In the dormitory, Lin Zhi turned on his mobile phone and clicked on the Yujun 13 senior high school data information network.

The college entrance examination is imminent, and whether it is a gardener or a god-favored person, they all want to get good grades and enter a top university.

Therefore, the school officially built a website to enter student information so that students can choose teammates to form a team.

As soon as the third year of high school started, this website was opened, and now most people have found teammates.

Those who don’t have teammates are generally top-quality god-favored people. These talented people do not need to take the college entrance examination, and the top schools are fighting for them.

The college has a large number of top-quality assistants, which can attract geniuses to enroll.

Geniuses are often the children of dignitaries and the inheritors of bloodline families. When they graduate from school, they are labeled with the school. Just donate some resources to the school, and the school will prosper and have a long history.

The reason why the top universities in 36 counties are top universities is because they have a foundation of ten thousand years.

As the saying goes, a dynasty of a hundred years, a family of a thousand years, and a school of ten thousand years.

Therefore, the top-quality god-favored people not only do not have to take the college entrance examination, but are also restricted from taking the college entrance examination.

Lin Zhi browsed the website information and found that there were only two types of people who had not found teammates.

The first type of people were the inferior God-favored ones.

They were of low talent and their number was many times greater than that of the gardeners, so they were left out and no one formed a team.

The second type was Lin Zhi himself... Currently, in the entire 13th grade, Lin Zhi was the only one without teammates.

As a gardener, even if it was an ordinary level, it was very easy to want teammates. As long as the news was released, there would be a lot of inferior assistants for selection.

However, what was the use of inferior assistants?

There could only be one teammate, and the role of inferior assistants was too small.

Lin Zhi's goal was to be admitted to the top university - Yujun University, not those second- and third-rate universities, even first-rate universities were somewhat disliked.

Recruiting inferior assistants as teammates would only increase the team's combat power very limitedly.

If you want to be no worse than those second-generation geniuses, you must at least choose a medium-level assistant as your teammate.

Where are there medium-level assistants nowadays?

Lin Zhi thought about it, and the only way for now was to challenge the so-called geniuses, defeat them, and snatch the assistants.

The mainland has a criminal code and is a society ruled by law.

But the mainland also has extraordinary powers and respects the strong.

As long as it is within the scope permitted by the law, challenge the genius, beat the opponent violently, and prove that you are stronger than the so-called genius. Those assistants are not fools, and they naturally understand who to choose to form a team to get into a good university.

Lin Zhi flipped the web page and looked at the data page of the gardener.

There are nearly a thousand high schools in 81 prefectures in Yu County, and Yu County 13 High School is just an insignificant one among these high schools.

There are more than 10,000 senior high school students and more than 2,000 gardeners.

According to the statistics of the school's official website, there are 0 peerless geniuses, 0 geniuses, 110 elites, including two Class A elites and more than 2,000 ordinary gardeners.

There are two Class A elites, one is called Long Tengfei, his family has a mine, and his family wealth is selected into the top 100 in Yu County Qianyuan Prefecture.

One is called Ye Hao. Although he was born a commoner, he was favored by the daughter of the major shareholder of Yu County "Tianzi Group Company" and received an investment of up to tens of millions.

The two Class A elites were highly expected by their supporters and 13th High School. Dozens of God-favored people signed the master-recognition agreement for their future.

The teammates of the two elites were even mid-level goddesses.

Lin Zhi looked at Long Tengfei's introduction. This guy had snatched away his predecessor's girlfriend, so he had an excuse to challenge him.

According to the data released by the school's official website, Long Tengfei had awakened the Class A elite gardener talent for 8 months and is now a mid-level Green Star cultivator.

A total of 2 spirit seeds were received. It is unknown whether the family purchased spirit seeds on the black market or transplanted spirit plants for him.

Maybe there are hidden cards, but it won't be too outrageous.

Lin Zhi silently calculated and felt that he was not without a chance of winning.

However, how to challenge the other party is a difficult problem. In order to prevent his competitors from knowing his true identity, this guy has not fought for several months.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, ordinary people don't even have the opportunity to challenge him or even talk to him.

Even if Xun Qian was not willing to sign the master-recognition agreement, the predecessor would not be worthy of being labeled by the other party.

The saddest thing for a person is not being bullied by the rich and powerful, but being unworthy of being bullied.

So if you want to challenge the other party, you can't take the usual path, you have to take drastic measures, even if you lose face, no matter how embarrassing the process is, as long as you win, you will win back your face.

Lin Zhi thought about it and thought of the simplest, easiest and most brainless method. There is no better way than to anger someone.

The most important thing is that the other party is a high school student who is not mature enough, and only a little immature means can anger the other party.

Lin Zhi went to the school forum and edited a post:

"Long Tengfei, fuck you..."

The host: ... (10,000 words omitted)

The post was posted and soon it was pinned to the top, and then dozens of comments appeared.

1st floor: Sofa eating melon

2nd floor: Fire Tongs Liu Ming

3rd floor: Good guy, this buddy scolds well!

4th floor: Sand coin host, an ordinary gardener is shouting here, if you have the guts, come and report your name.

5th floor: Are you stupid? I guess this person is the Lin Zhi who was hatted some time ago.

6th floor: @龙㈱AO㈱天

7th floor: I think the host is finished. How can he survive after offending Long Tengfei at 13th high school?

8th floor: This is out of his mind. An ordinary gardener wants to challenge a genius? He is also a rich second-generation.

9th floor: I am Long Tengfei, who are you? To be honest, I have put too many hats on others, so you will also shout a few times in the forum.

OP: Long Tengfei himself, right? This weekend morning, in the school martial arts hall, come and challenge if you are not a jerk.

11th floor: Good, very good, you have a way to die! You have successfully aroused my anger. Don't leave after school this weekend. See you in the martial arts hall. Don't be a coward. I will see who is so happy.

OP: Bring your teammates and lackeys. I am afraid that you will lose too quickly alone.

12th floor: Haha, wait!

In a villa room somewhere, Long Tengfei threw down his mobile phone angrily, grabbed the ponytail of the girl who was working hard, and pulled it up hard.

"Long, Long... Shao..." The girl spoke unclearly.

"You bitch!"

Long Tengfei slapped her with his palm, grabbed her ponytail and threw her to the floor viciously.

"Xun Qian, I despise you, a bitch who puts a hat on her ex-boyfriend! Bah, cousin! Spit it out, you don't deserve to eat it."

"Long... Young Master Long, I... I was wrong"

"Wrong? Do you mean that it's wrong for you to recognize me as your master? You ungrateful bitch, I kindly feed you, and you say you're wrong?"

Long Tengfei went up and punched and kicked.

After signing the master-recognition agreement, in theory, everything of the servant will be controlled by the master.

The law only protects citizens, not slaves, so the law has nothing to do with the other party.

As for personality and dignity, freedom and life, don't talk about it.

Even so, why are there still people willing to sign the master-recognition agreement?

Because, how do you know if the other party is a scumbag if you don't try?

In the past life, weren't there still many irrational fanatics who were in love and confused by the superficial appearance of scumbags?

Of course, whether it's stupidity or other messy reasons, the most fundamental reason is that they are poor and greedy!

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