Hearing Meng Xingchen's voice, Lin Zhi gave up knocking on the door.

He pushed the door open and saw that there was more than one Meng Xingchen in the room.

In addition to him, there was also Zhao Yan, the commander-in-chief of the Qiyan City Command.

Seeing Lin Zhi coming in, Meng Xingchen pointed to the seat on the tea table in front of him and said, "Sit down!".

Lin Zhi sat down as he was told. Meng Xingchen waved his hand, and a cup of steaming black tea slowly floated in front of him.

"This is the clear tea that Commander Zhao brought specially. It is a special tribute from the alliance. It is only a few hundred taels every year. Have a good taste."

Lin Zhi took it with both hands and hurriedly thanked him, "Thank you, teacher, thank you, commander."

He took a sip of the tea, and felt that after drinking a small sip of tea, his extremely pure soul was actually shaking and solidifying.

"This... this tea actually has the effect of cleansing the soul of the God Ring level?"

At this time, Meng Xingchen said, "I saw the mineral vein in the void, and I also saw the falling star!"


Although Lin Zhi was surprised, he was not surprised.

After all, the spiritual plant Brilliant Starry Sky can cover the entire world. As it grows, it is normal to cover the farther void and gain vision.

Mentor Meng Xingchen has been promoted to Legend for decades now. It is probably not difficult for Brilliant Starry Sky to grow to cover the entire epic void domain.

"You came to me to deal with this mineral vein, right?"

Meng Xingchen smiled.

"Yes, I think it can not only save the desperate situation of civilization, but also benefit itself. The current system of the alliance has too many sequelae, and it will not be able to create miracles in the future."

Lin Zhi said.

"I know, so I invited Commander Zhao."

Meng Xingchen introduced, "Commander Zhao is the brother of the current leader. I invited him here at this time because I want to take you to meet the leader."

"Meet the leader?"

Lin Zhi was surprised.

The leader is busy with all kinds of affairs, so he has time to meet him?

"Although our leader's family is the biggest termite in civilization, it is also the family that wants to change the current situation of the alliance the most!"

Zhao Yan suddenly added.

Meng Xingchen nodded, "That's true. After all, the fate of the leader's family is linked to the fate of civilization. If civilization goes downhill, the leader's family will naturally decline."

"I understand!"

Lin Zhi nodded.

"Well, without further ado, follow Commander Zhao to meet the leader! This is a secret meeting, so don't leak it."

"I understand."


Human Alliance, Zhongzhou.

Above the World Tree.

A handsome man was lying on a chair with a book in his hand.

The sun's rays shone on his face, and a string of words appeared on the book in front of him:

Report on the disaster of spiritual plants in Yu County

I. Report Overview

This report aims to report in detail the recent large-scale spiritual plant disaster in Yu County, analyze the causes of the disaster, and propose corresponding relief measures.

II. Overview of the disaster

Recently, due to the battle in the void battlefield, the void has produced unimaginable fluctuations, which has affected the world's weather in the light film.

Under the influence of the mad psychic energy, continuous heavy rainfall and adverse climatic conditions, the spiritual plant planting industry in the Yu County area of ​​the alliance has suffered a serious blow.

According to preliminary statistics, a total of 100 million mu of spiritual plants have been affected to varying degrees, among which the losses of rare species are particularly severe.

3. Analysis of the causes of the disaster

After field investigations and expert evaluations, the main reasons for the damage to spiritual plants include:

1. Extreme weather: Long-term heavy rainfall has caused serious floods in some areas, spiritual plants have been flooded and washed away, and the growth environment has been destroyed.

This heavy rainfall contains a large amount of harmful substances. After inspection, it is suspected that someone has poisoned!

2. Pest and disease outbreak: For unknown reasons, a kind of extraordinary pest appeared out of thin air, and pests and diseases spread rapidly in the spiritual plant planting area, causing serious physiological damage to the spiritual plants.

4. Recommendations for relief measures

In response to the above reasons, we propose the following relief measures:

1. Drainage and drainage facilities construction: In severely affected areas, immediately organize forces to build temporary drainage systems to ensure that accumulated water can be quickly discharged, and at the same time plan and build long-term and effective drainage facilities.

2. Pest and disease control: Send more agricultural experts to the disaster-stricken areas to guide farmers to take effective biological and chemical control measures, refine more anthelmintics, and control the spread of pests and diseases.

