During the rat eradication operation, some surviving rats escaped Tokyo through hidden passages and fled in other directions.

Although the rat eradication operation was effective in a short period of time, it caused the virus to spread to surrounding cities.

Although the rat eradication operation was carried out throughout the island, the area was too large, especially in areas outside the city, and the range of rats' activities was no longer limited to sewers.

The vastness of the world made them extremely difficult to catch and kill.

The rats that were lucky enough to escape from the town wandered in the wild and rural areas, spreading the virus to other mammals.

The official Radiation Island issued a new decree that all animals, regardless of their preciousness and rarity, would be killed in any area where the virus was found.

The promulgation of this decree instantly reduced the efficiency of the rat transmission route.

However, there are still surviving mammals and reptiles that spread the virus, especially small animals such as rats and geckos that live in hidden places.

If the side effects of the demon virus were not relatively small, and there was no need to mobilize a large number of medical staff to treat it in a race against time, I am afraid that Radiation Island might have failed to prevent and control the virus at this time.

In the fight against the virus on Radiation Island, countless animals were killed, which made Lin Zhi particularly distressed.

Because many animals had not yet been infected with the virus, they could not obtain infection points after being killed.

At the same time, a large number of animals were killed, effectively blocking the virus transmission route. On the fourteenth day of the virus release, the number of people infected with the virus/animals stopped at 270,000.

Even this number is slowly decreasing.

At noon on the fourteenth, the accumulation of infection points exceeded 1 million again, and Lin Zhi hurriedly strengthened the virus infection ability.

With the consumption of 1 million infection points, the infection ability also rose to level 6.

Extreme·Droplet transmission: The virus host will release the virus into the outside world when talking, sneezing, etc. The virus exposed to the outside world will survive for 2 hours in a non-toxic environment below 60℃, and can float in the air to infect new hosts.

Advanced·Heterogeneous transmission: The virus acquires the ability to infect all mammals, reptiles, and birds.

The transmission route has added birds, and Lin Zhi is not too excited.

Due to the animal hunting and poisoning activities on Radiation Island, a large number of birds have been killed. There are not many birds left now. Most of them hide in the deep mountains and old forests, which is not very helpful for the spread of the virus.

On the evening of the 14th.

In an underground garage in Tokyo.

A rat as big as a puppy fled in a hurry, rushed out of the garage, and ran into the green belt next to it.

Passing the green belt, it climbed along the rainwater pipe to a building. Its eyes emitted scarlet light. Under the moonlight, the hair on its body stood up, emitting a metallic luster.

Climbing to the 5th floor, there was an open window, and it jumped into the room along the pipe.

The mouse looked around and saw two people sleeping in the room.

It was agile and ran quickly to the head of the bed and bit a person's neck hard.


On the 15th day after the virus was released, in the morning.

A system prompt woke Lin Zhi up.

[The demon virus has mutated. Do you want to consume 271457 infection points to update the virus structure? ]


Seeing this word, Lin Zhi was immediately surprised and quickly opened the system panel to check the specific information of the virus.

Virus: Demon virus

Evolution level: E

Enhancement level: lv6

Virus effect: Emotional excitement (makes the infected person emotional and unable to control emotions easily. When encountering a situation of drastic emotional fluctuations, there is a great chance that the emotions will be out of control.)

〖Virus ability〗

Mutation·Gluttony: The demon virus has acquired the ability to secrete "enhanced digestive enzymes", which makes the infected person continue to have a desire to eat and can quickly digest and absorb nutrients.

Infection enhancement: lv6 (0/10 million)

Resistance enhancement: lv5 (0/1 million)

Transmission enhancement: lv5 (0/1 million)

Adaptation enhancement: lv6 (0/10 million)

After seeing the new ability "gluttony", Lin Zhi fell into deep thought.

One minute later, he was ecstatic.

This gluttony is a magical skill!

Gluttony can speed up the infected person's digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, and make the infected person continue to have a desire to eat.

This means that the virus will be able to obtain dozens or even hundreds of times more nutrition from the host than before.

The more nutrition obtained, the more virus sub-bodies can be multiplied.

The higher the concentration of the virus, the greater the probability of the host's emotional out-of-control, and the other abilities of the virus will also increase with the increase in the number of viruses, and the probability of triggering abilities will increase.

In addition, affected by overeating, those animals forced into desperate situations will be crazy and desperate for food and survival, and even attack and prey on humans.

