Take advantage of the five-minute break, Lin Zhi returned to the private server.

Then, he opened the server management panel.

At this time, his personal origin points were displayed on the management panel.

Hundreds of millions.

It only cost 720,000 origin points to fill up his soul soil.

With a wave of his hand, three virtual character cards with a limit of 100 million origin points belonging to the Douhun Continent were generated after he set the birth point to the battlefield of the two countries.

〖Name: Xiao Zhan〗

〖Status: Legend〗

〖Identity introduction: Xiao Zhan is the supreme elder of the "Big Hammer Sect", one of the seven sects in the Douhun Continent. He was captured by the Duel Pig Cage because of his participation in the war between the Star Dou and Heaven Dou countries. 〗

〖Name: Xingchen〗

〖Status: Legend〗

〖Identity introduction: Xingchen is the missing Grand Marshal of the Star Dou Empire. He was captured by the Duel Pig Cage because of his participation in the war between the Star Dou and Heaven Dou countries. 〗

〖Name: Fang Yu〗

〖Status: Legend〗

〖Introduction: A native of the "Fangzhang" islands in the overseas Douhun Continent, he was captured by the Duel Pig Cage for participating in the war between the two countries of Xingdou and Tiandou. 〗

"This... a virtual character card with 100 million origin points is so strong? Create a legend directly at the beginning???"

Lin Zhi was surprised.

That's right, create, according to his previous understanding of the Douhun Continent.

These characters do not exist in the seven sects of the three islands of the two countries.

These characters were directly created by the server at the cost of origin.

"It's a pity for my 300 million origin points. The virtual character card can only be used in the corresponding copy world. What a waste..."

But then Lin Zhi stopped thinking about it.

He hurried back to the Void Gambling Arena because the five minutes were up.

After winning 10 games again, he returned to the server again.

His consciousness immersed in Xiao Zhan, he found that "himself" was also in the Void Gambling Arena.

As expected, as long as the virtual character card is set to the battlefield of the two countries, the identity of "dead soul" can be obtained.

According to the information obtained from the Holy Son clone of the Douhun Continent, the battlefields of the two countries of Xingdou and Tiandou have become an abyss.

In order to rationalize the characters, the server directly gave the characters the identity of "dead souls" who participated in the war between the two countries and became the duel pig cage.

As expected of the product of the miracle civilization, the ability of this server is even stronger than the so-called duel god.

At this time, a figure slowly emerged across the ring.

Lin Zhi was stunned and surprised.

Just opposite, it was a familiar face!

"Bie Nan" from the "Bie" family of the Yu County family!

No, that's not right!

The consciousness in Bie Nan's soul has long been erased, and the consciousness in the soul of this body has been replaced by the ancestor of the Wu family.

"The memory of this body clearly emerged in Lin Zhi's mind."

A tree with many big hammers growing on it quickly appeared above his head.

Then circles of colorful soul rings appeared under his feet.


Lin Zhi suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He remembered from his memory that only one of Xiao Zhan's soul rings seemed to be colorful, and the others were gold, purple, blue, and green.

"Could it be that my soul soil state has been permanently +1 effective?"

Lin Zhi had a guess in his mind.

In this Douhun Continent, the soul of a soul master is equivalent to soul soil, which can be used to plant soul-related spirit plants and martial spirits.

Although the soul soil does not appear, it does not mean that it does not exist.

And the color change of his soul ring is probably because the soul soil state has been permanently +1 effective.

Lin Zhi raised his hand, and a golden hammer flew out from the tree martial spirit above his head and smashed towards Bie Nan in front.

The Bie Nan soul soil field unfolded, and a vine similar to a steam train emerged.

Although Lin Zhi had never seen this spirit plant, he recognized some of the characteristics of this spirit plant.

Among them are the ancient mechanical spirit plants "steam bread tree" and "train vine" of the Alliance civilization hundreds of years ago.

The moment the golden hammer hit it, countless bread men flew out of the steam train.

However, Lin Zhi unexpectedly discovered that his golden soul ring was extremely powerful. The moment the two sides came into contact, it tore through the defense line, and the golden hammer hit Bie Nan heavily!