3. Financial subsidies and financial support: It is recommended that the government introduce relevant policies to provide financial subsidies to farmers affected by the disaster and reduce their economic burden.

At the same time, coordinate financial institutions to provide low-interest loans to farmers in the disaster-stricken areas to support them in resuming production

4. Market information services: Establish and improve the agricultural product market information service system in the disaster-stricken areas, collect and release market information in a timely manner, and help farmers arrange production and sales reasonably.

V. Conclusion

The spiritual plant disaster is not only a blow to agricultural production, but also a test of farmers' lives.

We must carry out relief work with the fastest speed and the most effective measures to help farmers in the disaster-stricken areas overcome difficulties.

At the same time, we must also learn lessons from it, strengthen scientific research and technological innovation in spiritual plant planting, improve the disaster resistance of spiritual plant planting, and make better preparations for similar disasters that may occur in the future.

Reporter: Nong Qingyun, Ministry of Agriculture

Report Date: Alliance History…

"The disaster is so severe! The suggestion is very good. In addition, a special investigation team needs to be established to investigate whether there are any signs of human promotion of the poisonous rain and pests."

The handsome man immediately replied to the other party and continued to turn the page. The next content appeared.

"The parliament is about to start a new election of members. The financial budget is as follows:..."

"Planned military expenditures for this year..."

“The Ministry of Education’s application for the Alliance Talent Cultivation Program.

This plan is a long-term strategic plan formulated in order to cope with the challenges brought by the void battlefield and accelerate the advancement of the era of Alliance Legends.

The core goal of the program is to cultivate a group of high-quality talents with profound professional knowledge, innovation ability and practical ability through a systematic and scientific talent training model.

This will provide strong intellectual guarantee and talent support for the economic and social development of the alliance.

In order to achieve this ambitious goal, the Alliance Talent Cultivation Plan will take a series of specific and powerful measures.

First of all, in terms of system design, our ministry will introduce a series of preferential policies, including tax exemptions, financial support and children's education, to attract more talents to work according to arrangements and innovate and start businesses.

At the same time, the alliance has also increased investment in education and scientific research institutions, encouraging them to establish cooperative relationships with county schools and research institutions to jointly cultivate talents with a global vision.

In addition, the alliance's talent cultivation plan also pays special attention to the cultivation and support of talents favored by God.

The alliance has set up a special fund to support talents favored by God.

The alliance also encourages major universities and local enterprises to jointly cultivate talents and allow talents to grow and develop in practice through practical exercises on the void battlefield.

In addition, the alliance also provides young talents with rich exchange opportunities, including various conferences, academic visits, etc., to broaden their horizons and cultural exchange capabilities.

In addition to cultivating high-level talents, the alliance talent cultivation plan also emphasizes the cultivation of innovative talents and compound talents.

The alliance encourages higher education institutions to reform their curriculum systems and teaching models and add interdisciplinary and innovation and entrepreneurship education courses to cultivate students' innovative thinking and ability to solve complex problems.

At the same time, the alliance also supports the development of vocational education and continuing education to cultivate more comprehensive talents for society.

In the process of implementing the alliance's talent cultivation plan, it is necessary to attach great importance to the evaluation and incentive mechanism of talents.

Establish a scientific talent evaluation system that focuses on talent’s innovation capabilities and practical contributions, rather than just academic qualifications and the number of papers.

At the same time, the Alliance has also established a series of awards, such as the Alliance's Highest Science and Technology Award, the Alliance's Outstanding Scientific and Technological Workers, etc., to commend individuals and teams that have made outstanding contributions in technological innovation and talent cultivation.

In short, the alliance talent cultivation plan is a systematic project, which covers many aspects such as system design, talent training, and incentive mechanisms.

By implementing this plan, we have reason to believe that the league will be able to cultivate more and better talents and provide a strong talent guarantee for the modernization of the league's legends. "

"What are the specific methods? It's all empty talk!"

The handsome young man glanced at it with disdain and wrote on it: It is feasible, and a detailed plan needs to be submitted.

He was constantly dealing with various practical matters, and suddenly his eyes turned cold.

"What else is the Wu family trying to do?"

On a new page of the book, there was written information that the Wu family had sold off all their properties in the alliance and purchased various materials.

He quickly turned the pages of the book, and several large blood-red characters "Evil!" soon appeared in front of his eyes.

"Okay, the Wu family really can't hold it anymore this time!"

The handsome man had a scowl on his face.

At this time, there was a sudden noise outside.