At the same time, the entire population of Radiation Island is isolated at home, and the guarantee of living supplies is the top priority.

Overeating nutrition, they will need dozens or hundreds of times more food than before.

A large number of animals were killed, and Radiation Island lost its meat source.

How long can it last by just storing food?

Once the material is in short supply, the residents of Radiation Island, whose emotions are amplified, will easily lose control of their emotions, bringing instability to isolation and prevention.

As long as there are dozens of conflicts, it will lead to chaos in the whole society.

Even if it can be suppressed by the cabinet in the early stage, after a long time, when most people face a food crisis, the crazy things that people with out-of-control emotions can do are amazing.

Lin Zhi seemed to see the light.

He immediately confirmed that he had spent more than 270,000 infection points, and with the power of the system, the virus was updated in all infected people.

Day 16 of virus release.

Radiation Island, National Research Institute.

101 Lab.

Juro Inaka dropped a tube of reagent into the petri dish. Looking through the microscope, he saw that the reagent had invaded the demon virus and quickly killed the virus.

Seeing this, he smiled and said:

"It's finally completed. The structure of the tauropod madness virus is too simple. Special medicine has been developed and the virus will be completely eliminated soon."

At this time, a young man broke into the laboratory in a panic.

"Mentor, it's bad, mentor, the virus has mutated!"


"The results of all the nucleic acid samples tested today were all normal. The front-line doctors felt something was wrong. They extracted the virus and observed it. I don't know why, overnight, the structure of the virus changed drastically. It has undergone earth-shaking changes."


Juro Inaka yelled, "Are you kidding me? How can the virus all mutate?"

"It is indeed unbelievable, but it is a fact. I asked various places to extract virus observations and compared them, and we came to the same conclusion."

"No, this is impossible! Logically speaking, the mutation of the virus starts from an individual and then spreads to others again."

Juro Inaka showed horror on his face, "It is simply impossible for all viruses to mutate into the same virus at the same time. Just like there are no two identical leaves in the world, how can it be possible for all viruses to mutate into the same virus at the same time as long as they are not sub-strains of the same strain? ?”

He took the petri dish out of the incubator and looked at it under a microscope.

Then he said, "Look, these viruses are still the same viruses."

"Yes, no virus samples stored in laboratories around the world before yesterday morning have mutated. All viruses extracted after yesterday morning have mutated..."

"Are you kidding! According to you, this is not a virus at all, this is a devil!!!"

Juro Inaka's crazy words were actually what his assistant said, subverting his scientific understanding.

All viruses mutate into the same virus at the same time. In theory, there is an "infinite one" chance of this happening, but it is impossible to happen in reality!

Soon, Juro Inaka calmed down again.

"Send new virus samples and dispatch more scientists..."

On the outskirts of Tokyo, in a single-family villa, Lin Zhi paid attention to the latest news.

As he expected, after the virus updated its gluttony ability, the symptoms of the infected quickly became serious.

Under various pressures and trapped in a depressing environment, more and more people are rushing out of their homes to vent their anger, regardless of prevention and control instructions.

The city's logistical support chain also began to experience various problems one after another.

Bad rumors appear on the Internet.

Although most of the issues were dealt with quickly by the government, there were still some imperfections.

Lin Zhi originally thought that the radiation island would soon be in turmoil and the government would be paralyzed.

However, one piece of news left him extremely speechless.

"Those infected with the disease can actually eat plants and trees to fill their stomachs!" 》

Lin Zhi clicked on the news and was shocked to find that due to the effect of "enhanced digestive enzymes", virus-infected people can digest the cellulose of plants and trees and decompose nutrients needed for human survival, such as glucose.

In addition, some foods that were difficult to digest in the past can now be fully decomposed and digested.

Give a very simple example.

For example, in the past, if an infected person ate a bowl of rice, he could eat half a bowl of rice.

But now I eat the same amount, but I can only eat half a bowl.

Why is this happening?

Because food is decomposed, the ability to absorb nutrients is increased dozens to hundreds of times.

Why do dogs eat dogs pulled by humans? Will beetles eat the dung pooped by dogs? Will bacteria and fungi still eat the poop of dung beetles?

It means that digestion is not complete and sufficient.

But now, dogs and dung beetles, not to mention bacteria, will not eat the poop pulled out by people infected with the virus.

