A figure that looked like an immortal appeared behind the old man.

His voice was very soft, but it was like a heavy hammer hitting the old man's heart.

Lin Zhi only felt the ice in the surrounding space collapse, and the shackles that bound his body and consciousness melted.

At this time, the old man suddenly took a thousand meters in one step and was about to escape.

However, a sword slowly appeared in front of Meng Xingchen.

The sword disappeared in front of him, and in the next moment it violently broke through the dozens of layers of defense behind the old man, piercing his head.

The old man's head exploded like a watermelon, and then a stream of light emerged from his body and quickly escaped.

"I have recorded this grudge!"

The sound came from far away.

Meng Xingchen took back the spirit plant and turned to look at Lin Zhi.

"Fortunately, your message was sent in time so I could come."

"Thank you teacher!"

Lin Zhi's face showed a smile that would survive the disaster, and his tense spirit relaxed.

"Well, you should not set foot in the area where Qixin City is located these days. Recently, the alliance is preparing to sign a further cooperation with the Wuyue Empire. Transactions will be open at that time and exchange of needs will be made."

Meng Xingchen looked to the north in the direction of the gentleman's civilization.

"We have obtained the latest information. This so-called gentleman civilization is not a seed civilization in the true sense. In fact, the real seed civilization is a miracle civilization - the Starting Point Continent."

"The world of gentleman civilization has been transformed into a 'gentleman game' by player civilization. The players of this game come from the three thousand affiliated worlds of the starting point continent."

"Gentleman civilization, gamers, attached world?"

Lin Zhi's previous conversation with Wang Yang, the "gentleman's civilized man", came to mind.

"So, the Earth is actually one of the three thousand affiliated worlds of the Starting Point Continent?"

If this is the case, it can explain why the earth does not have extraordinary power.

Just like the affiliated worlds above the Alliance, some worlds were conquered in the early days of the Alliance and now have no trace of psychic energy left.

"As a vassal world of epic civilization, a seed civilization chosen by player civilization, the world of gentleman civilization is more terrifying than we imagined."

Meng Xingchen said without surprising, "Just half a day ago, Qimiao City was occupied by gentleman civilization."

"So fast?"

Lin Zhi was surprised. The Human Alliance and the Wuyue Empire had been fighting on the Void Battlefield for more than a year. They had come up with various methods, but they still had no way to defeat these cities.

This gentlemanly civilized world can capture Qimiao City. In terms of strength, it is far superior to the Human Alliance and the Five Mountains Empire.

From a strategic perspective, after capturing Qimiao City.

One is to have a stable Qimiao mineral vein, which can produce a large number of legends with unlimited potential in batches.

The second is to have a frontline battlefield base. If you retreat, you can stick to Qimiao City to observe changes.

You can enter and conquer the Divine City of Creation in the central area.

The City of Creation produces a material called "Creation Stone".

〖Sacred Material: Creation Stone〗

〖Introduction: The divine stone containing the law of creation can only be condensed in the void and is extremely rare in quantity. Legend has it that a spiritual plant can directly complete itself and evolve to a complete body by using enough artificial stones. 〗

It is different from the Five Elements Treasures which can only increase the potential index very little.

This artificial stone can replenish spiritual plants very quickly. It can be said that as long as a vein of minerals can be mined, the strong men in the civilization can quickly replenish spiritual plants and achieve half-step epic combat power.

Previously, the Divine City of Creation was surrounded by five cities: Xinsen, Miao, Yanyao.

Even if a half-step epic warrior forcibly crosses five cities, he will be besieged by countless legendary monsters and risk falling.

Now that Qimiao City is occupied, the Gentlemen Civilization can use this city as a base point to steadily and steadily clear stones.

Therefore, the league's top brass sensed a crisis.

Only then did he become anxious and planned to further form an alliance with the Wuyue Empire to fight against the gentleman civilization.

"Of course, forming an alliance with the Wuyue Empire is also seeking the skin of a tiger. The other party's backstage is the dark abyss."

Meng Xingchen said, "Improve your strength as soon as possible. Only by reaching the limit of alliance cultivation can you have a certain say and truly determine your own destiny."

Lin Zhi nodded quickly.

After learning that a trading conference would be held, he said goodbye to Meng Xingchen and went to Qiyao City to brush monsters.

He needs more rare treasures to exchange for Qixin at the trade fair.

On the way, he took the time to use the last Qixin in his hand to synthesize a new spiritual plant "Xuanyuan Sword Gui".

This is a divine sword that is not afraid of the blockade of time and space. It possesses noble coercion.

