Gallium can chemically react with aluminum, iron, silver, and lead at a high temperature of 100 million degrees to generate D3 metal.

D3 metal has excellent toughness, hardness, ductility, heat insulation, natural semiconductor material, will not be corroded, is lightweight and widely used, and is called a universal metal.

It is the most common metal in the Covenant's daily life. Because aluminum accounts for 80%, it is also called "earth aluminum".

Therefore, the so-called land reclamation is actually about finding the veins for producing D3 alloy materials.

As long as there are sufficient D3 alloy materials, all basic production lines can be built, and then secondary processing, third processing, and n-time processing can make the technology tree continue to climb.

The element gallium can be synthesized in the factory "Element Tower" by supplying energy from a nuclear fusion furnace, but the energy required is terrible and not cost-effective.

Fortunately, according to experience, some planets retain some gallium elements in the lava deep in their cores.

As for aluminum, it’s almost everywhere on the earth, it just needs to be refined.

Iron, logically speaking, the final "nuclear waste" in a nuclear fusion furnace is iron.

However, the nuclear fusion furnace used by Li Ming is for "civilian use". The nuclear fusion reaction only uses hydrogen as fuel, and the final products are only helium and lithium.

The final "nuclear waste" is a nuclear fusion furnace of carbon, oxygen, and calcium, which is the standard configuration of the Covenant military.

As for the nuclear fusion furnace that can produce "nuclear waste iron", it belongs to the top technology of the Covenant.

Therefore, what Li Ming needs most and is least easy to obtain is iron, iron, silver and lead.

Although these four metal elements can also be synthesized artificially, the energy consumed is not cost-effective and the production efficiency is slow.

So the optimal solution is mining.

On the 27th day after Li Ming arrived on the planet Ding-2317, the first batch of tens of thousands of mechanical bees was completed from the factory.

After charging, Li Ming activated the program chip carried on the mechanical bee.

All I saw was a metal beehive densely packed with fist-sized metal bees flying out with their wings fluttering.

There are hundreds of thousands of microscopic scales distributed on the surface of these metal bees. These scales are all miniature "spiral" blades, and together they form the power system of the metal bees.

In addition, the metal bee is equipped with a star network chip, which can be positioned through the satellite network and upload real-time coordinate data.

It is also equipped with a metal detector that can search for metal veins within several kilometers nearby.

This is the cheapest, but also very easy-to-use mapping tool from the Star Alliance.

About ten days later, Li Ming received a message from Metal Bee.

Li Ming opened the projection panel in front of him with great anticipation and checked the real-life data transmitted by the mechanical bee.

The screen unfolded, and the scenery on both sides was seen speeding backwards, and several small black dots gradually appeared on the gray horizon ahead.

The picture is getting closer and closer, and the black dots are gradually enlarging.

Soon, Li Ming saw their original appearance clearly.

All I could see in the picture were several tank-sized spider-like creatures dragging clumps of wire mesh filled with rocks across the ground.

The spider's body exudes luster and is gray-black in color. When they move, their eight limbs drag across the ground, causing sparks to rub against the rocky ground.

The Metal Bee's perspective has been following the movements of these spiders. After about twenty minutes, they only saw a ditch on the horizon ahead.

The huge spiders did not dodge, leaped in the air, and jumped off the cliff with the rocks dragged behind them.

Metal Bee followed closely behind with a new picture.

In the video, the metal bee overlooks the entire cliff from the air, and only sees an endless metal spider web covering the entire ravine.

On the metal net, black spiders crawled back and forth in an endless stream.

The nodes of the spider web are dotted with dense cocoons.

"What the hell is this?"

Li Ming uploaded the spider image to StarNet, opened "Qiandu" search, and quickly found the relevant information.

"D-level life form, mine spider?"

Li Ming murmured to himself, feeling heavy after reading the entire introduction.

Judging from the search results of Qiandu, these spiders are D-level life forms, originating from the "Sower Civilization".

The Star Alliance divides life into six levels from S to E.

Humanity and all life on its home planet are classified as E-level.

D level is the category of extraordinary life.

New humans who take genetic medicine or are biologically modified belong to level D.

If you want to become a D-level being, the most important condition is to have element 126 in your body.

Theoretically, element 126 does not exist in nature, so theoretically there is no natural supernatural life.

But there are exceptions to everything. For example, at the beginning of the Big Bang, the unimaginable energy burst produced countless elements 126, which was enough to give birth to powerful "extraordinary life."

