Lin Zhi sighed, waved his hand, and the chaos in front of him turned into countless streams of light flying towards these Hunyuan.

Now that he is in the Daoyan realm, he can transform the chaos into endless treasures with a casual transformation.

Especially the so-called Hongmeng purple air, relying on his unique spiritual plant cultivation method, he can easily create it.

After these resources were distributed, Lin Zhi no longer paid attention to them, leaving his mind outside and continuing to comprehend the Dao with his wives.

In the chaos, the passage of time seemed to have lost its meaning. In a blink of an eye, 100,000 Yuanhui passed quietly. In these long years, Lin Zhi's growth can be said to be rapid.

Now, he has successfully evolved a full 2,900 avenues, and his cultivation has reached the amazing realm of Daoyan 99th Heaven. The only thing left from the legendary supreme position of the supreme Hunyuan is the last eight heavens. However, this seemingly close-at-hand eight heavens is actually like an insurmountable natural chasm.

Recalling the cultivation process of Daozu Hongjun, it only took him hundreds of Yuanhui to advance from the first level of Daoyan to the ninety-eighth level of Daoyan. However, from the ninety-eighth level to the one hundred and eighth level, this leap took Daozu millions of Yuanhui. Even today, Daozu is still stuck at the one hundred and eighth level, and has never been able to break through to the supreme realm of Hunyuan.

In the past years, Lin Zhi, as a patrol angel, fulfilled his duties and successfully built the eighth chaotic domain into prosperity. Not only did he improve his own cultivation, but he also recruited disciples in this chaotic domain and cultivated batches of outstanding disciples. Under Lin Zhi's careful teaching, these disciples entered the realm of Daoyan one after another, and then went to the ninth chaotic domain to continue to expand the territory and inherit the aspirations of the master.

Today, Lin Zhi has become a senior Hunyuan strongman. His combat power is the top existence in the entire prehistoric world, and there are no more than ten thousand strong men who can surpass his realm. His reputation and influence grew with the passage of time, becoming a role model and goal pursued by countless cultivators.

In the endless years of chaos, Lin Zhi's practice was no longer limited to the methods of the Qinglian Dao Sutra, and even the content of the Chunyang Dao Sutra could no longer satisfy his thirst for knowledge. His mind was like a sponge that constantly absorbed nutrients, longing for a deeper and broader truth of the Dao.

On such an ordinary yet special day, countless golden lotuses suddenly emerged in the prehistoric land. They slowly bloomed on the ground, emitting dazzling light, as if the joy of the earth was silently celebrating. At the same time, a boundless force of merit, like bright sunshine, illuminated the entire prehistoric world.

The sound of the Dao also sounded at this moment, and they echoed in the void, as if cheering for a great achievement. Lin Zhi's expression moved slightly, and then he showed an unconcealable surprise.

"Daozu succeeded!" He exclaimed in his heart.

Yes, Daozu Hongjun finally succeeded in enlightenment at this moment, comprehended the three thousand original avenues in the prehistoric world, and became the first supreme supreme being in the entire chaotic universe. This is an unprecedented achievement, marking that the path of cultivation in the prehistoric world has entered a new era.

However, before the atmosphere of joy dissipated, a cold and strange demonic sound suddenly sounded, breaking the tranquility. Lin Zhi's face suddenly changed. He realized that this was another Daozu from the dark abyss. He also successfully created his own dark abyss avenue and became the second supreme supreme being in the prehistoric world.

Then, shocking news came one after another. The Netherworld Cave, the Purgatory of the Dead Souls, the Blood Sea of ​​Shura, the Chaos Nest, the Underground City, the Dark Rift, the Reincarnation Space, the Shelter... These powerful beings who are no less powerful than Daozu Hongjun in the prehistoric world have also comprehended their own avenues one after another and successfully advanced to the supreme supreme being in the prehistoric world.

At this moment, the voice of Daozu Hongjun sounded in Lin Zhi's heart.

"Anyone who has reached the 99th level of Daoyan and above, please come to Zixiao Palace as soon as possible. I will preach again in a thousand years."

Hearing this news, Lin Zhi's face showed a bright smile. He knew that the last time Hongjun preached was a long time ago. That preaching directly created the three thousand Hunyuan saints who are now detached from the world in the prehistoric world. These saints have created their own forces, and their strength is no less than that of the heaven.

