National Gardener: I can choose the evolution path of spiritual plants

Chapter 205 Member of Parliament (End of Volume)

Lin Zhi looked at him calmly.

He slowly said, "I want to strictly enforce the Alliance Code!"

"Strictly enforce the Alliance Code?"

Zhao Hao murmured, with lightning flashing in his mind. He soon thought about his intention and said in a deep voice:

"You are going against the whole world. The road is so bumpy that you won't even be able to succeed."

"How will you know if you don't try it? The Alliance's code is the most perfect, fairest, and most reasonable code I have ever seen."

A smile appeared on Lin Zhi's face.

"However, it is people who enforce the code. Everyone has selfish motives, which naturally runs counter to the code.

Therefore, even though our code is so perfect, so fair and reasonable, it is humans who enforce the code, which is why the Wu family exists with such wanton behavior.

I control the Infinite Skynet and can monitor the entire world. Therefore, this is the opportunity to enforce the Union Code. It only requires the Infinite Skynet to monitor the world as the eye of the sky, make judgments according to the Alliance Code, and the sword bearer will implement them according to the judgment.

Skynet also monitors the execution of sword holders, and major cases involving the death penalty are reviewed by the Alliance Council. "

"It's good to think about it, but you haven't thought about it, what if the family doesn't want to do it?

As you said, there will be no corruption or any filth in this world.

You must know that a horse will not be fat without night grass, and a person will not be rich without windfall.

The consequence of doing so is to become enemies of the aristocratic families and the middle and upper classes. "

"So, I need to form a sword-bearing army in each county before I can fully implement the plan."

"I understand, but have you ever considered that when you die, these sword-bearing legions will become a new class.

Your plan may seem perfect, but it actually requires you to have the force to suppress the entire world, and you need to maintain your original intention. If this force no longer exists, the so-called order will collapse instantly. "

Zhao Haodao

"After death?"

Lin Zhi stared at Zhao Hao and said, "Become a legend and have a thousand years of life. Entering an epic can extend your life for thousands of years, create a myth, and live forever."

I have at least a thousand years to change the alliance and find the road to great harmony. "

"Besides, if that happens, we can only leave it to those who come after us. Leader, do you think there is a more suitable plan than the current one?"

Zhao Hao was silent and quickly shook his head slowly.

"I agree with your military expansion and will help you clear the obstacles."

he continued.

Lin Zhi had a soothing smile on his face.

"Thank you, Lord Leader"

Although he had expected it, Lin Zhi breathed a sigh of relief the moment the other party really agreed.

For the leader family, there is no need to use all kinds of shady corruption and exploitation to squeeze civilization like the Wu family.

The "exploitation" of civilization by the leader family is aboveboard.

In other words, the value generated by the development of the entire civilization is the value that the leader family can obtain.

Therefore, it is most critical for the leader family that civilization can function well.

Just like in ancient dynasties, the emperor seemed to rule the world together with the scholar-bureaucrats, but their positions were different.

The people are the foundation of the emperor.

So when Lin Zhi proposed this plan, he was the one who took the blame and took the pressure, while the ones who benefited were the Zhao family and other alliance leader families.

That's why Zhao Hao agreed so happily.

Of course, Lin Zhi was not without gains.

What he gained was the legal expansion of the alliance's military conscription. From the former Yanhuang Legion, it expanded to 36 legions in 36 counties.

More importantly, these 36 legions belong to law enforcers, and the resources used to support them are military taxes from the alliance.

In a sense, Lin Zhi is using power for personal gain, and this is the brave dragon-slayer turning into a new evil dragon.

But this is not the case. Even if Lin Zhi does not participate, military expenses will still be spent every year.

But as to where the money was spent and whether it was worth it, there is no way to tell.

He just spent his military money wisely.

"Then next, we should talk about the void mineral vein."

Zhao Hao continued to speak.

"I can take out 50% of the mineral vein as a loan, and I will keep the rest."

Lin Zhi gave a plan.

If it weren't for the current urgency, the Wuyue Empire would fall, and the Human Alliance would face the gentleman civilization. If there was no time for him to cultivate legendary strongmen himself, he would never take out this vein of minerals.

Currently, only aristocratic families have enough legendary-level peerless talents that can quickly transform them into half-step epic combat power.

This is the fundamental reason why he took out the mineral vein.

However, this vein cannot be taken for free!

Because these aristocratic families are all enemies who will hinder his reform in the alliance in the future.

So he took it out in the name of a loan.

"Fifty percent, no, it's too little!"

Zhao Hao said, "These resources are simply not enough for us to digest."

