"Of course, taking the college entrance examination is my dream. I want to enter the county school to gain knowledge and use it to contribute to the league."

Lin Zhi said the scene.

Well, positive words are very important, but whether you do it or not is not important...

"But, I heard that you signed a contract of betrayal with the institute, and now your time is running out."

"Who said that? Do you think my current state looks like a short-lived ghost?"

Lin Zhi was speechless, a good guy can really spread rumors.

If it is confirmed that he sold himself to the institute, what if he ranks high in the college entrance examination but is not accepted by other universities?

"But, you have a five-star spiritual plant. If it is not an experimental plant, how can a poor student get the money to cultivate it?"


Lin Zhi was stunned. He didn't expect someone to be so upright and expose the fact that he was poor to his face.

"Yes, and you have just awakened a few weeks ago, and your soul strength has already reached Luchen. This must be the use of secret methods to increase your soul strength."

"Where did you get this news? Stop staring at the bad things in school all day long and go out for a walk. I'm afraid you don't know that even Professor Meng from Yujun University praises me as a genius."

Lin Zhi pretended to be proud and said, "As the saying goes, when God closes a door, he will open a window. If you are not talented, but you have poetry and calligraphy, you can still succeed. Professor Meng valued my knowledge and gave me Isn’t it normal for a soul bead to increase the soul strength to Green Chen?”

"How can a professor at Yujun University think highly of you?" someone questioned.

"Because of my extraordinary talent, do you know the plan for the evolution of spiritual plants? I showed my skills in the Gardening Commercial Street some time ago and was spotted by the old professor. You can go to the Gardening Commercial Plaza and ask around to find out."

As the saying goes, people's words can be feared, and three people can become a tiger. There are always people who like to spread rumors even at the risk of beheading and the incomprehension of normal people.

If it weren't for the fear that these people would spread rumors and be thought that he had had an adventure, Lin Zhi wouldn't bother to explain so much.

He wanted to use these people to classify other people's rise to knowledge.

Although after previous talent selection, the manual warned that the unreasonable things that happened to him would be adapted to the world.

But he didn't know how to adapt and what effects it would have. He could only make it a little more rounded through his own efforts.

"You are actually talented in evolutionary route planning!" Someone looked shocked.

Lin Zhi glanced at him and thought that no matter how talented this guy was, it was impossible to accept him as a teammate. He kept saying nothing, but he even questioned my abilities when he asked me for help!

"Don't talk nonsense. Why are you here blocking the door?"

"Um, we want to ask Xia Lin, have you chosen your teammates for the college entrance examination?"

"No, I'm just an ordinary gardener. Except for Professor Meng from Yujun University who values ​​me, who would be willing to be a teammate?"

Lin Zhi said calmly.

"I do! Classmate Lin, what do you think of me?"

"I'm willing too. I...I can cook. Classmate Lin and I will team up to make sure every meal is a feast for you."

"Ha, if you know how to cook, do you deserve to be Lin's teammate?"

"Classmate Lin, would you like me to form a team with you and be your girlfriend?"

A beautiful girl with a big round face blinked her big eyes and said coquettishly.

"Oh, let me go, I can't stand it anymore!" The boys next to them suddenly felt angry and angry.

Hundreds of people were clamoring to show themselves to Lin Zhi, which was more lively than the vegetable market.

A faint smile appeared on Lin Zhi's face. It seemed that defeating Long Tengfei had a good effect, and his teammates were finally saved.

"Everyone, please be quiet. I understand why you are here. I do have an idea to find teammates, but the college entrance examination stipulates that you can only have one teammate, so if you are not a favored person of the middle grade or above, please come back."

Lin Zhi added: "I need teammates who can help me get high scores, so after being selected, I will invest in training for free in the remaining time."

"Alas..." After hearing Lin Zhi's words that he would only accept those who were favored by gods above the middle grade, hundreds of people left unwillingly, leaving only three people.

There were two men and one woman. The woman was particularly eye-catching. She was a fat man weighing over 200 pounds and had a terrifying face. Lin Zhi subconsciously excluded her from his teammates.

"Classmate Lin, we are all middle-grade gods' favored ones, so we should be able to meet your requirements."

"Tell me, what aura do you have?" Lin Zhi nodded, deciding to learn about the other person's skills before making a decision.

The biggest difference between the abilities of the God's Favorite and the Gardener is the aura.

According to the low, medium, high and ultimate talents, there are 1, 2, 3 and 5 halos respectively.

Generally speaking, the better the talent of the God's Favorite, the more powerful the halo's ability will be.

Male God A was the first to speak, "My two halos are a one-star fifth-level damage-free halo, and a one-star sixth-level virtual halo."

Male God B: "Mine is a one-star first-level self-healing aura, and a one-star fourth-level healing aura."

Fat Female: "Mine is a one-star, first-level gluttony halo, and a one-star, sixth-level armored halo."

The three people introduced their skills one by one.

Like the spiritual plant, the strength of the aura also needs to be strengthened and evolved.

The initial aura of all God's Favored Ones is one star and one level.

After strengthening it nine times, it can evolve into a two-star first-level halo.

Strengthen it nine more times and evolve into a three-star first-level halo.

The higher the level of the aura, the better the effect.

The higher the halo star rating, the more magical the effect.

All three of them have one-star auras, and there is not much difference in the number of times they have been strengthened, so whoever Lin Zhi chooses will be the same.

Just when he was about to choose someone at random, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind.

[Detected the host's choice of temporary God-favored teammates, now providing six aura evolution routes. ]

[Choice 1: Shadow Aura]

[Choice 2: Immune Aura]

[Choice 3: Natural Aura]

[Choice 4: Life Aura]

[Choice 5: Gluttony Aura]

[Choice 6: Armor Aura]

"Wow, six God-favored evolution routes are given at once!"

Lin Zhi browsed through the six options and found that they corresponded to the three God-favored.

In other words, if you choose a God-favored, you need to choose two corresponding evolution routes.

The armor of the fat woman doubles her defense after the job transfer, which is a powerful tank, and it is also very good.

Male God B has super endurance. If there are multiple spiritual plants to match and rotate, it will be an indestructible cockroach.

However, this is not what Lin Zhi wants.

He only has a pea shooter, and strengthening defense is nothing more than holding on for a while.

Strengthening healing is not practical in combat.

Male God A's virtualization and damage immunity are very good, and can block multiple fatal attacks.

Directly avoid the damage, this is more reliable than defense and treatment.

Lin Zhi finally decided to look at Male God A:

"Well, it's you, what's your name."

"Captain, my name is Liu Dazhu."

"Dazhu, your current strength is not enough. In the next 10 days, I need to cultivate you."


"That's right, let's go, follow me to the Gardener Commercial Plaza."


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