Soon, Meng Xingchen led Lin Zhi through the light gate and came to another world.

The salty sea breeze blew against his face, and Meng Xingchen and Lin Zhi landed on a purple metal port.

Lin Zhi looked up at the sky and saw the sparrow army flying over the port and landing on the sea. Only a few vehicles and tutors and students from Yujun University were allowed to set foot on the port.

In addition, further away, there are also light gates, from which legions with different military emblems fly out.

These are troops sent by other counties and trained students.

Lin Zhi met Zhao Ritian, the top scorer in this year's college entrance examination, among these teams.

They hadn't seen each other for half a month, but the other person's whole person was getting deeper and deeper. The pressure on him was like a bright sun, and his aura was even more terrifying than Meng Xingchen's deliberately restrained aura.

This kind of momentum obviously comes from the unrestrained pressure of the soul level, which is a situation that can only occur if you are a whole higher realm.

Lin Zhi's current Blue Star status is no less than that of a Red Moon Realm soul, which means that it only took Zhao Ritian half a month to advance from the lower rank of Red Moon in the college entrance examination to Ziyang.

In addition to Zhao Ritian, there are also dozens of peerless geniuses who are as powerful as a rainbow, like blazing suns hanging high in the sky.

Affected by them, many peerless geniuses no longer restrained their momentum, and their souls were forced to run wild in the port.

Young people are like the rising sun, they are just competing for comparison.

Lin Zhi, a man of two generations, followed Meng Xingchen out of the port indifferently and headed for the core city, the bridgehead of humanity.

There are tall defense towers everywhere on the streets on both sides, with beams of light hanging down, scanning the humans on the street.

"This is the identification mechanism of the defense tower. If it is a foreigner, the attack will be triggered instantly."

Meng Xingchen answered the question.

Lin Zhi nodded.

In about 10 minutes, the two arrived at the entrance of a main hall.

"You wait here first, I'll go report and get the map."

Meng Xingchen said.

Lin Zhi nodded and saw Meng Xingchen leaving, then found a step to sit down.

Not long after he sat down, he saw in the sky that the warships belonging to the Sparrow Legion started again and flew towards the sky.

Not long after, Meng Xingchen returned and handed a paper star map to Lin Zhi.

"The map is a military secret. Do not leak or lose it. Do not take photos or videos. There is a self-destruction device."

Meng Xingchen warned.

"Okay, mentor."

Lin Zhi unfolded the map and saw the entire world of wild beasts.

The entire world of wild beasts is similar to the earth, consisting of several continents surrounded by oceans.

I saw that the entire world is divided into five parts using five colors: purple, green, red, gold, and blue.

Blue is the ocean, no need to mention it.

A purple area independent of other continents is located in the northeast, labeled "Purple Gold Floating Island", and the purple area below it is labeled "Original Black Ice Continent".

Through Meng Xingchen's explanation, Lin Zhi learned that the purple color represented the area occupied by the human race.

To the south of the human-occupied area is the red continent, labeled "Red Fire Desert", and to the east is the green continent labeled "Aoki Forest".

To the east of the Aoki Forest, across the sea, is an independent golden continent, labeled "Golden Plains".

This map is derived from humanity's top technology and is captured and drawn by satellites. It is extremely accurate. Even the locations of alien cities and tribes in these continents are clearly marked one by one.

"After decades of fighting against the Wild Beast World, we humans have initially ascertained the force composition of the Wild Beast World. Unlike human civilization, although the upper limit of the Wild Beast World's combat power has reached the divine ring, the civilizational structure still remains in the barbaric era."

Meng Xingchen pointed to several places on the map and said, "The world of wild beasts has four golden tribes: dragon, scale, turtle, and phoenix. They have built four golden cities on the four main roots of the world tree. In the golden city, there is a statue that can The ancestor who has maintained half-step legendary strength for a long time.

In addition, there are twenty-four super tribes including elephants, lions, tigers, apes, pigs, foxes, wolves, cats, deer, rats, whales, shells, shrimps, crabs, sharks, etc., all of which control a city of silver. , can give temporary half-step legendary combat power.

In addition to the twenty-four silver cities, there are also hundreds of bronze cities, garrisoned by many small tribes, which can respectively promote the strongest to the realm of divine rings and holy crowns. "

"So this means that the turtle tribe has been wiped out by us?" Lin Zhi asked curiously.

However, Meng Xingchen shook his head and said, "No, before the Black Ice Continent was captured, the Turtle Clan fled into the sea after seeking help to no avail and disappeared without a trace."

"Asking for help to no avail?" Lin Zhi was surprised and keenly discovered a problem.

"Yes, our human race cannot be monolithic yet, let alone these loose tribal forms. Before we invaded the world of wild beasts, the four tribes of dragon, lin, turtle and phoenix have been at war for a long time. It is their internal contradictions that make us The human race can successfully invade this world and build a bridgehead.”

Lin Zhi suddenly realized this.

"Okay, war is not what we need to care about. What you need to know is where is relatively safe and where is dangerous. Next, we will teach in relatively safe areas."

Meng Xingchen pointed to the "Black Ice Continent" in the purple area and said, "There are 17 legions stationed on the Purple Gold Floating Island, responsible for logistics, defense, support, and rest. There are 15 legions in the area where the Purple Gold Continent connects with the Chihuo Desert, and there are 15 legions in the area where the Purple Gold Floating Island connects with the Aoki Desert. There are 18 legions that are connected to the forest.”

50 legions is 3 million people...

Lin Zhi was a little shocked. He did not expect that human civilization would invest such a huge force in this world of wild beasts.

"In addition, there are countless civilian adventure teams, family reclamation groups, development companies and other organizations active in the Black Ice Continent."

Meng Xingchen pointed to the Qingmu Forest and said, "This time, human civilization discovered the fifth golden race of the Wild Beast World, which is located here."

"The fifth golden race?"

Lin Zhi followed Meng Xingchen's finger and looked at the mountains in the middle of the Qingmu Forest.

"That's right, the fifth race in the Wild Beast World is called 'Nian'. It was born from the bones of the four races. The more golden races we kill, the more Nian will be born."

Meng Xingchen said, "So, it seems that the human race has a great advantage. In fact, as the war continues, especially with the war against the eight immortal worlds at the same time, once it drags on for a long time, it is very likely that it will be defeated in the Wild Beast World, and decades of investment will be wasted. Therefore, the alliance reinforced 36 legions this time, and decided to attack the Qingmu Forest directly and destroy the Nian Nest."

"So are we going to the Qingmu Forest?"

Lin Zhi asked.

"Of course not. Once the war breaks out, it will be too dangerous. Our first stop is to land on the Black Ice Continent, then enter the edge of the Red Fire Desert, experience the Great Wall, one of the seven high technologies of the human race, and then return."

After Meng Xingchen finished speaking, Lin Zhi nodded quickly. Although he was very happy about the decision not to experience the danger of war, he didn't know why he felt a little regretful. Maybe it was because human nature was mean...

"Since this is an experience, don't take the portal. We will land here and go directly to the wild area."

"Wild area?"

Lin Zhi looked up in confusion.

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