Lin Zhi opened his mouth in surprise, looking up at Meng Xingchen, who had turned into a thousand-foot-tall body, holding the ore mountain in both hands, pulling it up by the roots like pulling a carrot, and then placing it in a huge spiritual plant like a lotus.

The mountain was quickly "swallowed" by the lotus, and Meng Xingchen's figure gradually shrank to the appearance of an ordinary person.

He waved his hand, and a pile of fish-scale metal ingots became a small mountain.

"These metal ingots are of little use to me, you take them!" Meng Xingchen looked at Lin Zhi and said.

"This... Teacher, this is too expensive..."

Lin Zhi quickly refused.

He roughly estimated that the metal ingots Meng Xingchen took out were about nearly one million units, which was the wealth of one hundred small goals.

"Take it, it's not for free, I have a request."

Meng Xingchen sighed solemnly, "Originally, the course I planned would take a month to complete, but something happened suddenly, and I received the highest conscription order of the alliance."

"Conscription order?!"

Lin Zhi's heart was shocked.

Because this call-up order is for all serving or retired soldiers or Saint Crown Realm or above.

It is only allowed to be used in major wars of the alliance. Once used, it means that the war is about to be defeated.

The situation in the Wild Beast World is very good, especially the Black Ice Continent, which belongs to the alliance occupied area and has been operated for decades and has been built into a piece of iron.

Even if the alliance issues a call-up order, it is issued to the Saint Crown strongmen near the Qingmu Forest. Why would the call-up order be issued near the Black Ice Continent?

"I don't know the specific situation. The content of the alliance's call-up order this time is to call me to cross the mechanical Great Wall on the front line of the Black Ice Continent and go deep into the Red Fire Desert to perform a secret mission."

Meng Xingchen continued, "Put away these metal ingots. I will send you to the mechanical Great Wall on the front line of the Black Ice Continent in a while. You wait there and learn the repair and maintenance of mechanical spirit plants by the way."

As he spoke, he popped out a book.

Lin Zhi looked at it carefully and saw that it was an old cowhide ancient book.

There were a few words written crookedly on it.

《Three Years of Auto Repair, Five Years of Excavator》

? ? ?

Lin Zhi was full of questions.

"Put it away, don't waste time."


Lin Zhi could only do as he was told.

Eight days later.

Under the leadership of Meng Xingchen, Lin Zhi finally saw the Mechanical Great Wall.

From Lin Zhi's perspective, the Mechanical Great Wall lay across the land, winding and undulating, with no end in sight at both ends.

Every certain distance, there would be a large "Guancheng" inside the Great Wall, where barracks could be stationed and logistics could be stored.

Between the Guancheng, beacon towers stood, with mechanical puppets stationed and patrolling.

On the top of the wall of the Mechanical Great Wall, there were metal defense towers next to each other, and rays of light hung down from the metal towers, scanning the outside of the wall.

Ding 71 Guancheng

Meng Xingchen flew over with Lin Zhi, and a middle-aged man in armor flew out of the Guancheng and greeted Meng Xingchen.

"Senior, the mechanical Great Wall is ahead. It is currently in a state of war and cannot be passed for the time being." The visitor said.

"Meng Xingchen, the special tutor of Yujun University, has received the alliance's call to go to the Red Fire Desert to perform a mission." Meng Xingchen took out his mobile phone and displayed a token pattern.

"I see! Senior, please enter the city." The middle-aged man laughed hurriedly.

"No need, the mission is important. This time I was originally taking the student to train, but something unexpected happened, and the training was not possible. Let him stay with you for a while and learn to drive a tank and an airplane, okay?"

"The little boy turned out to be a top student at Yujun University! He is really a good-looking man. I, Ding 71, fully welcome him." The middle-aged man said hurriedly.

"Okay, I'm relieved."

Meng Xingchen turned around, took out a box and handed it to Lin Zhi, saying, "This is the spiritual seed you should receive at Yujun University in the next three months. The incident happened suddenly, so I can only give it to you first. You stay in this city and don't run around, just study with peace of mind. As for the war, it will be done by soldiers, reclamation groups, and adventurers. As a student, you must not participate in person, and you should focus on preserving your useful body."

