"Is this really a game?"

He crossed the corridor and headed for the stairs.

More people rushed out of the elevator.

The ruler suddenly became longer, stringing the opponent like a candied haws, then stirred the elevator door and destroyed them, and Lin Zhi continued to go upstairs.

There were countless spiritual plants outside the building, and their output capacity was too strong. If he ran away immediately, the attack and defense would change. He wanted to resist, but it would cost a lot.

On the contrary, there were terrain restrictions inside the building, and these people's cultivation was generally not strong, so it was easier for him to deal with them.

As Lin Zhi killed his way up one floor at a time, he found that some familiar faces he had killed before appeared in front of him again.

So far, he was really sure that this seemed to be a game!

At least for the people in this building.

And he discovered an amazing fact, that is, no matter how low the opponent's cultivation was, as long as they hit themselves or the spiritual plants, they would be forced to be hurt.

For example, he was accidentally hit by a shoe thrown by a gardener whose cultivation was only Lu Chen, and then his purple sun-strength body felt a sharp pain.

Although there is no game value, he estimated that he should have been forced to "deduct a little blood".

This is outrageous!

Fortunately, he has many healing potions on him, and the cultivation of these gardeners is not very different.

He quickly climbed to more than 100 floors.

On the 120th floor, he saw a strange crystal.

The leaves of the knowledge tree appeared in front of him.

〖Spiritual plant: digital crystal tree〗

〖Ability: After taking root in the world, it forms a hero pool. It can transmit souls across the world and condense digital avatars in the hero pool. 〗

〖Wisdom says: The flesh is the shackles of the soul. Only the soul separated from the flesh can create miracles. 〗

"So this is what the so-called players are like!"

The moment Lin Zhi saw the crystal tree, he understood everything.

The ruler in his hand suddenly became larger, and he chopped at the crystal fiercely.

A layer of light shield suddenly appeared on the crystal, breaking the ruler.

Then a projection appeared from above.

"My friend, please stop for the time being." The projection said.

"Stop? Then let you delay time and send stronger people in?"

Lin Zhi activated the replica aura while speaking, and changed the measuring ruler from one to five, smashing it against the light curtain.

"My friend, we are all human beings, not enemies."

The projection said hurriedly.

"Dissecting my companions and using them for experiments, if not enemies, then what are they?"

As Lin Zhi smashed it, cracks appeared on the light curtain.

"My friend, every civilization is made up of countless individuals. There are good people and bad people, and we can't generalize.

What my people did, I didn't know until you destroyed this digital crystal tree and alarmed me."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and clusters of light spots emerged from the crystal.

"This is the soul of the culprit who committed the crime, and you will punish it."

Lin Zhi waved his hand, and the Turtle Spirit Holy Lotus absorbed these souls. He really found the souls of the researcher and others before.

However, Lin Zhi did not stop until he destroyed the light curtain and chopped the crystal tree into pieces.

After making sure that he could destroy the crystal tree with one strike, he said:

"Okay, what do you need advice from the senior?"

"You are too cautious, we are not enemies. On the contrary, we are natural allies, strangers and friends."

"Don't beat around the bush, what do you want from the senior!"

"Please take this soul gem back to your world. This soul gem contains a trace of my soul, which should be able to avoid the world tree consciousness screening."

The projection spread its hands and a purple gem fell from the crystal.


"I need to talk to the high-level officials of your civilization to discuss joining our player camp."

"Player camp? Senior, are you so confident that our civilization will join?" Lin Zhi couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

"Of course, if the high-level officials of your civilization knew the truth of this world... Well, the world I'm talking about is not the world you are in, but the entire world."

The projection said: "Your world is a legend, and above the legend is the epic civilization. Above the epic civilization is the myth civilization. And above the myth civilization is the miracle civilization."


This is the first time Lin Zhi has heard this word.

He had learned from Meng Xingchen that to advance a civilization to legend, it only needed to conquer the other eight immortal civilizations.

To advance to epic, it was necessary to compose a civilization epic, but how to compose it was still unknown.

To advance to myth, it was necessary for civilization to ignite the fire of civilization, but how to ignite it was also unknown.

"Miracle is not the end of the world, but it may be the end of civilization!"

The projection was very confusing, and Lin Zhi thought for a few seconds before he understood it.

He just continued:

"As far as we, the player civilization, know, there is no higher status than the miracle civilization in the heavens and the worlds, but there are worlds with higher status than the miracle civilization."


Lin Zhi was stunned. He had guessed before that the status of civilization and the world would be like nesting dolls, one layer inside another, and then infinitely superimposed.

But he didn't expect the projection to say categorically that there was no higher civilization above miracle!

"The advancement of the world is determined by civilization. And the advancement of civilization requires growth in addition to conquering other worlds."

The projection said, "This is a rule that the World Tree is also restricted. Civilization starts from legendary civilization. It needs to compose epics, ignite the fire of civilization, create miracles, create immortality, and achieve eternity."

"There are so many restrictions?" Lin Zhi was stunned. He thought that the upgrading of civilization meant fighting, killing, devouring and integrating.

"To compose an epic is to accumulate the historical heritage of civilization, to unite the power of the entire civilization, and to have the collective ideas and beliefs of the civilization."

The projection slowly explained.

"Ligning the fire of civilization means letting these ideas and beliefs permeate people's hearts and implement them. Only when most people in a civilization have common ideas and beliefs can the fire of civilization be ignited."

He sighed, "Whether it is composing an epic or igniting the fire of civilization, it is not easy. Because people's hearts are unpredictable, because resources are not unlimited, and because all civilizations cannot avoid pyramid class conflicts."

Lin Zhi nodded in agreement.

"But it is not impossible to do this. In the history of all the worlds, there have been tens of thousands of epic civilizations and hundreds of mythical civilizations."

The projection changed the subject and said, "However, since ancient times, there have been only four miraculous civilizations!"

"Only, four!?"

Lin Zhi was surprised.

"Yes, there are only four, and there is no immortal civilization or eternal civilization above miracles."

The projection continued, "Because only when the entire civilization makes selfless contributions and realizes a harmonious society where everyone is for one and one is for everyone, can a miracle be achieved."

"So, the civilization of our predecessors has achieved universal unity?"

Lin Zhi was even more surprised. He had always thought that as long as there was civilization, there would be no great harmony.

"Maybe so!"

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