The powerful digestion and absorption capabilities, coupled with the sudden expansion of the range of recipes, actually alleviated the food crisis.

As a result, the social unrest gradually subsided, and the government was still operating normally.

Day 20 of virus release.

Radiation Island, National Research Institute.

101 Lab.

Juro Inaka sat in front of the computer and stared at the data displayed on it.

He said to himself, "The virus is evolving in a direction that is beneficial to the human body, and there is a faint tendency to merge with the human genome."

"In addition, recent observations have found that these viruses have the ability to replicate beneficial bacteria and can even replace human cells to maintain the normal operation of living organisms."

Inakajuro closed his eyes and thought.

After a while, the assistant came from outside.

"Teacher, this is a research report sent by Dr. Yamano on the ability of the Torovirus to replicate various bacteria."

Juro Inaka took the report and looked at it. He looked serious. Dr. Yamano is a bacteriologist with a well-known family. This line of academic inheritance has a history of more than a hundred years. Over the years, he has been secretly conducting human experiments on the Black Continent Prairie. , an authority in bacteriology.

After the outbreak of the Bullhorn Madness virus, he took a freighter with thousands of Kunlun slaves back to Radiation Island.

When Juro Inaka saw various report data and experimental conclusions, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It’s simply unconscionable!

In just twenty days, most of the thousands of Kunlun slaves brought back were consumed, and the experiments were horrific.

"I feel chilled after reading this report. It is not an exaggeration to say that this lineage will be destroyed by heaven and earth, and its descendants will be cut off." Juro Ino said.

The assistant next to him listened and said quickly, "Yes, but this is for the future of mankind. You are the leaves bathed in the sun, and they are the roots deep in the ground. Only when the roots are deep can the leaves flourish."

"Haha, then let them bear these sins alone!"

Juro Inaka felt relaxed and continued to read the experimental report.

"So, the tauropod virus can perfectly replicate the abilities of these bacteria, then combine with the human body and replace part of the human body's tissues, thereby achieving the effect of curing various diseases?"

Juro Inaka suddenly thought, "Even some of the abilities of beneficial bacteria can strengthen people's physique, strengthen their body, and prolong their life."

He looked at his assistant and said, "It seems that we need to change the direction of our research."

"Change research direction?"

"Well, for the time being, we don't care about how to cure and eradicate the Nitrora virus. Anyway, the harm is not too great. Judging from these data, the benefits of the virus are more than the harm. Let's change the direction and study how to use the virus to contribute to us."

"Is this... okay?"

"You are still a graduate student at Seongnam University. Don't you know that the genes of viruses in the human body occupy part of it? Those are viruses that have been integrated into the human body during the evolution of life and have contributed to human evolution. If we can successfully integrate viruses into The human body may enable humans to evolve again.”

Juro Inaka smiled and said, "I have a hunch that if it succeeds, this will be a leap in evolution. By then, do you think I can be as famous as Einstein?"

"What did the Hefu say?" the assistant asked.

"Hefu? Haha"

Juro Inaka smiled disdainfully and said, "You still don't know the madness of Hefu? Once this report is submitted, they will support me more than anyone else."

"Well, that's right. The old guys in Hefu can even come up with harmful ideas for dumping nuclear wastewater into the sea. They are indeed unusually crazy."

The assistant nodded and said, "Then I will compile and submit the report."

"By the way, hurry up and breed the mice immediately." Juro Inaka ordered.

On the 22nd day after the virus was released, Lin Zhi discovered that the number of people/animals infected with the virus suddenly increased by 10,000 overnight.

He curiously clicked on the news website and found some clues.

"Ten thousand white mice were dispatched to Tokyo overnight to conduct a large-scale clinical trial of the Torozoon virus. 》

"The mouse breeding farm is expanding and plans to give birth to 10 million mice per year. 》

"What...what is this for?"

Lin Zhi was surprised and happy.

What is surprising is that Hefu has researched something and started large-scale clinical trials. Could it be that it has produced an inactivated vaccine?

This is very possible, after all, inactivated vaccines are not a difficult matter.

Fortunately, with the addition of so many guinea pigs, he will have another income.

Currently, there are only a few hundred thousand infection points left to upgrade all four basic abilities of the virus to level 6.

After that, you need to save tens of millions of infection points and upgrade to level 7.

According to Lin Zhi's reasoning, when the ability reaches level 7, the virus can evolve to level D. At that time, the virus itself will most likely have four more abilities.

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