Lin Zhi took the box and nodded quickly.

He hesitated and said, "Teacher, will it be too dangerous to go deep into the Red Fire Desert? Can't this conscription order be refused?"

In fact, as far as Lin Zhi knew, the conscription order could be refused.

"If you are poor, you can take care of yourself, and if you are rich, you can help the world. As a special tutor of Yujun University and deputy commander of the Chenguang Corps, I have a reason to participate!"

Meng Xingchen's handsome face, which made time and space pale, showed a confident smile, and said, "Besides, there is no place in this world for me, Meng Xingchen!"


Watching Meng Xingchen leave, Lin Zhi followed the middle-aged man into the city.

On the way, Lin Zhi learned the identity of the middle-aged man. He was the commander of the city gate, the battalion commander of the 6th Battalion of the 3rd Regiment of the 11th Song of the 2nd Division of the Sparrow Legion, with the cultivation of the Purple Sun Realm, and his name was Mu Yuan.

That's right, the Sparrow Legion supporting the Wild Beast World was arranged in the Black Ice Continent to replace the previous garrison stationed at the Mechanical Great Wall.

Soon, Mu Yuan flew into the city gate with Lin Zhi and put him on the Great Wall.

The deafening shouts and killing outside the Great Wall attracted his attention.

Lin Zhi walked to the top of the city and looked down.

He saw that outside the city, an indistinct number of "ants" were fighting in chaos, and it was difficult to distinguish them.

On the periphery of the "ant" battlefield, extremely large and strange-looking spiritual plants were growing.

These spiritual plants were extremely tall, about a hundred meters high, and were flush with the Great Wall.

What surprised Lin Zhi the most were three of them.

One spiritual plant was black in color and looked like a huge dead tree. From the middle, there were a bunch of black bird nests.

Lin Zhi saw that there were various kinds of insects in these "bird nests" crawling towards the Great Wall.

Another spiritual plant was somewhat normal. It looked like a big umbrella-shaped tree. The umbrella surface showed a silvery metallic luster, and the inside of the umbrella was a fiery red.

Thousands of ropes hung from the inside of the umbrella, and large cocoons were hanging at the ends of the ropes.

Under the fiery red light inside the umbrella, it was like a roast duck oven.

Every time a strong wind blew, the giant tree shook its branches, and hundreds of large cocoons broke, and huge birds broke out of the cocoons.

The last spiritual plant that surprised Lin Zhi was similar to a fern. It grew dozens of gray "sea intestines" from the ground and fluttered in the wind.

These sea intestines were spitting bubbles all the time. The bubbles grew in the air at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then broke, and a wild beast made of water vapor drilled out.

Suddenly, a beam of light shot towards Lin Zhi, but was blocked by Mu Yuan next to him.

He said, "This is the daily life of the Great Wall Guards. Since the Great Wall is indestructible, the natives of the Wild Beast World never attack the city themselves, but drive these spiritual plants and wild beasts to fight us."

"Spiritual plants and wild beasts?"

Lin Zhi had never heard of this term.

"Well, this is the biggest difference between the gardeners in the Wild Beast World and those in other worlds. The spiritual plants cultivated by these indigenous gardeners can produce all kinds of wild beasts."

Mu Yuan pointed to the huge spiritual plant in the distance and said, "The spiritual plant that looks like a bird's nest is called Abyss Cordyceps, the umbrella-shaped tree is called the Bird Tree, and the spiritual plant that looks like a sea cucumber is called Bubble Kelp. The owner of these three spiritual plants is an indigenous gardener named Prince Silver Wolf."

Lin Zhi nodded in understanding, and then thought of something. He asked in confusion, "We are fighting as a guest army. We can't support it if we compete in logistics consumption like this?"

Mu Yuan was stunned, and then said in a deep voice, "It's not that we can't support it, but that the supplies will be exhausted, and the city will be broken and people will die!"


Lin Zhi's eyes suddenly widened.

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