National Gardener: I can choose the evolution path of spiritual plants

Chapter 143: Fighting Spirit Hall (This chapter is too poorly written, so I skipped this transition

Chapter 143 Fighting Soul Hall (This chapter is too poorly written, so skip this transition chapter)

Content of this chapter:

The protagonist awakens the angel spirit and is taken to the Fighting Soul Hall by the elders of the Fighting Soul Hall.

This world has a mythical civilization and the Kingdom of Grace behind it, so it is better not to act rashly.

When Lin Zhi heard the old man urging him, he hurriedly trotted forward and stood in front of the bluestone with his weak body.

As he stood in front of the bluestone, a beautiful angel with a pair of white wings and amazing peaks appeared in the mirror in front of him.

"Shit, my virtual character is a woman?"

Lin Zhi was startled, and then realized that this bluestone was not a mirror, it could only reflect the spirit.

Seeing the scene in the mirror, the gray-robed old man suddenly smiled excitedly.

"Hehehe, it's actually an angel spirit!!!"

He laughed heartily and said, "Not bad, not bad, angel spirit, full innate spirit power, you are very good!"

"Sir, can I become a powerful spirit master in the future?" Lin Zhi pretended to be an ignorant boy and asked expectantly.

"Soul master? Are you worthy of becoming powerful? Your future will be legendary, and you will get a glorious title!"

The gray-robed old man smiled and said, "Are you willing to join our Fighting Spirit Hall?"

"Join the Fighting Spirit Hall?"

"Yes, if you join the Fighting Spirit Hall, you will get countless gold spirit coins, be able to eat the best food in the world, and have countless servants to serve you..."

"I'll join!"

Lin Zhi pretended to be a boy who couldn't resist the temptation and said hurriedly.

"Hehehe, very good, let's go!"

The gray-robed old man pulled Lin Zhi and walked towards the carriage parked at the entrance of the village.

Lin Zhi asked doubtfully, "Sir, are you not going to continue the test?"

"No need, they are all crappy talents, there is nothing to test."

The gray-robed old man said with a look of disdain, pulling Lin Zhi onto the carriage.

In the following time, Lin Zhi played the role of a curious teenager, asking the gray-robed old man indirectly to understand the situation of this world.

The gray-robed old man seemed to be in a good mood because he had found a good seedling. He answered almost every question and patiently explained this world to Lin Zhi.

This world is called "Fighting Soul Continent", which Lin Zhi knew early in the morning.

Fighting Soul Continent is one of the 36 middle worlds in the God Realm.

Then there are twelve upper worlds above and 72 lower worlds below.

Lin Zhi guessed that the so-called middle world is the legendary civilization world, the upper world is the epic civilization world, and the lower world is the immortal civilization world.

Fighting Soul Continent is a world surrounded by the ocean. In its center there is a large forest called "Forest of Life", where the headquarters of Fighting Soul Hall is located.

On both sides of the Forest of Life, there are two empires, namely the Xingdou Empire and the Tiandou Empire.

In addition, there are four islands and seven sects.

The ranking of the power of the continent is this palace, two countries, four islands and seven sects.

Different from the division of gardeners in the human world, the Douhun Continent calls gardeners "soul masters". According to the soul cultivation, they are divided into soul masters, great soul masters, soul masters, soul masters, soul masters, soul kings, soul emperors, soul saints, soul douluos, and titled douluos.

Soul masters are equivalent to gardeners in the Baichen realm, soul douluos are equivalent to half-step legends, and titled douluos are equivalent to legendary gardeners.

Different from the cultivation and evolution of gardeners' spiritual plants.

The cultivation of soul masters requires the cultivation of soul levels, which are divided into 1-99 levels in detail.

The second is the martial soul.

This martial soul is the gardener, no, the "spiritual seed" that soul masters are born with and can awaken, or it is more appropriate to say "soul seed".

Since there are no gods in this world, everyone can awaken. According to the axiom we already know, the spiritual seeds and soul soil that the world tree can produce are limited.

Therefore, the soul masters in this world generally have only one martial soul, at most two or three martial souls.

Martial souls, without exception, are all various soul-related spiritual plants.

Unlike the gardener system of the alliance, the martial souls of soul masters have been destined to have grades from the moment of awakening, and it is almost difficult to evolve through acquired evolution.

At the moment of awakening, it is a star-level martial soul, and it is almost a star-level martial soul for life.

When awakening, it is a day-level, so it is a day-level for life.

And through indirect inquiries, Lin Zhi knew the specialness of his angel martial soul.

It is an extremely special "god-level martial soul" classified as "unparalleled rarity".

Martial souls do not need to evolve. If you want to become stronger and have abilities, you need to kill wild beasts and absorb the "soul rings" exploded by wild beasts to gain skills.

Lin Zhi's angel spirit is special because it does not need to hunt wild beasts to obtain spirits, it only needs to hunt soul masters to obtain spirits.

That's right!

At each level of the angel spirit, he can hunt a soul master and then obtain the other party's spirit.

This is why it can be rated as a god-level spirit and a rare rarity.

The reason why it is not unparalleled is that except for him.

All the popes of the Douhun Hall are angel spirits.

The carriage traveled for more than ten days before Lin Zhi, led by the gray-robed old man, came to the Forest of Life where the Douhun Hall headquarters is located.

After handing the ID card to the guard for inspection, the old man took Lin Zhi through the bustling streets and headed straight to a palace complex in the center of the city.

Soon, the two of them were stopped by the palace guards.

"I want to see Elder Liu."

The gray-robed old man said.

"Can you see Elder Liu just because you say so?" The guards did not let him go.

"I have something important to report. I found a genius!"


The guard couldn't help but look at Lin Zhi next to him.

"You've delayed important things. Be careful that your lives will be in danger!" The gray-robed old man threatened.

"This... let me report!" One of them entered the palace.

Soon, he came out.

"Please come in. Elder Liu is waiting for you in the reception hall."


The gray-robed old man smiled, holding Lin Zhi's hand tightly with one hand, and walked quickly into the hall.

Soon, he came to a magnificent hall.

An old woman appeared in front of Lin Zhi.

"Is this the genius you are talking about?" The old woman looked at Lin Zhi.

"Quick, release your martial spirit!"

The gray-robed old man urged Lin Zhi.

These days, he had already taught Lin Zhi to cultivate soul power and successfully condensed the angel martial spirit.

As the angel martial spirit was released, the old woman's face suddenly changed and she smiled randomly.

"It's actually an angel spirit, well done. What's your name?"

"To reply to the elder, my name is Jian Lou, and I'm currently a junior deacon." The gray-robed old man hurriedly said.

"Deacon? From today on, you will be the city lord of one of the 108 Dou Soul Cities in my Dou Soul Hall." The wife said.

"Thank you, elder, thank you, elder!"

"Okay, this is the city lord token, you can take office."

The gray-robed old man happily took the token and hurriedly left.

At this time, the wife looked at Lin Zhi.

Then, she suddenly sighed and said, "Yes, it is indeed an angel spirit. Unfortunately, this generation already has an angel spirit. I don't know if your appearance is a blessing or a curse?"

"I have a companion?" Lin Zhi pretended not to understand and asked a question that he would ask at his age.

"Companion? Haha, maybe!"

The wife took Lin Zhi's hand and walked out of the hall and walked deeper into the palace complex.

"Let's go to see the Pope and see how he arranges it."

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