And now, Hongjun is about to start preaching again. This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for all cultivators who are eager for knowledge and pursue the great way. Lin Zhi's heart is full of expectations. He knows that this will be a new beginning, a beginning that will allow him to touch the true meaning of the great way further.

Lin Zhi's figure gradually became clear in the light of the teleportation array, and he embarked on the journey to Zixiao Palace. Zixiao Palace is the most sacred place in the prehistoric world. It is the residence of Daozu Hongjun and the pilgrimage site that countless cultivators dream of.

Five hundred years is an unimaginable long time for mortals, but in the eyes of cultivators, it is just a blink of an eye. Lin Zhi has experienced countless hardships and challenges during his journey. Every battle makes his will more tenacious, and every understanding makes his cultivation more profound. His figure shuttles through the starry sky, like a star that never goes out, shining with its own light.

Finally, when Lin Zhi arrived near Zixiao Palace, he was deeply shocked by the scene before him. Around the ancestral star, countless powerful people gathered together, and their breath gathered into powerful energy fluctuations, as if even the sky and the earth were about to change color.

Each of these great powers has a name that is resounding throughout history, and their stories are spread in every corner, inspiring generations of monks.

Emperor Haotian, the incomparable majestic being who rules over all the heavens and worlds, is sitting quietly on the clouds at this moment. There is a deep light in his eyes, as if he can penetrate all the mysteries of the world.

The Three Pure Ones, the Second Sage of the West, Empress Houtu, Empress Nuwa, and the Three Emperors of the Human Race...these great gods who once could only be heard about in legends now appear vividly in front of Lin Zhi's eyes. Their existence is like a world between heaven and earth. The Dinghai Divine Needle stabilizes the order of the entire world.

Lin Zhi took a deep breath. He knew that he was no longer the ordinary monk who could only look up to these great gods from a distance.

His cultivation was enough to be on an equal footing with them, and his name had begun to be spread throughout the prehistoric world.

He approached these great gods, communicated with them, shared his own practice experience, and also drew sparks of wisdom from them.

During this process, Lin Zhi felt an unprecedented excitement.

He knew that all of this was the result of his unremitting efforts and the blessing of the great road on him.

In the coming days, he will have the opportunity to listen to Taoist ancestor Hongjun's sermons, which will be a leap in his spiritual practice and may allow him to touch a higher realm.

During the five hundred years outside the Zixiao Palace, Lin Zhi exchanged experiences with many great masters, learned from each other, and jointly explored the mysteries of the great road. During this period of time, his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds, and finally, in an epiphany, he successfully broke through to the realm of the 100th level of Daoyan. This achievement made him stand out among this group of powerful people and won everyone's respect and recognition.

As time passed, the time for Zixiao Palace to preach finally came. Emperor Haotian, as the boy of the former Hongjun Taoist Patriarch, lowered his status again at this moment and announced in a solemn and solemn voice: "The time has come, I invite you all to come in." As soon as the words fell, the originally calm gods and gods suddenly became excited, Everyone wants to enter Zixiao Palace as soon as possible and occupy a good position to better listen to Taozu's teachings.

After all, there are too many stories in history about seats changing destiny. During the first Zixiao Palace sermon, the positions of the six futons determined the birth of the six future saints. Therefore, this time, no one wanted to fall behind. Everyone tried their best to show their magical powers and rush to the Zixiao Palace.

However, Lin Zhi remained unusually calm. He knows that in this world, keeping a low profile is the key to survival. His background is not profound, and although he has achieved some achievements in strength, he still seems insignificant in front of this group of powerful people. He clearly remembered that Patriarch Hongyun met a tragic end because of his momentary high profile. If Hongyun could live until now, with his background and talent, he would have already reached the realm of the 100th level of Daoyan.

Therefore, Lin Zhi chose to wait. He would rather give up fighting for the front row position to ensure his own safety. He believes that as long as you listen carefully, you can understand the true meaning of Taozu even in the corner of Zixiao Palace. So, he stood quietly behind the crowd, waiting for the other gods and gods to finish fighting for it, and then calmly entered the Zixiao Palace.

Soon, he saw the grace of Daozu.

