First, I bow to all the fathers. This chapter is not a paid chapter.

This volume has been stumbling to the end. I personally feel that it is very bad and it is very difficult to write.

Looking back at the whole volume, I found that the reason for this is that I was anxious, too anxious.

So my mentality collapsed, resulting in the 70th chapter of the original three volumes of the outline ending.

According to the outline, I was originally going to write a volume of 100 chapters in the zombie world. The plot was roughly that the protagonist cultivated the spiritual plant until it burned to the blazing sun, and the cultivation level was improved to the blazing sun, destroying the zombie mother tree, and promoting the integration of the human alliance and the food civilization.

However, because I found that the backend reading data was too poor, I found that the more I updated, the faster the collections were lost. Hundreds of collections were lost every day. I felt suspicious, so I cut off the subsequent scenes of the food civilization and directly wrote the subsequent player civilization.

Then there is the plot about the Fighting Soul Continent and the Void Gambling Arena. The original plan was that the protagonist of the Fighting Soul Continent would grow up in this world, become the Pope of the Fighting Soul Continent, and play a key role in invading the human alliance.

In the middle, the protagonist's layout of the small account in several other legendary worlds is interspersed, and the plan is also to have 100 chapters in one volume.

The Wu family's Void Gambling Arena will write a whole volume of 100 chapters of the ring match, showing the horror of the family's peerless genius and the spiritual plant show.

However, the background data shows that during these plots, the collection is still falling, so these two plots are accelerated, directly accelerating the time, and the great era is coming.

In general, this volume is written very messy, which is equivalent to going through the main plot once, and the content of 300 chapters is compressed to 72 chapters.

As a result, there are very few details, and the main plot is rough and not full.

Finally, it has been on the shelves for almost a month, and my mentality has adjusted.

I won't be so anxious for the next volume. I will write it strictly according to my own outline. I won't look at the data and write the main line according to my own ideas.

In the next volume, the protagonist will have his own team, so he will have the right to speak in the alliance, and truly step onto the stage of civilization, and be able to decide the local victory or defeat of the war and the direction of civilization.

The Void Battlefield will become the key to the epic of civilization, and the epic civilizations in the next volume, such as the Starting Point Continent and the Seven Sins Demon Worms, will also appear, and the mystery of the protagonist's crossing will be gradually revealed.

In addition, due to the poor average subscription, it has been in a stand-alone state and has no recommendations. The editor suggested that starting from the next volume, the two thousand words of the two sheets will be combined into a 4,000-word chapter, and one update will be guaranteed every day. Please be informed.

Finally, I kowtow to the fathers again to express my apology for the poor writing of this volume.

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