National Gardener: I can choose the evolution path of spiritual plants

Chapter 14 Is it difficult to cultivate the Moon Stage?

The second day of the college entrance examination, nine o'clock in the morning.

Lin Zhi carefully checked the updated information from his watch.

Test center number: 5864

Existing gardeners at the test site: 5

Total number of existing gardeners in the test center: 187581

Contents of the second exam: Cultivation of spiritual plants

All candidates who have received points coupons will be able to start this exam.

All survivors at each test point are teammates.

Points coupons can be exchanged for virtual spiritual seeds, virtual fertilizers, virtual evolution materials, and virtual psychic powers.

The virtual evolution materials are properly matched and the success rate is set to 100%.

Virtual spiritual plants ignore the cultivation time.

The virtual items redeemed cannot be traded or given away.

However, points coupons can be given to teammates.

All candidates at the same test center will share the virtual spiritual plants they have cultivated.

After candidates use point coupons to redeem virtual materials to cultivate virtual spiritual plants, the test points will be ranked based on the scores of the virtual spiritual plants.

Candidates for the third exam will be determined sequentially based on the ranking of the test centers.

The quota is 10,000.

Once the seats are confirmed, the final exam will begin.

After Lin Zhi finished reading the test content, he couldn't help but look up at Wang Baichuan and the other four.

This virtual spiritual plant score is calculated based on the test points.

Therefore, every point coupon must be used effectively, otherwise it will be wasted.

Wang Baichuan and the four others also thought of this and looked at each other with ten pairs of eyes.

Wang Baichuan said:

“Let’s not touch the points for now, let’s look at our purchasing power.”

The five people opened the exchange list in their watches to view it.

Virtual Spirit Seed (1)/15 points

Virtual fertilizer (54 times)/1 point

Virtual Psychic Power (54 pieces)/1 point

Evolution potion (1 copy)/1 point

Evolution materials (5 copies)/1 point

The evolution potion can specify the evolution of any spiritual plant, and the evolution materials need to be selected and matched by yourself based on knowledge.

If you don't have enough knowledge, it's best to take some losses and change to potions. If you are knowledgeable, then one point can be exchanged for 5 pieces of evolution materials.

Of course, even though there are 5 copies of evolution materials, it is possible to only match 4 or 6 copies of evolution potions.

Because the five copies here are the standard quantity, some evolution potions require less materials than the standard, and some require more materials than the standard.

If you are knowledgeable, for example, if you want evolution potion A, but exchange materials for evolution potion B and C, then split the materials of B and C, and reassemble 3 copies of evolution potion A materials, it is not impossible.

So it seems that points are exchanged for virtual items, but in fact, through the use of points and knowledge, there has been an inflection point that separates other candidates.

To cultivate a five-star fully strengthened spiritual plant, you need 1 spiritual seed, 54 times of strengthened fertilizer, 54 strengthened psychic powers, and 5 evolution materials.

These add up to at least 18 points.

In other words, with 100 points, you can cultivate up to 5 5-star enhanced spiritual plants.

"This question is to test our knowledge of cultivating spiritual plants. It is not too difficult. It is enough for us to cultivate five five-star spiritual plants to pass the test. Let's discuss the specific content."

Wang Baichuan had a smile on his face and was about to exchange the supplies for training.

"Wait a minute," Lin Zhi said, "You can't do this."

"Uh, why?" Wang Baichuan looked confused.

“It is mentioned in the exam introduction that candidates will be shortlisted for the third exam based on the virtual spirit score and the ranking of test sites.

Then he talked about the virtual spiritual plants that were cultivated and shared with the candidates at the examination center.

This shows that the virtual spiritual plant is still useful in the third exam, otherwise the last sentence is nonsense..."

"I understand this. It should be like the exam more than ten years ago. We need to use the shared virtual spiritual plants we cultivated to fight." Wang Baichuan said.

"Yes, so cultivating five-star spiritual plants is not enough. I did the math and found that we can cultivate two moon-level spiritual plants." Lin Zhi said.

"Moon Level???!!!"

Wang Baichuan and the others exclaimed.

"Brother, you can actually cultivate moon-level spiritual plants?"

"What, is it difficult?"

Lin Zhi was puzzled. Although moon-level spiritual plants are rare and there are few evolution formulas circulating on the market, it is easy for the children of these ancient families to obtain them, right?

