Lin Zhi's figure retreated violently, and the flesh and blood farm spread out behind the building. He jumped on it to avoid the giant's attack.

In an instant, the building was broken in half by the giant and fell to the ground with a bang.

The power of the peak of the Holy Crown is so terrifying!

Even if his physical strength was raised to Ziyang, without the half-step legendary realm of the turtle spirit burning the true spirit, it was still not enough for the Holy Crown to strike.

Not to mention, since the world saplings of the Wild Beast World were grafted, the black turtle true spirits had dissipated and re-entered the cycle of reincarnation.

The true souls and spirits he could burn now were only the souls and true spirits of the two God Rings he had killed in the Wild Beast World before.

The moment Lin Zhi stepped onto the flesh and blood farm, he saw the zombies on the ground suddenly grow flesh wings and rush into the air.

Originally, they were only the strength of Blue Star and Red Moon, but their aura suddenly soared to Red Moon and Purple Sun...

And the giant's body quickly swelled up.


Flying on the roof is not considered flying, but flying as long as you leave the ground?

Lin Zhi dived down quickly.

The rules of this meme virus are really too abnormal.

The flesh farm creates terrain around, and floating islands fly out of the torch peas, killing or repelling the surrounding zombies.

Lin Zhi moved his mind and buried the evolutionary materials under the spiritual plant Tianchi.

The Tianchi quickly began to evolve, from a sword to a "Ruyi Whip".

The Ruyi Whip is more like a magic weapon than the Tianchi, which is more like a flying sword.

It can be transformed into weapons such as swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes, hooks, forks, hammers, shields, etc.

Lin Zhi landed on the ground, and the replica halo was activated. The Ruyi Whip was divided into five, turning into five large shields with countless spikes on the surface. The large shield activated the "Sword Formation" and spun rapidly around him, smashing the zombies that surged up.

Countless zombies burst their brains, unable to get close to Lin Zhi.

With a thought, he activated the "Sword Rain". Spikes shot out from the rotating shield and flew out suddenly, piercing the nearest zombies.

Then, these spikes turned into large swords of dozens of meters in the process of flying, piercing the zombies that surged up like a string of candied haws, and nailing them to the ruins in the distance.

However, the zombies did not die, but struggled desperately.

At this time, countless long-legged zombies in the air were dropped by the pterosaur.

Lin Zhi hurriedly propped up the flesh and blood farm above his head.

One or two bouncing zombies alone are not terrible, but if they fall from the sky like raindrops, if they catch him, he will be infected and die.

He mobilized the torch peas to launch more torch floating islands across the flesh and blood farm to attack the bouncing zombies above.

The whole person rushed on the ground quickly, trying to get away from this place.

He had played a similar small program game in his previous life and found that even if he had the firepower to crush the zombies, when the number reached a certain level, as long as the operation was wrong, he would always be caught.

And after 10 minutes of crazy output, only a few thousand zombies were killed.

The current situation is not a game, and he cannot afford to make mistakes.

So Lin Zhi did not linger in the battle, but fled as far as possible, away from the open space outside the building.

After all, this place is too spacious, without tall buildings, whether it is giant zombies or pterosaur zombies, there is no terrain restriction, and they can exert their strength at will.

While he used all kinds of means, he madly crushed the zombies that blocked his way.

After about half an hour, he got rid of the pursuit of pterosaurs and giants and entered a residential area with tall buildings.

After clearing a house, he blocked the door and dared to open the soul land and enter it.

The reason why he dared not hide in the soul land directly in the zombie group is that the soul land is not a space where he will not be found or attacked as long as he hides and enters.

If two gardeners are enemies, one hides in the soul land, and the other can use the soul land to hit the other soul land. When the two soul lands are connected, he can break into the other soul land.

He couldn't guarantee that these zombies didn't have the corresponding means to find the Soul Land.

Back in the Soul Land, Lin Zhi took out a map.

This was what he had obtained in the building before.

The map unfolded and he saw the whole world.

The world of the Gourmet Civilization is the same as most worlds, with a round sky and a square earth. Since it was not a legend achieved through war, but a fusion, its terrain was formed by the fusion of nine pieces of the Longevity Civilization.

On the map, the three colors of red, yellow and black simply marked the general situation of the world at present.

Most of the world was occupied by zombies, and the Gourmet Civilization could only shrink on two-ninths of the continent.

There were about thousands of cities on the map, but most of them had become ruins.

Only the areas where the novice villages of the Gourmet Civilization and the Player Civilization were located were well preserved.

What surprised Lin Zhi the most were the dense black marks.

Each of these black dots or black circles represented a zombie nest that could produce zombies continuously.

Depending on the size of the nest, the level and type of zombies produced were also different.

At present, Lin Zhi's own position was near a time and space node in the lower left corner of the map.

There are three small zombie nests around.

Seeing the time and space node markings on the map, Lin Zhi suddenly realized something.

Since the player civilization can build a transmission channel through the time and space nodes to allow apprentice players from other civilizations to come to this world.

Then, can he also build a light gate on the time and space nodes to allow the human army to enter this world?

Every time a civilization is promoted, 9 time and space nodes will appear.

The world connected by these time and space nodes is not static, but like the movement of the sun and the moon, as the world's position changes, the time and space nodes will also change.

The world tree will stir the void with one breath, forming a void vortex, and countless storm turbulence will be generated.

And the world will swing and rotate around the world tree every moment under the impetus of this vortex force.

The sun and the moon in the sky are high, and their positions have never changed. Only the change of the world's position will lead to the distinction between day and night.

However, life usually does not feel this change.

The establishment of the light gate is to wait for the two time and space nodes to connect, and then establish time and space anchor points on both sides to connect.

After the light gate is established, even if the time and position continue to change, the two time and space nodes are fused together like quantum entanglement, and the channel is fixed.

This is one of the reasons why the light gate can easily cross the boundary, while the transmission methods such as spiritual plants sometimes cannot cross the boundary.

And now, an ownerless, complete time and space node is nearby!

As long as he can occupy and defend for a period of time, and wait for this node to synchronize with the node of the human world, he can build a light gate and summon the human army.

By then, there may be a chance to occupy this legendary world.

If the plan succeeds, he will get the original reward of the world tree, as well as various resources and military exploits of civilization.

If the plan fails, he will not lose anything, at most he can just pat his butt and leave.

With this in mind, Lin Zhi thought he needed a microphone.

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