The sun rose from the east, and Watanabe's vision broadened. He saw lush trees and plants growing in the distance.

Although the area near the nuclear power plant has become deserted due to the impact of radiation, the vegetation is extremely lush.

for people infected with the virus. It's all food.

Watanabe walked towards a big tree. To an infected person, wood fiber is like meat in the eyes of ordinary people. It is rich in protein and extremely delicious and chewy.

The sound of chewing trees carried far in the silence.

In Watanabe's body, the viruses have undergone earth-shaking changes. They began to clean up the human cells destroyed by radioactive materials, then replaced them and assimilated them.

Two days later, Watanabe stopped eating after munching on vegetation for several hundred meters.

At this time, he had changed beyond recognition. His body had grown from a short man of 1.6 meters to more than 5 meters tall, and his body had become as strong as a giant.

The surface of his skin was covered with sarcoma-like bumps, and was as gray as tree bark and ugly.

Returning to the nuclear wastewater storage site, Watanabe reached out and grabbed a large metal can of nuclear wastewater and poured it into his mouth.

If someone were here, they would be extremely shocked that he could lift a metal can weighing a thousand tons effortlessly!

"Is this extraordinary power?"

Watanabe Shinno drank a ton of nuclear wastewater, threw down the metal can and laughed wildly.

For a long time, he stopped smiling and fell into deep thought.

"I gained extraordinary strength, but it's not ideal. My body has become huge, which is not conducive to movement. I can only hide nearby temporarily, or during this period of hiding, I can become stronger and develop the same kind."

Watanabe Shinno smiled and said that Vulcan believers had inspired him before.

If you want to achieve your ambitions, then the combined government will be an obstacle. The more turbulent the Radiation Island is, the more advantageous it will be.

"I'm not the kind of brainless guy who relies on attacking passers-by to develop followers. Wouldn't it be better to just put the virus through the water plant?"

Watanabe Shinno walked towards the edge of the nuclear power plant site. When he got to a place with signal, he took out his mobile phone and called his most trusted friend.

"Let me show you a video."

"Good guy, giant? So realistic!"

"this is me!"

"Yoshi, you can talk!"

"Baga, be quiet!"

"Watanabe-kun, why are you like this?"

"This is the power of the Taurus virus! I can now lift a thousand-ton nuclear wastewater storage tank!"


"You cooperate with me tonight to open the water treatment tank of the water plant, and I will get some nuclear wastewater there."


"Of course, it is better to have fun alone than to have fun together. Good things need to be shared by everyone. I want to spread the virus to the residents of this county through the water plant."

"Brother, what are you going to do? This is so exciting!"

"I want to build a city for giants!"

Watanabe Shinno said, "I want to be the emperor of this radiation island, lead the islanders to create a new era, and, get out of the radiation island, regain the Chinese continent that our ancestors almost succeeded in occupying, and even encompass the entire world!"

"Watanabe-kun has such great ambition, I admire him!"

That night, with the help of his friends, Watanabe Shinno quietly sneaked into the Sendai Prefecture Waterworks.

Watanabe Shinno followed his friends through the reservoir, clarification tank, filter tank, dosing tank and other places, and finally came to the "clear tank" at the end of the water plant.

Drinking tap water for residents of Sendai County will be pumped to thousands of households through this huge clean water tank.


Without any hesitation, Watanabe Shinno jumped directly into the clear pool.

Then take a shower inside.

The clear pool is huge, and even Watanabe Shinno, who is more than 5 meters tall, still looks inconspicuous when he jumps into it.

Similarly, in such a large pool, the viruses expelled from the body will be diluted quickly.

Raising the virus concentration to the point where it can spread to everyone cannot be achieved overnight.

But there are some things that are 1 if you do them, and will always be 0 if you don’t do them.

Watanabe Shinno has planned to spend a month taking a bath at the waterworks every night.

Pee in there by the way...

At the same time, he has infected many animals. When the virus in these animals reaches a certain concentration, they can be thrown in for a bath.

Day 55 of virus release.

Lin Zhi is very happy recently. In addition to the 130,000 volunteers from the Hefu organization who have been infected with the virus, the number of people infected with the virus is increasing rapidly every day.

The reason is that there are virus-infected people near Fukushima, Sendai City and surrounding areas.

Although the government implemented measures to close down the city on the second day after the virus-infected person was discovered, the spread of the virus still could not be stopped.

The biggest reason is that the source of the virus has not yet been found.