"It's more than difficult. The moon-level formula in our family will not be passed on to others. It is in the hands of the family elders. The evolution of spiritual plants by the younger generations depends on the prepared evolution potions."

Wang Baichuan sighed and said, "Unless those peerless geniuses have the opportunity to learn some moon-level formulas that have been semi-public."

"I see, if you trust me, I can cultivate two moon-level spiritual plants." Lin Zhi looked confident.

"Brother, are you serious?" Wang Baichuan and the other four had expressions of surprise on their faces.

If we can really cultivate two Yue-level plants, not only will they rank high, but they will also probably be stable in the third exam.

"It really can't be true anymore. This is the college entrance examination. I won't joke about my future." Lin Zhi said.

"Okay, brother, it's up to you. We'll transfer the points to you right now."

Lin Zhi got the points and immediately clicked on his watch, and a piece of virtual origin soil appeared on the screen in front of him.

Above the virtual origin soil is the exchange shop.

Lin Zhi first purchased a virtual spirit and planted it.

In his mind, a mechanical voice suddenly sounded.

[It is detected that the host is planting virtual spiritual seeds. Please choose the host to grow any of the following racial spiritual plants. 】

[Choice 1: Resign yourself to fate and let nature take its course. 】

[Option 2: Explosive Mushroom (The Explosive Mushroom self-destructs, causing horrific damage to the enemy, destroying everything around it.)]

[Choice 3: Caiwen (Caiwen has flexible movement and jumping abilities, and his fists contain great power. Although he is fragile, he has martial arts fighting instincts.)]

"Explosive mushrooms are very good and can be used as a trump card. But it is disposable, and it is gone after use, and needs to be cultivated again."

Lin Zhi chose Caiwen, and immediately a cabbage grew in the virtual source soil on the watch.

[It is detected that the mark owned by the host can be exchanged for virtual evolution materials. The manual currently provides 7 star-level evolution + 3 moon-level evolution plans, and the host can choose 5+1 of them. 】

[Star Level]

[Choose 1: Increased Speed]

[Choose 2: Increased Bounce]

[Choose 3: Increased Attack]

[Choose 4: Body Expansion]

[Choose 5: Three Heads and Six Arms]

[Choose 6: Alloy Fists]

[Choose 7: Void State]

[Moon Level]

[Choose 8: King Fist]

[Choose 9: Multiple Fist Shadows]

[Choose 10: Grandmaster of Boxing]

Finally, Lin Zhi chose increased bounce, increased attack, body expansion, void state, alloy gloves, and King Fist.

After exchanging all virtual items according to the formula given in the manual, Lin Zhi cultivated Caiwen to the Moon Level and strengthened the body to the limit.

What is the Moon Level?

Five evolutions make the spirit plant five stars.

Then the initial state and the five evolved abilities can be strengthened nine times, a total of 54 times.

When the spirit plant is fully strengthened with five stars, if the source soil becomes blue soil, it can be evolved for the sixth time.

In this evolution, the star above the spirit plant will disappear and be replaced by a red moon.

The evolution materials, nutrients and spiritual energy required for the Moon Stage are all a hundred times that of the Star Stage.

Lin Zhi evolved and strengthened Caiwen to the five-star limit, spending 49 points. He bought another virtual spirit seed, and the voice of the manual suddenly sounded in his mind again.

[The host is detected to have planted virtual spirit seeds. Please choose to grow any of the following races of spirit plants. ]

[Option 1: Let fate take its course. ]

[Option 2: Stump (The stump itself has no combat ability, but has magical attribute abilities, which add attribute effects to the attacks of the party passing through the top of itself.)]

[Option 3: Nuts (Nuts have no attack power, but have extremely excellent defense)]

Lin Zhi hesitated for a few seconds. The stump has an epic enhancement for the Pea Shooter, but the stump is too limited.

According to the knowledge about the stump learned by the predecessor.

First, the Pea Shooter's attack needs to pass above the stump.

This restriction makes the Pea Shooter's attack only obtain attribute effects in a certain direction.

In addition, the tree stump has no attack power and its defense is not outstanding, so it is easy to be destroyed by a sudden attack.

My current situation is not that my attack is insufficient, but my defense.

As expected, the third test is a real battle. The spiritual plant has an aura BUFF, so it is not easy to be destroyed.

My weakness is that if I am killed by the opponent's sudden attack, no matter how strong the spiritual plant is, it will be useless.

Therefore, defense is needed.

"I choose nuts!"

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