As soon as this sword came out, Lin Zhi had a feeling that if he met the old man from before again, his soul and body would definitely not be immobilized by the opponent's Jinglian silently suppressing him.

The swords that make up Ten Thousand Swords Returning to Brown are all different, and it is these different characteristics that make them combine into Ten Thousand Swords Returning to Brown, so that one sword can have a powerful attack power that can break through all kinds of magic.

In the early morning of this day, Lin Zhi came to the area where Qiyao City was located.

There are alliance legions here to spawn monsters, so at least safety is guaranteed.

Soon, he saw a lair where a legendary wild beast slowly emerged.

Lin Zhi hurriedly sneaked over, and the Peach and Plum Trees, Chengying Magnolia, Yuchang Sword Pine, and Xuanyuan Sword Gui appeared in front of him, turning into five divine swords.

However, the moment the desolate beast emerged from the lair, dozens of attacks roared.

Before Lin Zhi could see clearly what the wild beast looked like, he saw it turn into a point of light and disappear.

"Haha, I got it!"

A hunchbacked old man happily emerged from the grass holding a green bow.

Lin Zhi was shocked to see several other directions, and several legends shook their heads in disappointment and left.

"Um...good guys, are you starting to grab monsters?"

He hurried to the next nest and found that the chickens had no feathers.

Curiously, he clicked on his watch and logged into Alliance Skynet to read the news.

He only focused on practicing and had been isolated from the world for a long time.

Only then did I learn from the Internet that the alliance is currently in an era of explosive legendary combat power.

After ten years of development, those old half-step legends have basically been promoted to legends.

With the arrival of the Void Battlefield, countless resources have been obtained by these legends, which has greatly enriched the alliance's supplies. Coupled with gamification, the monster spawning mode and game products have broken the monopoly of evolution illustrations and knowledge.

Therefore, it is easier for many veteran divine ring experts with good strength to be promoted to legends. According to official statistics, in the past year, tens of thousands of new legends have been added to the alliance.

These legends tasted the sweetness of the Void Battlefield and burrowed into the Void Battlefield one after another.

Therefore, the current situation is that these legends are squatting near the monster lairs in various cities, just to grab monsters.

"Good guy, no one is doing anything to attack the city, but everyone is good at robbing monsters?"

He visited more than ten monster lairs in succession, but could not find any trace of the monster.

From morning to evening, Lin Zhi found nothing.

"It seems that the only way to grab monsters is by squatting!"

He found a lair, expanded the soul soil realm, and prepared to return to the tree house to rest.

"Brother Lin, please stay!"

A voice rang in Lin Zhi's ears. He quickly turned around and saw a dark-skinned middle-aged man.

"Who are you?"

Lin Zhi looked at him doubtfully.

"I am the elder of the farmer's family. Brother Lin can be called Lao Liu."

"Farmer's Home?"

Relevant information emerged from Lin Zhi's memory.

He remembered that the Farmers' House seemed to be a well-known organization in the alliance.

They are similar to trade unions, specifically speaking for farmers.

"Yes, it's the Farmer's Home. Brother Lin, this nest has been designated by my Farmer's Home. Should we find another place? This is all for the farmers."

"For the farmers?"

“Yes, our Farmers’ Family believes that it is the existence of farmers and workers that lays the foundation of civilization.

But for thousands of years, farmers and workers have been at the bottom of society. They have been exploited and their lives are not good.

If farmers and workers are not living well, their enthusiasm for production will be affected.

They may even become extinct due to poverty. As a result, without farmers, they will lose their labor force.

Without the labor force, we will lack more producers and thus be unable to meet the needs of social functioning.

Especially high-level gardeners, each one is a big consumer of resources.

Brother Lin, let me ask you, how much fertilizer does it take every day to maintain each legendary spiritual plant? "

After hearing the other party's question, Lin Zhi thought for a while.

Spiritual plants are not dead things, they are life.

As long as life is alive, it will consume nutrients.

Legend has it that the nutrients consumed by spiritual plants every day are terrifying.

Especially the legendary spirit plants that are in the growth stage consume far more nutrients every day than the soul soil.

Where do these fertilizers and spiritual energy come from?

It all depends on resource extraction and production.

"The nutrients consumed by each legendary spiritual plant I currently consume every day are approximately worth 10 million credits."

Lin Zhi said.

"So, Lin Zhi knows how much pressure farmers are under, right? A farmer, after working hard for a year, can only create a value of one million.

Of course, because of exploitation, they can earn up to 100,000 a year.

And with one hundred thousand, at most one spiritual plant of one-star quality can be evolved.

With the advent of the Void Battlefield and the alliance's large-scale recruitment of soldiers, the number of farmers in society is now even smaller. Without farmers, our civilization would be paralyzed.