With one hammer, Bie Nan's entire soul was about to collapse.

"This... the golden halo is so powerful?"

What else can you fight?

Just like the original body, invincible at the same level, just push forward!

However, he did not dare to be careless. He could crush the opponent only by relying on strength.

But there are no weak people who can become legends. No one can guarantee that the opponent cannot kill the enemy across levels.

In addition, the effects of legendary spiritual plants are various, and you may be hit.

He did not dare to underestimate Bie Nan.

Sure enough, the opponent's soul, which was about to collapse, condensed instantly, and then a giant tree with big bells appeared around him.

A big bell fell and covered his body.

Then, a sickle suddenly appeared behind Lin Zhi.

The sickle slashed towards his neck, and the halo under Lin Zhi's feet flickered, holding up a shield.

The two sides fought back and forth, and Lin Zhi gradually understood the effect of Bie Nan's spiritual plant. He found the opportunity and hammered the opponent to death.

Then, Bie Nan's soul dissipated, and his true spirit was sucked into the "prize pool" above the ring.

Lin Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

It's a pity that this is a virtual clone, not the real body.

If the killing black lotus was there, he could directly intercept Bie Nan's true spirit and devour a legend.

"What a waste..."

Seeing the new figure appear on the ring, Lin Zhi quit his consciousness and let the game be hosted.

He took advantage of the break time to return to the ring where his main body was.

After cutting ten opponents again, Lin Zhi returned to the server again.

This time, as soon as he returned to the server, he appeared in the world of food civilization.

Then he clicked on the watch and contacted his teacher Meng Xingchen.

After spending several breaks, Lin Zhi explained the information about the Void Gambling Arena to Meng Xingchen.

Then, he kicked out some players through the administrator's authority and invited Meng Xingchen, Jian Dangtian, Ma Lieyang, Lu Chuanqi from several major families in Zhongzhou, and reliable people such as Shenhuan, Shengmian, Ziyang, etc. to become players.

Because the strength of the game hosting is not as good as that of the real person.

Lin Zhi felt that he repeatedly switched characters, and four of himself was the limit, and he could not handle more.

And in the ring battle, there were thousands of legends in the Wu family.

It was not safe for him to control three legendary accounts alone.

It was just right to let Meng Xingchen and other alliance forces participate and share the pressure.

After they became players, they first formed a group to kill zombies in the Food Civilization to accumulate origin points.

When they accumulated enough origin points, they created a new account.

Soon, a month passed.

A strange scene appeared in the Void Gambling Arena.

That is, the Human Alliance side was centered on the legends of the Wu family.

The Fighting Soul Continent side was also mostly replaced by the legendary combat power of the Human Alliance...

What's more interesting is that most of the legends of the Wu family have been recorded in history, and their spiritual plants and so on can be roughly inferred.

The virtual character cards created by Meng Xingchen and others were newly created by the server, and all the martial spirit abilities were brand new.

The information they had about the well-known strong men in the Fighting Soul Continent became useless.

The battles between legends often decide the outcome in a moment.

When you know yourself and the enemy, the sky of victory and defeat quickly tilts.

Meng Xingchen and others won more and lost less.

Even if you lose, the loss is just a virtual character card.

Just continue to kill zombies in the Food Civilization.

So in just one month, two-thirds of the area of ​​the food civilization was taken back.

The zombies could not stop the enthusiasm of these legendary strongmen.

There were even many verbal conflicts because of the fight for legendary zombies.

During this period, Lin Zhi successfully accumulated 10 times the progress bar from Ziyang, temporarily upgraded his soul to the Holy Crown, and then matched the Holy Crown arena.

Then, he temporarily upgraded his soul to the God Ring and came to the God Ring arena.

When he arrived at the God Ring arena, Lin Zhi did not continue to move forward to the legend.

Because he was in the God Ring, he defeated the enemy much slower, and the true spirits captured by the killing black lotus had begun to be insufficient.

Soon another month passed, and the gambling arena came to the final stage

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