National Gardener: I can choose the evolution path of spiritual plants

Chapter 156 The sky falls and the earth collapses

"Lushan-level earthquake?"

Lin Zhi's heart was shaken.

The alliance classifies natural disasters and divides earthquakes into seven levels: slight, weak, medium, large, large, huge, and land sinking.

An earthquake reaching the land-sinking level means that at least one county is affected, and a land-sinking-level earthquake will cause the mountains to collapse and the earth to collapse, leaving almost no intact ground.

Even if this is an extraordinary world, in history, every time the Luchen earthquake occurs, 50% of the people in a county will die.

Even in modern times, various buildings have strong earthquake-proof capabilities, and earthquake-proof projects began to be constructed decades ago as civilization advanced, so heavy losses are still unavoidable.

He quickly clicked on his watch and found that the screen had been flashed by the Heishan-level earthquake in Heishan County.

Looking through the picture that someone uploaded to the Internet, we can see that the entire picture is full of ruins, and there is no intact building.

At the moment of the earthquake, high-rise buildings collapsed, mountains collapsed, and countless gardeners flew out of high-rise buildings.

However, the rocks falling from the sky, the remains of high-rise buildings, and the inexplicable energy beams erupting from the ground collided with the chaos of people in the air, resulting in only a few people successfully escaping for a while.

More people could only evade and enter the soul soil field, and then the time and space node corresponding to reality in the soul soil field was buried.

"The disaster was very serious. What's more important is the location of the space-time node of Lujiang County in Yunzhou, which is on the verge of Blackstone County. Due to this disaster, some alien races may take the opportunity to invade our civilization."

The sword swings the way of heaven.

"I see!"

Lin Zhi nodded.

"Okay, your Uncle Pu will pass by Qingmu County in a few hours. You can follow him."

Jian Dangtian left his contact information and then hung up the communication.

"Yunzhou space-time node?"

At this time, Lin Zhi really wanted to understand the dynamics of all walks of life through the virtual character cards buried in several other worlds.

However, since the Lingzhi Continent where the Human Alliance is located has not been converted into a copy by him, he cannot directly return to the server or connect his consciousness with other character cards.

If you want to return to the server, you can only enter the world of food civilization through the cross-border portal, and then you can enter.

Fighting Soul Continent.

"Death Coil!"

A blue-haired boy shouted loudly, and a blue and silver vine-like plant appeared in front of him.

The vines quickly spread around, strangling hundreds of Soul Lord soldiers wearing armor nearby.

Immediately afterwards, several boys and girls approached him.

"Third brother, are you okay?"

A girl in pink clothes asked with concern.

"It's okay, they're just a bunch of cannon fodder. Let's work harder and break out today..."

The blue-haired boy smiled evilly and said.

Suddenly, he felt the earth shaking violently.

"No, it's an earthquake. Xiao San, protect them."

"Yes, Boss Dai!"

However, the next moment, the ground collapsed, and a pillar of energy suddenly surged out, piercing the pink girl's chest.


"Xiaowu! My Xiaowu!"

Xiao San's eyes were about to burst as he ran towards the girl in pink.

At this time, the boundless land around them collapsed downwards, and countless soldiers in the middle of the war suddenly fell.

A terrifying suction force came from the earth. Some people wanted to fly into the sky, but they seemed to be dragged by others. They could only watch in horror as they fell into the abyss.

Xiao San felt his eyes go dark, and he fell into the abyss and was buried in a large amount of mud and rocks.

After a long time, a middle-aged man's figure slowly appeared in the sky.

He looked around and saw no vegetation or buildings, only an unfathomable abyss.

"Not bad, very good!"

Behind him, a psychic battleship slowly emerged.

A figure walked out of the battleship.

The middle-aged man couldn't even turn his head and looked towards the sky.

"Brother Wu, how are you doing over there?"

"There was a little accident. It's okay to wait for half a day."

"That's good, let this rotten world be destroyed!"

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Zhi met Pu Zhongsheng.

Unlike what he imagined, Pu Zhongsheng looked like an old man.

He has white hair and is dressed like a Taoist priest in a white washed blue robe.

"Xiao Meng's disciple, not bad, not bad!"

Pu Zhongsheng looked at Lin Zhi with a smile, then stretched out his withered hand and pulled him to fly towards Blackstone County.

Pu Zhongsheng has a lot of calluses on his hands. This is his first feeling when Lin Zhizhi pulls him to fly.

On the way, Pu Zhongsheng introduced him to the current disaster situation in Blackstone County.

This time he went out to provide disaster relief, mainly to spread healing techniques throughout Blackstone County in order to save the lives of the people buried in the ruins.

Soon, Lin Zhi, led by Pu Zhongsheng, came to the "Green River County" adjacent to Heishi County.

As the front line of disaster relief, Lujiang County immediately organized a rescue and disaster relief team.

Today more than hundreds of thousands of people have been resettled in nearby settlements.

But these people are just a drop in the bucket for a county.

Pu Zhongsheng took Lin Zhi and flew over the resettlement site towards the center of the disaster area.

On the way, Lin Zhi saw countless tragedies in the ruins.

Then I saw the evils derived from the disaster, such as robbery and so on.

Order collapsed here, and human bestiality triumphed over human nature.

About a few hours later, Pu Zhongsheng arrived at the center of Blackstone County.

He expanded the soul soil domain and called out a big tree.

The big tree took root and was planted in place, and then quickly bloomed with white flowers.

Rays of white light floated out from the flowers and floated in all directions.

"This is my spiritual plant - Guangyao Jiuzhou."

Pu Zhongsheng introduced, "Its current healing range is about half a county radius."

Soon, Pu Zhongsheng released another spiritual plant.

This spiritual plant is shaped like a soybean, and under its canopy, there are floating colorful clouds.

"This is another spiritual plant of mine - Golden Power Bean, which is a combination of Golden Power Bean and Nine Cloud Spruce."

Lin Zhi nodded and saw countless basketball-sized golden beans falling from the tree. They passed through the colorful clouds and fell to the ground and turned into golden statues that could move with fire.

As soon as these statues appeared, they immediately ran towards the ruins in all directions around them.

"This is all I can do. The rest needs to be handed over to the members of the Relief Association."

Pu Zhongsheng sighed.

"This is what natural disasters are like. Master uncle doesn't have to blame himself."

"No, it's not a natural disaster!"

Pu Zhongsheng shook his head.

He summoned a red lotus platform, and flames instantly rose from it.

"The fire of karma is rising. This place was not formed naturally, but was guided by someone."


"Yes, the alliance has calculated it before. Logically, this crustal movement will be distributed in various states. Then after combing the earth veins, there will not be such a strong earthquake."

Pu Zhongsheng waved his hand, and a masked figure emerged from the red lotus in front of him.

"Sure enough, this earthquake was secretly guided by someone. They guided the small and medium-sized earthquakes that should have erupted in the entire alliance through the earth veins, and then hit Black Stone County to erupt."

"Didn't the alliance find it?"

"This guidance was completed in an instant, which is exactly what I find hard to believe. The legendary combat power does not have this ability."

Pu Zhongsheng's eyes revealed sorrow.

"Now that I am sure it is man-made, I am actually shocked in my heart. This must be indirectly caused by the existence of a high-level civilization."

"A prelude to alien invasion?"

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