In fact, it is no longer the periphery!

Almost in the middle!

Ling Yang hunted and killed these alien races, and has hunted and killed 3,500 of them!

A total of 3,500 Baijin levels!

The lowest Baijin Sanpin!

At this time, Ling Yang's cultivation has also reached the fourth rank Wuhou!

More than 3,500 Baijin-level foreign races, the regiment Ling Yang has reached the fourth-rank Wuhou!

"Wuhou level, the gap between each level is even bigger!"

"If you only kill Baijin level, even if you kill all Baijin level nine, you will need nine hundred and sixty if you want to upgrade to Wuhou fifth rank!"

"There are foreign races that can enter the secret realm, there are at every level, although there are quite a few Baijin ninth-level, but I have almost killed all the ones I saw along the way!"

"Where can I kill nearly a thousand Baijin ninth rank?!"

"According to the average energy absorbed by killing all the alien races now, if I want to be promoted to rank nine Marquis, I'm afraid I have to kill more than Kai Fang Kai!"

"Although there are a lot of Baijin-level aliens who entered the Rongyuan Secret Realm this time, but 55,000?!"

"Are there really so many?!"

Ling Yang, he calculated very carefully!

I have five dantians, but the first dantian is multiplied by two!

Equivalent to six dantians!

The sum of the energy he has absorbed is evenly distributed to the more than 3,500 aliens killed by him, and an average value is taken!

Calculated according to this value, he would have to kill at least 55,000 Baijin-level aliens to reach rank nine Wuhou!

Whether there are so many Baijin-level alien races in the entire Rongyuan secret realm is still unknown!

"Never mind it! Anyway, the competition for Rong Yuan Fruit will definitely not come to fruition in a day or two!"

"I'm here to take advantage of the great opportunity to kill slowly!"

"Kill all the Baijin-level alien races who will enter this fusion realm!"

"If it's on the battlefield, how can these Baijin-level alien races be so easy to kill? Each of them will take the lives of countless people in my human race!"

"Kill one more now, and if there is a war in the future, the sacrifice of the human race will be one point less!"

"What's more, it can be upgraded by the way!"

"At most I'm a little tired!"

"But in order to reduce the sacrifice of the human race, this is nothing!"

Ling Yang is not the Holy Mother, but if he can reduce the deaths of his own kind, he can still spend some effort to do so!

And a rare opportunity!

With this opportunity, outsiders can't get in, and the inside can threaten the existence of Ling Yang, all of them are attracted by the treasure!

Golden opportunity!

Those alien saints outside, and even the martial saints of the human race don't know what will happen in the secret territory!

Even Ling Yang himself may not know!

When he killed all the Baijin-level alien races in the entire secret realm, what does this mean for the entire alien race!

This means that the middle foundation is directly cut off!

Although not all Baijin-level foreign races entered the secret realm, they have reached one-fifth!

One-fifth of the roots were basically cut off in the middle!

Most of them have the potential to become kings!

Without this potential, I dare not come to Rongyuan Secret Realm to take risks!

It can be said that what Ling Yang will do next is far more important than what he imagined!

It may even be comparable to directly grabbing the most sacred fruit of Rongyuan!

Ling Yang, who has no scruples, directly performs the Dragon God Art, and starts a carpet-like search in the Rongyuan Secret Realm!

The powerful mental power is completely released, covering a radius of several kilometers!

All aliens have nothing to hide!


The flywheel shoots, and the alien races fall in pieces!

Put away the loot, Ling Yang continues to chase the next batch of aliens! 263

And Ling Yang's level is also constantly rising and improving!

Water drops wear stones, rope saws wood breaks!

Although the Yuan power provided to Ling Yang by the Baijin-level aliens is getting smaller and smaller, but Ling Yang has killed too many!

So much so that Ling Yang can only keep taking millennium glazed jade syrup to keep his mind clear, so as not to be corrupted by killing and blood!

There is no sunrise and sunset in Rongyuan Secret Realm, but Ling Yang always pays attention to the time!

When he flew dozens of miles in the secret realm and couldn't find a Baijin-level alien race, three days had passed!

In the past three days, Ling Yang has already killed more than 54,500 Baijin-level alien races!

His cultivation base is only the last trace away from the ninth rank Wuhou!

It's tiring, but the rewards are huge!

In three days, from rank one Wuhou, soared to the peak of rank eight!

"This should be the last batch of aliens!"

Ling Yang's spiritual power sensed a large group of Baijin-level aliens!

The number exceeds three thousand!

Yes, more than three!

In the past few days, all Baijin-level foreign races have also noticed that someone is deliberately hunting!

And the last few waves of aliens that Ling Yang killed exceeded a thousand people!

This means that in the face of the unknown danger of Ling Yang, all the alien races have temporarily abandoned the contradictions, and are temporarily united together!

However, this is totally a package delivery for Ling Yang!.

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