"Brother, I brought the man!"

The handsome man couldn't help but turn his head and look into the distance, only to see two figures flying in from outside.

He glanced past Zhao Yan and looked at Lin Zhi.

"follow me!"


Lin Zhi quickly followed, and Zhao Yan also wanted to follow.

However, the alliance leader did not look back. With a wave of his hand, an invisible wall appeared in front of him.

Soon, the two came to the edge of this world branch.

Lin Zhi saw tall metal buildings in the distance, and the lights of countless spaceships and battleships formed a bright world.

"Lin Zhi, I have heard your name a long time ago."

The handsome man spoke first.

"I already know the matter, so I need you to join the sword bearer and become the new sword bearer."

The man said slowly.


Lin Zhi was stunned and quickly said, "But, Uncle Sword Master did a pretty good job!"

"That's true, but he has no hope of becoming a member of Parliament."

The man said, "Only by becoming a member can you play a greater role among the sword holders. I need you to become one of the 36 members, and then follow this list to eliminate them!"

Lin Zhi quickly took the book that the other party brought over and saw that it listed in detail the crimes committed by each family and their greed for property.

"These aristocratic families should all be liquidated, but rash action will cause social unrest. Therefore, we are taking a long-term approach."

The handsome man sneered and said, "The Wu family has acted strangely, and it is possible that they have regained contact with the Divine Grace Heavenly Kingdom. However, this is also the best breakthrough point. I need you to be the sword holder, to lead the face with points, to pull out the carrots and bring out the mud, To expose the Wu family’s crimes to the world, we need to eradicate the entire Wu family with lightning speed!”


Lin Zhi suddenly raised his head.


"Yes, only if you investigate and fight in your own name will you not arouse resistance and attention from the other party, and other aristocratic families will not think that I will cut off the flesh and wrist bones.

If you face the noble families alone, they will only be paralyzed and careless. At the same time, if you wipe out the Wu family, you will gain supreme prestige in the alliance and be elected as a member of parliament. Other noble families will have to pay an unimaginable price to interfere.

To be honest, my behavior is a betrayal of my class. However, I understand that civilization has reached a critical moment of life and death.

This time, as long as the Five Mountains Empire is defeated, we will be next. The mineral vein in the void is a double-edged sword. It can not only save our civilization from desperate situations, but also make our civilization a last ray of light after it survives from desperate situations. "

Lin Zhi nodded, indicating that he understood.

This is easy to understand, and he can apply the theory of the Dog Lovers Association.

If these resources are used to cultivate more legendary strongmen without any plan, then these legendary strongmen will be out of control.

After humans survive from desperate situations, civilization will surely be promoted to epic.

At that time, the strongmen who write epics will become the emerging class of the alliance.

Relatively speaking, top resources are limited, and the old families and the new emerging classes will inevitably produce more conflicts.

The contradictions within civilization will accelerate the decline and extinction of civilization.

Of course, after being promoted to epic, there are still myths and miracles. The conflict will not erupt immediately.

Just like the current Five Mountains Empire, the various forces are not of one mind at all.

It will lurk and brew until humans achieve mythology and there is no further progress, then it will erupt like a volcano.

However, at that time, the conflict is not easy to deal with.

Because the extraordinary power is too strong, it is easy for mortals to mediate between two mortals.

It is difficult for gods to mediate between two gods.

The earlier the hidden dangers within the civilization are resolved, the better.

And this time, it is an opportunity.

"So, I want you to become the sword holder and take this opportunity to purge the cancer of the alliance family."

The handsome man said in a deep voice, "Although the cancer of the family has been cleared this time, there will be new classes that will be transformed into new cancers in the future, but this is not meaningless.

At least we have slowed down the growth and blood-sucking speed of the termites and slowed down the time for the outbreak of civilization conflicts. "

Lin Zhi nodded, indicating that he understood.

This is easy to understand. If the current aristocratic family is a bloated big fat worm, then the emerging forces are inconspicuous little white worms.

If the current big fat worm gets benefits in the epic promotion, it will grow into a super big fat worm.

However, how can the little white worm get benefits? At most, it can grow into a big fat worm.

This coming and going prolongs the time for the outbreak of civilization conflicts.

However, this is the truth.

Lin Zhi frowned, "Master, you said it very well. As a member of the alliance, I have the obligation to contribute to the alliance. However, this is using me as a gun. I am alone against the Wu family. I am afraid..."

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