National Gaowu: I Have An Infinite Replicator

Chapter 207: All Saints Take Action, Suppress! (Please Subscribe!)

This time, I thought that the emperor rank was the top rank, and the fall would be the king rank at most!

It's too hard to want to die at the imperial level, unless it's a targeted shot at the honor level or above!

But now, in less than two minutes, the one-eyed titan emperor, who was considered to be quite capable in the imperial class, died!


Among the large dark brown tentacles, a blood-red giant tentacle, whose thickness and length are dozens of times thicker than other tentacles, burst out from the place where the one-eyed titan emperor died!

The terrifying and weird energy on it is no longer thick enough to cover up!

This tentacle can easily kill the emperor!

"Back! Go back!"

All races, including the human race, dare not wait and see!

Even the emperor will fall!

Everyone ran wildly, and then flew into the air one after another at high speed to reveal the secret realm of Rongyuan!

More of those tentacles!

Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of tentacles poured out of the dense fog, forming a brown wave, rolling towards the outside of the Rongyuan Secret Boundary!

The core position is the huge blood-red tentacles that day!

Outside the secret realm, countless voices fled out one after another!

All the saints who had been waiting outside, as well as more nobles, emperors, and kings, cheered up instantly!

"Where is the most sacred fruit of Rongyuan?!"

There are 050 saints who ask, and there are more respectful and strong faces showing eagerness!

However, the more than forty emperors who rushed out opened their mouths in panic!

"The secret realm is destroyed, and there is a great terror! The Rongyuan Fruit Forest is also destroyed!"


"what happened?!"

There is no need for the person who came out to explain, the whole Rongyuan secret realm trembled for a while, and then a huge space crack appeared, and the whole secret realm was directly torn apart!

Countless tentacles gushed out like a frenzy!

"what is that?!"

In the sky, more than a dozen saint-level eyes were fixed, and then they shot boldly!


More than a dozen saints are like gods, intertwined with various indescribable forces, and they have stabilized the Yuanyuan Secret Realm that was about to fall apart!

And those tentacles, under the control of more than a dozen holy-level powerhouses, seemed to freeze instantly!

Only the extremely thick blood-red tentacles, like a pillar of heaven, are still shaking slowly!

However, all saints have shocking expressions on their faces!

These tentacles are still struggling!

"What's going on here?! What about the most sacred fruit of Rongyuan?!"

There is a holy class inquiry!

The emperor of the Blood Jade Fairy Fairy Clan panicked and said:

"I don't know! But almost all the kings of various clans who entered the fruit forest died! No one brought out even a single Rongyuan fruit!"

The rest of the emperor class also opened their mouths, and briefly talked about what happened in the secret realm, including the feeling that Ling Yang broke through the king class, and other races couldn't wait to enter.

"Baijin class, none of them came out..."

"Is it all dead?"

The faces of the saints are not good!

That's tens of thousands of Baijin levels!

And the level and qualifications are not low!

Most of them have the qualifications to become kings!

Plus hundreds of high-level kings who died!

This time, the loss of the alien race as a whole is too great!

The various races scanned by the saints:

"Where are the survivors in the Rongyuan Fruit Forest!"

When the holy level speaks, all ethnic groups must obey, except in wartime.

And now, everyone wants to know what happened in the forest!

Twenty or thirty kings, including the human race, stood up.

That's right, there are more than 310 king-level powerhouses, except for the 200 or so killed by Ling Yang, those are the only ones who are alive!

This means that eighty kings of different races were killed and swallowed by those tentacles!

"My lords! We didn't go too deep, and we didn't find the Moon Ape Clan named Mo Shan, so we were hunted down by these tentacles and managed to escape!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

Everyone is saying the same thing, and Yang Ye is naturally following the good.

No one knew it was the Moon Ape Clan!

The saint-level powerhouses glanced at each other and waved everyone back to the team.

The four martial saints of the human race looked at Ling Yang.

They haven't seen Ling Yang!

There is racial segregation among different races, unless you are talented (dbad) people, you will be face-blind to see other races!

But humans don't exist!

They don't know Ling Yang!

However, none of them opened their mouths!

Yang Dingbang of the human race said:

"The Moon Ape Clan named Mo Shan has been in the dense forest for nearly two days, and he must have collected most of the Rongyuan Fruit and Rongyuan Zhili!

"That's right, his body, his interspatial ring, we need to find it!"


All saints have reacted!

Although the person may be dead, the space ring is very strong, so it should not be damaged!

Anyway, this Rongyuan space is already riddled with holes, so I'm afraid it won't be of much use to keep it!

Many saints plan to directly enter the Rongyuan Secret Realm to find the space ring left by "Mo Shan"!

Rongyuan to the Holy Fruit, that means that new saint-level powerhouses can be cultivated!

"Those bloody tentacles!"

Those tentacles began to struggle violently, and the holy level didn't completely suppress it without paying attention!

No one knows what these are!

"Holy One! These tentacles are enhanced by killing us! After the one-eyed titan Badar died, the red tentacles appeared!"

"And these tentacles will not be destroyed even if they are cut off, and more tentacles will be born!"

A foreign emperor who entered the secret realm opened his mouth to remind, and all the saints frowned!

"Chief, let's go, don't get involved in this muddy water..."

Zhu Hongwu slipped to Yang Dingbang and several other martial saints, and said.

Yang Dingbang glanced at Zhu Hongwu, seeing Zhu Hongwu's expression was a bit weird, and his heart moved.

Zhu Hongwu is his old subordinate, he has been under his command since the middle of the old martial arts era, he knows Zhu Hongwu very well.

Zhu Hongwu glanced at the other three people, exchanged glances with each other, and then said:

"I think the most important thing now is to eliminate these weird tentacles! Entering the Rongyuan Secret Realm and completely destroying the Rongyuan Secret Realm, we disagree!"

"What's the matter with your human race?!"

Some saints from different races cursed!

Martial Saint Zhao Anguo glared at him:

"Hmph, stupid! Don't want those most holy fruits of Rongyuan this time, but they may appear in the future!"

"If we forcefully enter and look for the most sacred fruit of Rongyuan, it may cause the complete collapse of the secret realm!"

"It's called killing the chicken and taking the egg!"

Human race martial sage Zhou Xingwu also spoke lightly:

"That's right, I suggest that no one should enter the Conglomerate Secret Realm, and I'll wait outside to use my methods to destroy these tentacles.

"Don't go in? What about the most holy fruits of Rongyuan?"

The alien saint level spoke.

Zhou Xingwu continued:

"Everyone doesn't, isn't it just right?"

All the alien saints were stunned and looked at each other.

That's right, everyone doesn't have the most holy fruit of integration, so there is no possibility that one side will be born at the holy level and overwhelm the other side.

"I agree, the Rongyuan Secret Realm cannot be destroyed, I'll just use my methods outside to destroy these tentacles..."

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