"This is the limit of what I can do. I also need to train my legions." Lin Zhi looked calm.

"Them? They're not even legends. They don't have a hundred years to grow them. How can you cultivate them unless you encourage them to grow?"

Zhao Hao shook his head.

"So, I need a main branch of the World Tree as a headquarters for troop training. At the same time, I need 60,000 World Tree tumors, 600,000 knots of 100,000-year-old locust wood hearts, and countless spiritual soul beads and other materials. , I can make a list, and when the time comes to repay the loan, I need to be given materials of corresponding value according to this list.”


Zhao Hao pretended to be in deep thought, gritted his teeth for a long time and said, "This condition is okay, but we need 70%!"

"At most sixty percent."

"Sixty-five percent, everyone will vote for you in this parliamentary election." Zhao Hao said.

"Okay, that's it!"

Lin Zhi quickly agreed.

Anyway, no matter how much, it is not given away for free, and it needs to be repaid with an equivalent value.

He is equivalent to exchanging cultivation resources with these families.

He exchanged late-stage resources for early-stage resources.

In the next few days, he discussed and signed all matters with the think tank sent by Zhao Hao.

Everything was settled, and soon, the alliance ushered in a new election.

He was nominated and then participated in the election.

Under the operation of the Zhao family and other families, he ran around the counties of the alliance, through live speeches, expounding on the governing philosophy, and competing with competitors, PK and so on.

In the midst of various specially arranged doubts, he showed his achievements to the alliance without a sound, and built a reputation among the people.

Finally, a few months later, he successfully entered the candidate list.

Then, he was selected without any surprise and became one of the 37 members of the alliance.

Well, currently the alliance plus the Food County has a total of 37 counties.

So far, Professor Meng's faction has four members, Professor Meng, Meng Xingchen, Lin Zhi, and Ma Lieyang.

Controls one-tenth of the alliance's voice.

After becoming a member, Lin Zhi's residence was moved to a branch connected to the trunk of the Zhongzhou World Tree.

As the center of the world, where the World Tree is located, the speed of progress can be said to be a thousand miles a day.

And personally feeling the World Tree, Lin Zhi found that when practicing, it was like being in a warm ocean, and the soul was caressed and purified.

Its effect is no less than that of a million-year-old locust wood heart.

Lin Zhi is confident that it will only take a few years for him to truly break through the God Ring and become a legend.

The thirty-seven members usually don't have any work. Their main responsibilities are to hold meetings and deal with major events in the alliance.

However, the alliance is currently calm, and various families are in an arms race to deal with the next gentleman civilization, but nothing major has happened.

With Lin Zhi's current reputation, the recruitment of the Swordholder Corps is going smoothly.

However, in order to ensure the loyalty of the legion, the legion contract he signed with others this time was extremely harsh. In addition to generous welfare benefits and not letting people execute orders such as dying and sending themselves to death, it restricted the legion's various violations of law and discipline.

Despite this, there are still many gardeners willing to sign up.

The mineral veins in the void are being mined crazily, and a large amount of resources are sent back to the alliance every day.

The noble families are dormant and concentrate on cultivating half-step epic combat power.

With these five elements treasures and creation stones, the legends they cultivate will no longer be false legendary combat power like the Wu family.

However, just a few months after the peaceful days, the Five Mountains Empire came from the Five Mountains Empire. The news that the Five Mountains Empire was defeated and was beaten into the capital by the Gentleman Civilization.

He only felt a pain in his soul and lost contact with the trumpet Wang Lu.

The fall of the Five Mountains Empire made the Gentleman Civilization have 16 world records at once.

The number fully meets the requirements for promotion to epic.

However, promotion to epic also requires individuals to compose epics, which is difficult.

However, if you choose to destroy the human alliance and rely on the power of the void battlefield to "settlement" the game, you can achieve the same effect.

Thus, a high-intensity invasion war broke out from Qiyan City without any warning.

The first to be impacted was the human army in the void battlefield.

However, in this assault, Meng Xingchen burst out with abilities far beyond ordinary half-step epics.

He killed dozens of half-step epics with one sword, blocking the progress of the players of the gentleman civilization.

However, Meng Xingchen was not really invincible. While the gentleman civilization besieged Qiyan City, it also captured the God City of Creation and eliminated other cities of the human alliance.

In less than half a year, only Qiyan City was left in the void battlefield.

During this period of time, with the help of the Five Elements Rare Treasures and Creation Stones, a large number of legends and half-step epics were cultivated by the aristocratic families.