So as of this morning, including one million mice, the total number of infected people has exceeded 1.5 million.

A day ago, he had enhanced all four abilities of the virus to level 7.

And updated the virus’s newly mutated “troll” ability and “cowardly demon” ability.

As the virus' capabilities are updated, more and more ambitious people appear and make crazy moves in various cities on Radiation Island.

Compared to the emotionally out-of-control infected people, these people with demonic abilities retain their sanity while going crazy, which is even more terrifying.

Some of them are ordinary migrant workers, some are beggars and scavengers living in the lower classes of society, some are wealthy businessmen or elites, and some are even government officials.

Although news reports have repeatedly emphasized that the government dispatched the army and the "Fire Troopers" to maintain order so that the people did not need to panic.

But Lin Zhi could feel that fear had already shrouded the entire radiation island.

As long as the government does not take better measures, the order on Radiation Island will completely collapse sooner or later.

Tokyo, House of Representatives.

Thirteen cabinet ministers gathered together and were holding a secret cabinet meeting.

In addition to the ministers, there were also Juro Inaka and his assistants at the meeting.

"The above are the research results. Through a large amount of data, it is proven that we have maturely mastered the preparation of a vaccine for the hornworm virus, and can customize demonic abilities for most people through instrument testing and supplemented with drugs."

Juro Inaka smiled and said, "We found that when the human body awakens a certain ability, it will not be infected by other new mutant viruses. Therefore, after vaccination, not only can you gain abilities, but you can also be immune to new mutant virus infections."

“What’s the difference between taking the vaccine and being directly infected by the virus?”

"Losing emotional control is the same, but the virus in people infected by the virus is active and can continue to reproduce, mutate, and evolve."

“As for vaccine recipients, the vaccine in their bodies is inactivated and cannot continue to reproduce, mutate, and evolve.

In addition, human cells will be replaced by virus cells under the influence of the virus. After acquiring the virus's ability, it is necessary to continue to inject vaccines. Otherwise, when the cells die, they will not be replenished and then collapse. "

“Is it useful to get vaccinated for people who have already been infected with the virus?”

"It's no use!"

"Doesn't that mean it's the same whether you get the vaccine or not? It could even be said that the vaccine is more troublesome than being directly infected with the active virus."

"Having said that, there is another benefit to the vaccine."

Juro Inaka smiled and said, "First of all, if all the people are vaccinated, no matter how the virus mutates outside, the residents will not be infected again.

After all, viruses mutate and evolve various abilities. What if, under a huge base, they evolve lethality or other characteristics?

Therefore, it is best to vaccinate the entire population and limit the virus to the current stage.

Second, through vaccines, we can determine the life and death fate of our residents.

After vaccination, life theoretically has a long lifespan. How can it be possible without control? "

"I understand, although this will increase the financial burden hundreds of times, it is indeed a solution."

"By the way, how to deal with the loss of control and the expansion of evil thoughts in the heart?" a minister of the government asked.

"The devil virus feeds on the body's secretion of emotional substances such as hormones. This is the root cause of emotional loss. As long as you take emotional substances regularly, you can stabilize your mood."

“Can the production cost and scale of emotional substances be enough to supply the entire radiation island?”

"Of course, we already have mature technology. Through bacteria, we can easily produce various emotional substances. If the scale is expanded, it can be enough to supply the entire radiation island."

"I understand. In this case, wouldn't emotional substances be the same as white powder?"

"Yes, because of this, there is no need to worry about the residents' evil intentions, because we control their lifeblood."

"Haha, such a huge benefit must have encouraged the growth of evil thoughts, right?" A minister laughed.

"I'm just a scientist. It's your business to invent or research things and how to use them."

“What is the current production of emotional substances?”

"If pharmaceutical factories across the country start operations at the same time, they can supply 500,000 people."

"That's enough. We need to select 300,000 personnel from the entire island's security department and inject them with vaccines. We need extraordinary power to maintain order."

"If there is serious violence in an area, the army can be dispatched, tanks and fighter planes can be mobilized, and missiles can be used to carry out devastating strikes."

"Even if the violent suppression affects innocent people, order must not collapse, otherwise the radiation island will really be over."

"Well, that's the case. As long as we persist for a period of time, expand the scale of the pharmaceutical factory, and produce enough emotional substances to supply 200 million people, the virus will basically be defeated."

"Before this happens, we must step up the production of vaccines, vaccinate all people, and establish a universal immune system."

Tokyo Center, Imperial Palace.