It was an era full of crises, but also full of great opportunities.

At the beginning of the universe, many powerful civilizations were born. According to Star Alliance archeology, there is a civilization called "The Sowers".

The favorite thing of this civilization is to sow "life seeds" throughout the universe and give birth to all kinds of life.

The Sower civilization has sown so much life that it is as vast as the starry sky. There are more than one trillion species known to the Covenant alone.

These beings, as weak as bacteria and viruses, as strong as mythical creatures such as "dragons" and "angels", are all wantonly fabrications of the Sower civilization.

Scientists' research shows that human beings are also one of the creations of the sower civilization.

Fortunately, from various indications, it seems that the Sower civilization has disappeared in the long river of time.

In the next few days, the metal bees discovered many nests of mine spiders.

The planet seems to have been taken over by mine spiders, with spider nests everywhere.

In addition, there is desperate news.

That is, metal spiders feed on metal mines, and all the open pit veins found these days are occupied by metal spiders.

The underground mines also have dense mine holes with metal spiders drilled out.

"I'm so unlucky. It seems from a thousand degrees that this spider feeds on metal ores and has a strong sense of metals. I'm afraid they will soon discover my base. The equipment and tools are all D3 alloy. Build…”

Li Ming felt unlucky. He learned from the experiences and lessons of many predecessors that the last thing he wanted to see during the pioneering period was to encounter extraordinary beings like this.

Although the D3 printer can produce weapons that kill D-class life, it consumes too much energy and takes up the power of the nuclear fusion furnace.

Although nuclear fusion fuels such as hydrogen are inexhaustible, nuclear fusion furnaces have a service life.

Once the nuclear fusion furnace is scrapped and there is no money to buy a new one, Li Ming will not only be trapped on the planet Ding 2317 forever for the rest of his life, but will also have to bear a large amount of debt.

After all, the nuclear fusion furnace is legally an energy furnace belonging to the Star Platform and is not private property.

At that time, he will be like many ordinary people doing nothing on a desolate planet until they die of old age.

Unless you mortgage the contracted planets and become a "worker" for a top 500 company in the Star Alliance.

Land reclamation failed, the nuclear fusion furnace was scrapped, went bankrupt, and became a wage earner...

To be a social beast without freedom is actually the fate of most Covenant settlers.

"Producing engineering machines and suspending other irrelevant production lines."

Li Ming made a decision quickly.

Various engineering and construction machinery are produced and then driven to the outskirts of the base.

Under Li Ming's plan, ditches hundreds of meters wide and thousands of meters deep were excavated on the outside of the base. The surface of the ditch was covered with a "laser carpet". The carpet turned into countless grids, with a laser beam in the center of each grid. There is a sharp D3 alloy cone.

Once a creature falls into the ditch, it will be penetrated by the alloy cone, and then the laser carpet will release laser, which will penetrate and melt it.

In order to create these things, Li Ming spent half of the remaining printing materials.

In addition, if this defense system is turned on, it will occupy 50% of the power load of the nuclear fusion furnace.

But it's worth it. With this ditch barrier, he won't have to worry about a spider wave breaking out and flooding the entire base.

"The next development focus needs to change, otherwise we will be trapped on this planet."

Li Ming muttered to himself and ordered the recycling of temporarily useless equipment and production lines such as engineering vehicles.

Thousands of tons of printing materials were obtained by recycling and smelting these materials.

Next, Li Ming browsed the Star Network, looking for common fighter aircraft design models.

"Boeing 478? It seems to be one of the top 500 companies in the Star Alliance. This fighter should be good... Damn it, so many negative reviews? I see, this company has had frequent crashes since before the interstellar era, and the fighters it produces The performance is not strong..."

Li Ming shook his head and continued watching.

"Old Oriental No. 13... designed by a school and enterprise? Not bad, not bad, everyone agrees... but why are there only a thousand downloads?"

"Suzaku 07? Hiss... What a handsome fighter, but the model is too antique. It's actually a design from 100 years ago."

Li Ming searched for the latest Suzaku model, and found that none of the models after 07 can be downloaded for free. The latest model "Suzaku 11" is in service with the Covenant Flame Legion and is a military secret.

"Although it is an antique-level gadget. But it has been used in the army before, which shows its performance. Besides, those that are better than it are charged, and those that are free are not as good as it."

After spending 10 minutes to download the Suzaku 07 design model, Li Ming began to control the D3 printer, turn on the customization mode, and create it.