Lin Zhi noticed that the aristocratic families chose to cultivate the path of mechanical spiritual plants.

The cultivation of mechanical spiritual plants is the most mature in the alliance. Even because of the researchable, understandable, and replicable characteristics of mechanical spiritual plants, the alliance has not yet evolved a complete spiritual plant, but has theoretically designed the evolution path of complete spiritual plants.

With the help of sufficient five-element treasures and creation stone resources, these legendary mechanical spiritual plants were quickly evolved.

Lin Zhi even saw the complete mechanical spiritual plants.

For example, "Watermelon Star", "War Fortress", "Mecha Gourd", "Two-Elephant Cosmos".

He also saw the concept of the ultimate mechanical spiritual plants, such as "Star Fortress", "Microcosmic Watermelon", "Light Armor Gourd"...

There are also spiritual plants that he doesn't understand very well, such as the ultimate spiritual plant "Han Shu Fang Cheng".

The family sent a large number of legends and half-step epics to stabilize Qi Yan City.

Every day, battles are staged outside Qi Yan City, like a vortex of death, and countless people die outside the city.

In the war of civilizations, death cannot be resurrected by the void battlefield.

They become nutrients to nourish the strong men on both sides.

The advantage of the gentleman civilization is that it occupies all resource cities except Qi Yan City and has the foundation of 18 legendary worlds.

The disadvantage is that the gentleman civilization cannot obtain more Qi Yan, and most of the strong men do not have complete five elements.

The advantage of the Human Alliance is that the resources in the Void Mineral Veins are far greater than those in the Void Battlefield and that they can mass-produce mechanical spiritual plants.

The disadvantage is that the foundation is too weak.

Every day, the Gentleman Civilization has a slight advantage over the previous day.

This war involved hundreds of billions of people from both sides.

Lin Zhi found that in a war of this scale, personal strength was too slim.

Even if the enemies stood in line for him to slaughter, his hands would be sore.

What's more, the gentleman civilization had a strong foundation, and the combat power it invested was the starting point of the Holy Crown.

In general, in terms of high-level combat power, the Human Alliance can barely maintain and not be killed by the other side.

The backbone layer can also hold on.

So the soldiers below will decide the outcome.

Whoever can tilt the balance will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

As time goes on, the human side begins to decline.

Lin Zhi did not spend this time on the battlefield. In addition to handling the practical affairs of the alliance, he took advantage of the war to adjust and transform the civilization and practice.

The soul beads and resources from the Wu family's half-step epic, plus the world tree and various soul-shaking methods, made his soul pure and his cultivation level rose.

In the extraordinary world, personal power is the most important.

The reason why I feel that I cannot decide the general situation is that my combat power is still too weak, and there is no qualitative change that transcends everything.

Unlike others, if Lin Zhi breaks through to the legend, then the soul land domain will transform into the quality that only epics can have.

Then after the spirit plant evolves to the complete form, his combat power will be truly epic.

However, something happened that Lin Zhi did not expect and that the Infinite Skynet did not monitor.

Meng Xingchen killed Zhao Yan, the commander-in-chief of Qi Yan City, and destroyed the entire Qi Yan City in a thought.

All soldiers died and resurrected at the initial resurrection point within the alliance.

Then, Professor Meng activated the light gate of the gentleman civilization across the human alliance.

Fortunately, the alliance responded in time and successfully blocked the army of the gentleman civilization outside the light gate.

Just when Lin Zhi was confused and shocked by this change, he received a communication from Meng Xingchen.

Without waiting for Lin Zhi to ask, Meng Xingchen smiled and said, "We can go home!"


Lin Zhi felt puzzled. The teacher's state seemed to be a little wrong.

"Go home, go back to Earth!"

Meng Xingchen's words were like a storm, shocking Lin Zhi's heart.

"What... Earth? Teacher, what are you talking about? I don't quite understand..."

Lin Zhi pretended to be confused.

"Don't worry, Dad and you are from the same hometown." Meng Xingchen said.


Lin Zhi was surprised.

"Professor Meng, are you from the same hometown as me?"

"That's right, you all came from a place called Earth. Otherwise, how could you think that a poor person from a grassroots background could become the second library of the alliance with less than a hundred years of hard work?

How can a grassroots person get such a status? How can he teach excellent students? How can he have a son who suppresses the alliance?

Because he is a traverser, the 'protagonist' of the old era!

And I am the 'protagonist' of the new era, and you are the 'protagonist' of the future era!"

"This, this, this... I'm a little confused..."

Lin Zhi felt a sense of separation in his heart.

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