So I kindly ask Brother Lin to change places! The resources obtained by our Farmer’s House from killing monsters will be converted into credits in the alliance to provide subsidies to farmers. "

"That's it, sorry!"

Lin Zhi nodded clearly and decided to give up fighting with them for this monster spawning spot. He flew towards a nest in the distance.

As soon as he landed outside his new lair, an old man came up to him.

"Qi Tian, ​​editor-in-chief of the Laoxie Worry Newspaper, baby, for the sake of civilization, please move away."

"Worry Press?"

Lin Zhi was stunned. Good guy, that farmer's home just now was just helping farmers.

The Worry Newspaper Society is remarkable. Its purpose is to "worry about the world's worries first, and rejoice after the world's happiness."

They dare to report news that others in the league dare not report.

They dared to expose the scars that others dared not reveal.

Lin Zhi remembered that the father of Liu Bugui, a former member of the Dog Lovers Association, was a reporter from the Worry Newspaper.

He was brutally killed while exposing the Jijia Oil Refinery Incident.

This worrying newspaper is indeed worthy of respect.

"Because our newspaper is under pressure, it is difficult to circulate funds. The old man can only drag his illness and come to this void battlefield to earn funds to maintain the operation of the newspaper."

As he spoke, the old man couldn't help coughing and actually wanted to kneel down to Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi quickly supported him.

"Old sir, you can't do that. The Anxious News Agency is doing major things that are concerned about the country and the people. I should give in and find another place to spawn monsters..."

Lin Zhi could only continue to search for the monster's lair, and then he encountered organizations such as Sons of the Forest, Lingquan, Quxie, Dog Lovers Association, Morning Star, New Humanity, etc.

These organizations all have lofty ideals, great ideals, and lofty goals, and they all greeted him with a smile when they tried to persuade him to leave, which made it difficult for Lin Zhi to do anything for a while.

Until... a few days later, Meng Xingchen suddenly sent him a document of tens of thousands of T.

The prophet tree scanned the information and sorted them out instantly. With the help of Lin Zhi's soul of the divine environment, he quickly digested the key points of the knowledge.

"Damn, it's like this? Good fellow, the so-called farmer's family is actually a parasite sucking blood from farmers and taking advantage of farmers?"

Lin Zhi was shocked, and then he found out that the so-called Worry Newspaper was actually owned by the Wu family of Jingzhou, who manipulated public opinion.

Previously, the Wu family was able to crush the Yunzhou family through public opinion, largely relying on the public opinion talents cultivated by the Worry Newspaper.

The so-called exposure of the dark side of the Ji family refinery was also the evidence and handle collected by the Wu family in order to regain the Ji family.

It was also after the Ji family was exposed to various dark sides that the Wu family intervened to cover up the scandal, and the Ji family survived.

Then, it became a branch of the Wu family.

As for the Son of the Forest, in name only, they are protecting the forest and the environment, but in reality, they are using the name of environmental protection to take advantage of the situation.

The teachings of the Morning Star are to find a direction for human civilization and to guide human civilization in the right direction.

But in fact, all the members are paranoid and just want to create an ideal world of their own.

After learning the true face of these so-called organizations, Lin Zhi returned to the nest where the Farmer's House was located.

"Brother Lin, why are you back again?"

The dark-skinned strong man asked in confusion.

"This is the data of your Farmer's House's subsidies to farmers, and this is the profit your Farmer's House makes from farmers. Good fellow, it turns out to be like this..."

"Haha, Brother Lin, for the sake of your teacher, we don't want to fight you. But if you insist on fighting, then I'm sorry, our Farmer's House is not without background..."

The dark-skinned strong man sneered.

"In that case, let's go together!"

As soon as Lin Zhi finished speaking, screams came from the surrounding bushes.

Then, the sound of an explosion came.

The dark-skinned man's soul swept through the control and found that the two family members who followed him had turned into ashes.

"What did you... do?"

"Are you blind? Of course I sent them back to the birth point. If they die once, their cultivation will not fall to the legendary level, but their vitality will be seriously damaged!"

Lin Zhi waved his hand, and the peach and plum swords appeared in front of him.

"Hehe, you can only steal..."


A transparent sword passed through his mouth.

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Zhi's soul swept around and found that there was no one nearby, so he waited patiently.

Because he had wasted a lot of time before, most of the night had passed. Soon, the sky was about to dawn, and a legendary wild beast was refreshed.

"Open for business!"

Lin Zhi showed an excited expression on his face.

The next moment, he summoned five magic swords in five directions and instantly stabbed the legendary wild beast that had just been refreshed.

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