"Giant itchy caterpillars!"

Lin Zhi's mind moved, and thousands of fairies flew out of the flowers of the fairy rose and flew into the void.

? ?

At this time, the hideous caterpillars flew quickly.

The fairies held green branch staffs and waved their hands. Fireballs and ice cones ignited and froze the caterpillars.

Suddenly, Lin Zhi felt a sharp pain.

He suddenly found that the edges of the leaves of the plants growing on the soul land in front of him were rapidly turning yellow.

"It's a void aphid!"

Lin Zhi's soul swept across a leaf and found that it was covered with thousands of insects that were invisible to the naked eye.

Through soul scanning, Lin Zhi found that these tiny insects quietly landed from the void on the tender green leaves of the spirit plants in the soul land.

They have slender bodies, with a waxy texture on the surface, and translucent bodies, as green as emerald.

They extend tiny straws from their mouths and gently insert them into the epidermis of the leaves.

As the hard spiritual plants absorbed the juice, the juice on the leaves began to flow slowly.

Lin Zhi observed carefully and found that in this process, the mouthparts of aphids would secrete a special liquid.

This liquid can easily dissolve the cell walls of the spiritual plant leaves, allowing the void aphids to easily absorb the nutrients inside.

The leaves began to yellow and wither because they lost some nutrients.

Because the aphids are too small, they cannot be attacked by conventional means.

In addition to attacking the spiritual plants, it is equivalent to hurting the enemy a thousand times and hurting yourself eight hundred times.

However, the next scene made Lin Zhi look surprised.

I saw the goblins flying in the soul land. They held their staffs and pointed, and the light spots fell on the leaves of the spiritual plants, and then the light spots spread like water waves.

Suddenly, the aphids on the leaves were instantly eliminated.

Then they turned into nutrients and were absorbed by the leaves of the spiritual plants.

Lin Zhi suddenly felt the joy coming from the spiritual plants.

"Yes, in addition to the harmful side of the void pests, there are also its advantages."

Lin Zhi muttered to himself.

According to the data of the alliance, after killing the pests in the God Environment Realm, their corpses are the best fertilizer for the growth of spiritual plants.

Pests can survive in the void, so they should not be underestimated.

At this time, pests that covered the sky and the sun emerged in the void above the Soul Land.

The transparent light shield separating the Soul Land and the void was easily penetrated, and whiteflies, red spiders, leafhoppers, cabbage worms, cotton bollworms, corn borers, wireworms, cutworms, fruit flies, beet leaf moths, potato beetles...

Various void pests instantly filled the Soul Land space, and the spiritual plants launched various attacks, but these attacks directly penetrated the pests' bodies and had no effect.

Lin Zhi understood that as void pests, they had the ability to adapt and evolve like zombies, and were naturally immune to the attacks of most spiritual plants.

The spiritual plants withered instantly and were mostly eaten.

However, Lin Zhi was well prepared, and he took out 4 secret crystals.

As a gardener, every time you upgrade a realm, you can learn secret arts through secret crystals.

Before, he had learned two secret arts, "Leap" and "Speed".

Now that his cultivation has reached the Saint Crown, he can learn another four secret arts.

He quickly refined the crystals of the secret arts, and soon he mastered the secret arts.

Lin Zhi waved his hand, and the light flew towards these void pests.

Then the aroma of barbecue came.

I saw these pests fell in large pieces after the light swept by them.

"Yes, this secret art - pest control, is really useful!"

Then, he waved his hand, and a white mist enveloped the soul land space.

The pests flew into the white mist, became dizzy in an instant, and then fell to the ground.

This is the secret art - barrier poison, a secret art specifically for dealing with void pests.

It is harmless to spiritual plants and humans, and only targets void pests.

It only needs to release the barrier poison once a day to deal with most pests.

But Lin Zhi found that there are still some borers invading the stems of spiritual plants, and the roots have not been eliminated.

So he moved his mind and activated Fang Siyao's celestial halo ability.

Halo 1: Celestial halo·Wind

Effect: Every day, a breeze blows in the Soul Land for 4.9 hours, purifying any erosion, pollution and borers on the spiritual plants.

With the activation of the ability, most of the borers were completely cleared.

Only a few pests were left in the Source Land space, which were handed over to the Fairy Rose.

Soon, the pests in the Soul Land were completely wiped out.

More pests were blocked outside the Soul Land by the white fog.

Then, he activated the second and third halo abilities.

Halo 2: Celestial halo·Rain

Effect: Every day, a sweet rain falls in the Soul Land for 4.9 hours, doubling the growth rate of spiritual plants.

Halo 3: Celestial halo·Snow

Effect: Every day, warm snow falls in the Soul Land for 4.9 hours, and the warm snow contains rare elements needed by spiritual plants.

Lin Zhiyi waved his hand and activated the secret technique "Sweet Rain".

Colorful clouds gathered above the Soul Land, lightning and thunder roared, and rain began to fall.

Raindrops fell into the Soul Land, and with the cooperation of the halo power rain and snow, the spiritual plants that were eaten into stems regenerated and quickly grew new plants.

With the nutrients transformed from a large number of insect corpses, they did not weaken, but became stronger. The nine divine rings above their heads suddenly solidified.


Suddenly, Lin Zhi felt that the entire Soul Land was shaking.

He was shocked to find that the void was shaking, and a meteor in the distance streaked across the void and fell into the unknown depths.

Then, a terrifying beam of light burst out, illuminating the gray void nearby.

In an instant, Lin Zhi saw the outlines of countless world trees hidden in the darkness.

Worlds of different heights and distances were illuminated.

Then, a huge fireball burst out from the beam of light and flew over.

Lin Zhi suddenly discovered that the fireball was actually flying towards his soul land.

The soul land is located in the void outside the world, and in the light film formed by the world tree, corresponding to the coordinate position in the world.

At this time, he wanted to close the void field and escape.

The only way was to resist the fireball after passing through the world light film.

He quickly condensed the true spirit armor on his body, and then waved his hand, and a barrier nut like a wall with no edge appeared above his head.

Then, he activated Fu Hua's replica halo and attached it to the nut.

Suddenly, six new nut walls appeared above.

He activated Ma Jinyu's encouragement halo again.

Aura 2: Encouragement Aura·Delay Ring

Effect: Within the 400-meter radius aura, your own spiritual plants gain a durability bonus, and the duration of instant skills is extended by +0.49.

Aura 3: Encouragement Aura·Ultra-thin

Effect: Within the 400-meter radius aura, your own spiritual plants gain a toughness bonus, and the moment they are about to be destroyed, they will be locked in blood and destroyed after 4.9 seconds.

Aura 4: Encouragement Aura·Self-healing

Effect: Within the 400-meter radius aura, your own spiritual plants gain a self-healing bonus, and can continuously repair 4.9% of their own damaged state per second.

At this time, the fireball broke through the world light film, paused for a moment, and then hit it hard the next moment.

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