Since mass production is not required, there is no need to make a production line first and then assemble it through the production line.

It took more than 2 days for Li Ming to print out the first Suzaku 07.

On the newly built airport, a red fighter plane full of hydrodynamic beauty is parked like a huge sparrow soaring with its wings.

The appearance of the entire "Suzaku 07" is extremely simple. The most eye-catching thing is the two laser launchers on both sides of the wings.

They are called "Nanming Lihuo"!

This is one of the Covenant's cutting-edge technologies. Through a special energy matrix, the energy generated by nuclear fusion can be converted into laser rays arranged in specific energy particles and emitted.

Because this kind of ray can melt any known substance below C level, it is called "Nanming Lihuo". It is rumored that there are also "Suzaku Holy Flame", "Phoenix True Fire", "Sun Golden Essence" and so on.

However, Li Ming did not intend to use Nanming Lihuo to "fight monsters".

There is no other reason than "wasting electricity".

In addition to loading the big killer weapon Nanming Lihuo, Suzaku 07 also has a "gravity bow" installed on the back of the machine.

The gravity bow can launch "Suzaku Feathers" to strike targets on the ground.

The "Suzaku Feathers" are stored in the cabin. Each "Suzaku Feather" is made of D3 alloy, is about 10 meters long and weighs one hundred kilograms.

The 10-ton Suzaku 07 can carry 200 Suzaku feathers.

Under Li Ming's command, the first Suzaku 07 took off and flew towards the nearest spider nest.

At present, the spider nest has not discovered the existence of the base, but contact between the two is inevitable.

Li Ming decided to take the initiative.

It took less than half an hour for the Suzaku 07, which has a speed of 3,000 kilometers per hour, to reach the spider nest.

Under the control of the fully automatic program, it reduced its speed and circled around the nest.

Soon, the gravity bow was debugged, aimed at the nest below, and stored energy to launch the Suzaku feather.

One by one, the fiery red crossbow arrows popped out from the hatch on the back of the aircraft. Under the action of the gravity bow, they stretched backwards and stored enough power to be fired downwards.

Under the blessing of the strong initial speed, the crossbow arrows rubbed against the air and turned red, and actually burned with flames.


A crossbow arrow pierced through the unsuspecting mine spider and nailed it directly to the metal spider web.

Then, crossbow arrows fell like a torrential rain, causing chaos among the spiders. Some mine spiders tried to spray spider webs to intercept, but the crossbow arrows penetrated and melted the spider webs directly, and fell down with great force.

In just 5 minutes, all 200 crossbow arrows were fired, nailing dozens of mine spiders to death.

But the spiders below had no way to deal with the Suzaku in the air.

Li Ming smiled.

The difference between humans and animals is that humans can use tools.

Facing this kind of unintelligent crawling extraordinary life, air strikes are latitude crushing.

Unfortunately, it is too wasteful!

The consumption of 200 crossbow arrows is 10 tons of D3 alloy. If you want to recycle it, you can only wait until the nest is destroyed.

Half an hour later, Suzaku returned, reloaded the Suzaku feathers, and set off again.

Li Ming continued to print Suzaku 07.

Another 5 days passed, and a total of 3 Suzaku 07s were produced. With continuous bombing 24 hours a day, this spider nest was finally cleared out.

Li Ming quickly sent the transport vehicles and handling robots that had been prepared long ago to the spider nest.

Recovering crossbows and spider corpses is the top priority.

Needless to say, crossbows can be recycled and remade with a loss of less than 2%.

Mine spiders feed on metal ores, and their bodies are all various metals, which are the best smelting materials.

While cleaning the battlefield, Li Ming commanded Suzaku 07 to go to the spider nest farther away.

After several days of hard work, Li Ming obtained nearly a thousand metal spider corpses.

After dissection and testing, Li Ming obtained the body composition data of the spider.

10% D9 alloy exoskeleton, 52% aluminum alloy body, 17% D6 liquid alloy silk sac, 1% element 126 crystal core, 20% D0 liquid metal blood.

These ingredients are very pure. They only need to be smelted, separated and purified to make the required D3 alloy.

Especially the 126th element crystal core. The element crystal core in the spider's body weighs several hundred kilograms at least.

According to the chemical equation, every 2 tons of 126th element can produce 100 tons of D3 alloy.

Li Ming simply calculated that he could obtain about 2 tons of 126th element crystal cores for every 20 mine spiders he hunted.

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