"His Majesty the Emperor, video of today's cabinet meeting."

The chamberlain placed the laptop with the meeting video in front of Emperor Chihito and clicked play.

Emperor Chihito looked at the video quietly with deep eyes.

After a long time, he said, "I understand, go down!"

"Hi, His Majesty the Emperor!"

The chamberlain left, Emperor Chihito's face showed a gloomy look, and he sneered, "Is it the horn mad virus? God will not stop me."

He waved his hand, and a deep black vortex appeared in front of him. He reached into it and slowly pulled out a rotting crow.

"Go ahead and keep an eye on Juro Inaka. Once there are new research results, report them in a timely manner."

On the 60th day after the virus was released, Lin Zhi was troubled by the latest news reports.

The government announced that all people will start getting vaccinated to build up their immune system.

This news was expected, but it was difficult for Lin Zhi to accept.

The virus vaccine is an inactivated vaccine, which can only provide Lin Zhi with an infection point once and cannot continuously provide infection points.

Once the entire population is vaccinated, more than 200 million infection points can be harvested at once. But in the future, infection points can no longer be harvested continuously.

Even if the vaccine recipient continues to take the vaccine, the virus transmission system will not recalculate the acquisition of infection points.

In addition, in addition to losing more than 200 million sources of persistent infection points, it will also lose a hotbed for virus mutation.

Of course, universal vaccination also has an advantage for Lin Zhi.

That means Hefu will no longer be afraid of animal transmission to humans, and will definitely relax its epidemic prevention efforts.

It will not be like now, when animals are found to be infected, all animals within a few miles will be killed.

Of course, some large ferocious animals or mutant animals with out-of-control emotions will be killed in the future.

But it is impossible to kill all animals.

For example, pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, fish and meat are definitely impossible to kill.

Well, fish are a new infection route after the transmission capacity is upgraded.

Due to the coastal areas around the radiation island, when fish are infected, the virus quickly spreads throughout the radiation sea covered by the isolation cover.

The sea is vast and Hefu has found that fish are infected. There is no better way except to ban the consumption of fish.

Back to the point, poultry and livestock have simple emotions. As long as the feeding environment is comfortable, it is actually difficult to get out of control.

At present, the reason why rats and other animals in the outside world are out of control is largely because Hefu kills them in order to eliminate the virus, causing the animals to face the threat of death, so they will get out of control.

As long as poultry and livestock are not out of control and the virus on them cannot pose a threat to humans, Hefu will not deal with them.

Going further, the bodies of poultry and livestock infected by the virus are strengthened, and the meat is even more delicious.

These are not only a source of meat, but also can provide infection points for Lin Zhi.

At that time, there will be a situation where the virus and the humans on Radiation Island live in peace.

There are more poultry, livestock and fish than humans. As long as they survive, it seems that it is not difficult to evolve the virus to level B within a year?

Lin Zhi calculated and found that it was not the case.

Level 13 is a level B virus.

It takes 10 trillion infection points to enhance the virus ability from level 12 to level 13. Assuming that there are 10 billion invertebrates and vertebrates on Radiation Island.

It takes 3 years to accumulate 10 trillion infection points.

Now, there are 10 months left before the main task.

Unless the virus can infect invertebrates.

After all, invertebrates account for 95% of all life in the world.

But Lin Zhi guessed in his heart that this should be impossible.

When the virus is level 1-3, each enhancement path upgrade can upgrade 1 corresponding ability.

When it is level 4-6, 2 corresponding abilities can be upgraded.

At level 7, the first two corresponding abilities merge into a greatly enhanced final ability, and a third new ability appears.

Final level probably means that this ability will not be enhanced when the virus is strengthened and upgraded.

Specifically, in terms of the transmission enhancement ability.

In a big way, it is possible that the transmission ability is enhanced to level 8, but the ability of "final transmission" cannot be enhanced again.

It can only spread vertebrates forever, and cannot increase the transmission path of "invertebrates"!

Of course, whether this is the case or not, you need to upgrade to level 8 to know.

Soon, when the virus was released on the 61st day, Lin Zhi accumulated 100 million infection points, and Lin Zhi strengthened the transmission ability.

The reason why 100 million infection points can be accumulated so quickly is mainly due to the contribution of infected fish in the radiation sea area.

At present, the number of infected fish has reached tens of millions.

Lin Zhi did not hesitate and strengthened the transmission ability.

Then, with a nervous mood, he looked at the system panel expectantly.

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