A silver-white metal tower top that seemed to reach the sky, dotted with stars and a bright moon hanging high.

Two young men sat quietly on both sides of a stone table, staring at the "three-dimensional chessboard" in front of them.

Most of the chessboard was covered by chaotic fog, and only in the center, there were eight pocket-sized continents that were miniaturized by who knows how many billions of times.

The man sitting in the north pointed his hand, and the scene inside the chessboard was instantly "enlarged", and one of the continents expanded to the size of a washbasin like mushrooms after rain.

Opposite him, another man hurriedly looked at the continent model, and then saw a red tree, with a crown supporting the sky of the entire continent, roots spread deep underground throughout the continent, and a main trunk located in the middle of the continent, like the Buzhou ridge connecting the sky and the earth.

But at this moment, only a dazzling city was seen at its feet slowly extinguished.

Then, the whole world seemed to dim and shrouded in a haze.

Soon, the towering tree quickly faded from red to gray, and then began to dissipate rapidly from the treetops.

In the end, the tree disappeared without a trace as if it had never existed in this world.

And the continent also shrank rapidly, and the stars above it disappeared one by one, forming a layer of crystal barriers.

In the end, the continent turned into a sphere that was 10 times smaller than the other eight continents and covered by a crystal barrier.

Soon, the sphere was captured by one of the continents and turned into a star above it.

"Congratulations, the volcanic civilization has fallen! This is the second monument of our civilization's journey to legend."

The young man sitting in the north smiled.

"It was all thanks to the support of the leader and the dedication of the soldiers that my Han family was able to take over this world at a small cost of less than 7 million in losses!"

The man opposite also smiled, and his excitement was hard to suppress.

"Okay, according to the agreement, your Han family will get the priority to develop this world, and only need to pay 30% tax to the alliance."

"I know this. My Han family will develop this world with all the strength of the clan, open up the source for the alliance, and will not let the leader down."

"I'm relieved, you can go back!"

The young man sitting in the north looked cold as he watched the Han family leave.

Seven million?

A small price?

He muttered, and then unfolded the source earth field, summoning a tree full of books.

With a wave of his hand, a book with "Han" written on the cover was taken into his hand.

Then his mind moved, and a "Zhu" appeared behind the "Han" in the book.

After doing all this, he continued to watch the chessboard, and then set his sights on a continent in the center of the chessboard.

This continent is very strange, because it is completely different from other continents.

It has no sky!

In other words, its sky is composed of crystal barriers, like a transparent pot lid buckled on the continent.

Deep underground in the continent, there are huge withered tree roots everywhere. The whole world seems to be full of vitality, but it is shrouded in a haze.

"Wu family, Wu family, what exactly are you planning?"

The young man stared at this world, thinking in his heart.


Black Turtle Secret Realm, dark night.

Ji Wuming's face was uncertain, twisted and hideous.

He said to himself, "Don't try to control me. I am the young master of the Ji family and have an extremely bright future. How could I be manipulated by you and degenerate into a puppet of insects?"

Then, he stabbed himself with a knife.

The pain made him sober, and then he woke up a comatose genius on the ground.

"Hurry up, they are about to complete the construction of the wormhole!"

"Brother Ji... you, thank you!"

The peerless genius thanked him and immediately fled to the distance.

Ji Wuming followed the same method and woke up one peerless genius after another.

Suddenly, he was grabbed by the wrist by an old big hand.

"You are a traitor, who told you to do this!"

A slap landed on his face, and a red palm print immediately appeared.

Ji Wuming turned around and saw an old man with an eagle hook nose.

"Grandpa Qi...Grandpa Qi, I..."

"You really disappoint me! How can a man who accomplishes great things have a woman's heart? Some things must be done by someone." The old man with the eagle hook said angrily.

"Grandpa Qi, these people are the future pillars of the alliance, and they are geniuses who will surely enter the God Ring. Just like that..."

"Enough! There are nearly a thousand peerless geniuses every year. What loss will the alliance suffer if we lose this batch? And next, the contribution they can make to civilization is far greater than their contribution to becoming a God Ring."

The old man with the eagle hook nose scolded angrily.

"Grandpa Qi, you are not like this. You were not like this originally. You are sick. You are parasitized by parasites. They have changed your mind and corroded your soul."

"Haha, I have lived for hundreds of years. Don't I know whether I have been corroded or parasitized?"

The old man stared at Ji Wuming with a sharp gaze and said, "As long as this plan succeeds, our civilization will surely be promoted to a legendary civilization.

In this way, the efforts of our Ji family from generation to generation will not be in vain. What do you think we work so hard to make food with various toxins added?

We are trying to cultivate humans' strong tolerance to toxins, we are trying to improve human immunity, and we are trying to collect data on the effects of various toxins in the human body, so as to study the human body and life!"

He said with a red face, "Now, we have successfully developed Life No. 7."

A test tube appeared in the old man's palm, and the test tube was filled with green thick liquid, and there was a worm swimming in it that seemed like an illusion.

Looking at the test tube in his hand, Ji Wuming said, "This is not Life No. 7, it's a parasite!"

"Yes, it is indeed a parasite! But we have biologically transformed it, and now it has perfectly matched the human body. More importantly, we have invented the secret technique of true soul reincarnation, which can merge the soul consciousness of the divine environment with this Life No. 1, and then inject it into the body of life, so that the strong man of the divine ring can live again without any sequelae!"

"No, you are wrong, you are imagining, you are controlled by the parasite!" Ji Wuming said.


The old man with the hooked nose slapped him in the face.

"It is you who is imagining, I suspect you are suffering from severe schizophrenia now! Stay honest, the wormhole will be healed soon!"

At this time, a bird's cry suddenly came from the center of the secret realm in the distance, and a fiery red light column shot up into the sky.

Then, there was a loud noise, and the whole secret realm began to tremble.

"It's time!"

The old man with the hooked nose was overjoyed. Hundreds of feet away from him, a lotus of the heart of the formation lit up under the feet of more than a dozen gardeners of the divine ring.

"Wormhole, start!"

With a loud shout, everyone in the Ji family activated a mysterious spiritual plant formation.

At this moment, the originally empty space suddenly cracked. Under Ji Wuming's horrified eyes, he saw that the crack was full of chaos and space turbulence.

Suddenly, a tentacle-like root covered with mucus drilled out from the crack.

Then, the tentacle suddenly swelled and fiercely chiseled the ground in the secret space.

Then, the secret space was shaking, the surrounding scene slowly broke, and the fragments of the secret space fell down.

They were like meteors, smashing into the surrounding Great Wall camp.

Today's follow-up reading will determine whether there will be any deliberate recommendations next week. I saw 9 level 5 strong men killing each other at the same time, and they were all going crazy. One author was so killed that he finished the book directly. The newbies are trembling with fear. Please follow me to read.

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