In the Zixiao Palace, there was silence, as if even the air was waiting for the arrival of a certain sacred moment. The immortals and gods stood quietly in their respective seats, their eyes full of anticipation and awe, and all their attention was focused on the quaint high platform in the center of Zixiao Palace. On the high platform, a seemingly ordinary futon is placed quietly. Its existence seems to connect the past and the future, carrying the dreams and pursuits of countless monks.

In this solemn atmosphere, a gentle wind began to circulate in the palace, carrying a faint purple air, like the drizzle of spring, gently blowing through every corner. As the wind blew, mysterious runes gradually appeared in the air. They danced in the air, shining with the light of wisdom, and finally converged into deep and mysterious patterns, which seemed to tell the story of the universe. The origin and end of.

At this moment, a figure quietly appeared on the high platform. He was Taoist Hongjun. His arrival came without any warning or momentum, but as soon as he appeared, he naturally became the center of the audience. He wore a simple Taoist robe, had a peaceful face, and his eyes were as deep as the stars, containing endless knowledge and wisdom. His existence is like a mountain that people have to look up to.

Daozu Hongjun sat down slowly, and the futon emitted a soft light, blending with him, as if everything in this space was radiated with new vitality due to his arrival. He raised his head slightly and glanced gently at every immortal present. Everyone who was touched by his gaze felt a warm power injected into their hearts, making people feel clear and clear, and all distracting thoughts disappear.

"The great road is invisible, giving birth to the heaven and the earth; the great road is ruthless, moving the sun and the moon; the great road is nameless, nourishing all things. I don't know its name, so I just call it Tao." The voice of Taoist Hongjun is melodious and profound, and every word seems to contain endless meanings. The wisdom transcends the boundaries of time and space and reaches the depths of everyone's heart.

As he preached, mysterious energy fluctuations filled the entire Zixiao Palace. Flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and countless visions accompanied his words. The immortals and gods were fascinated by what they heard. Some closed their eyes and meditated, some had bright eyes, and some were so excited that they were trembling all over. They all knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and what an honor it was to be able to listen to Daozu's sermons in person.

Lin Zhi stood in the crowd and was also attracted by Hongjun Daozu's words. He felt as if his soul had been cleansed, and many questions that had troubled him in the past were answered at this moment.

As the sermon progressed, Taoist Hongjun's words became more profound and difficult to understand, but every word seemed to have magic power, guiding the gods and gods present to explore the depths of the avenue. There was silence in Zixiao Palace, only the voice of Dao Ancestor echoed, as if telling the eternal truth.

As the sermon progressed, Taoist Hongjun's words became more profound and difficult to understand, but every word seemed to have magic power, guiding the gods and gods present to explore the depths of the avenue. There was silence in Zixiao Palace, only the voice of Dao Ancestor echoed, as if telling the eternal truth.

The sermon is timeless, and through Hongjun's explanation of the three thousand original avenues, Lin Zhi suddenly realized it.

There were three thousand goddesses listening to the sermon with him. Even if they didn't understand something, they had to write it down for the time being and understand it later.

In less than a hundred years, among the Three Pure Ones, the Supreme Pure One had an epiphany, made a breakthrough in an instant, and reached the 107th level of Dao Yan.

In the following thousands of years, immortals and gods continued to break through, getting closer and closer to the supreme state of Hunyuan.

Through Hongjun's preaching, Lin Zhi's cultivation level also improved steadily.

From the 100th level of Daoyan, he quickly broke through all the way and reached the 107th level of Daoyan, which made the surrounding gods and gods couldn't help but look at him.

Even Hongjun looked sideways, closed his eyes, made some calculations, and suddenly smiled, "I see, that's it!"

Under the confused eyes of the gods, Patriarch Hongjun told a shocking and huge secret.

"This chaos is not only rebirth, but also destruction. It is an infinite reincarnation. In each reincarnation, all living things, including the Supreme Hunyuan, will be destroyed without leaving any traces."

These words instantly horrified the gods.

"Tao... Dao Ancestor, even you can't resist the chaos of birth and death?"

Hongjun shook his head and said, "No, the birth and death of chaos is doomed. All we can do is delay the death process of chaos. Chaos is like a sea tide. The rising tide makes a living. If the power of the rising tide is exhausted, it will be death. If we can continue this The power of new life keeps expanding Chaos, and it will never perish.

If chaos stops expanding, destruction will begin. "

"Therefore, this is the fundamental reason why we build the Chaos Domain..."

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