Lin Zhi released his soul power, and his thoughts immediately covered the entire warehouse, which was 10 times larger than before. He quickly counted out some basic nutrients needed by the spiritual plants.

"Fortunately, the Black Turtle Clan gave me so many materials, otherwise it would be difficult!"

Lin Zhi sorted these materials into categories, and according to Meng Xingchen's previous teachings, processed these materials into special fertilizers for different spiritual plants, and buried them in six pieces of soul soil respectively.

With nutritional supplements, the spiritual plants began to transform completely.

The Pea Shooter, Fungal Mat Farm, Knowledge Tree, and Phoenix Qingtong, which originally needed about three months to evolve from a crescent moon to a crescent moon, now only need 8 days at most to grow and evolve.

Then the Golden Stalagmites and Turtle Spirit Holy Lotus, which were just planted not long ago, only need 6 or 7 days to accumulate enough nutrients and energy to evolve from a new moon to a crescent moon.

"Yes, in this way, at most two months, I can cultivate these spiritual plants to the Sun Stage, further narrowing the gap with those peerless geniuses."

The figures of Ma Wanli and others appeared in Lin Zhi's mind.

As for the group of people from the Black Turtle Forbidden Land, it is not known whether they have escaped, but it is expected that these peerless geniuses will have some life-saving trump cards, so it should be possible.

After checking the condition of the spiritual plant, Lin Zhi turned around and prepared to return to the tree house.

He decided to practice Yin and Yang with Fu Hua and Yan Ling'er for a night, and then set off tomorrow.

However, Hu Zi's anxious voice came from outside the Soul Land. He hurriedly showed the Soul Land in reality. Through the window hole left in the cabin, he saw dozens of figures appearing in the distant sky.

"It's the natives!"

Lin Zhi hurriedly started the fighter plane, broke through the layer of sand covering it, and soared into the sky.


In the distance, a native shouted and stretched his wings to chase Lin Zhi.

However, the fighter plane was extremely fast. In less than five minutes, Lin Zhi got rid of most of the natives, but there was one person chasing him closely.

He seemed to have mastered some kind of speed secret technique and chased after the fighter plane tightly.

As the two sides chased each other, they went deeper and deeper into the Red Fire Desert. Lin Zhi found that the natives seemed to communicate through some secret technique and gradually closed in to encircle him.

"We can't go on like this. Once the other side completely encircles me, I will never be able to escape!"

Lin Zhi set the fighter to automatic driving, turned his head and said to Hu Zi: "Brother Hu, you drive first, I will go to kill these pursuers!"


Hu Zi was stunned, and saw that Lin Zhi's body was covered with a layer of metal armor, and a long sword popped out from his right hand.

"These natives are all in the Purple Yang realm. Although you have just broken through, you are only Red Moon... Dad?"

Before Hu Zi finished speaking, he saw Lin Zhi ejected from the top of the cockpit, rushing into the crowd behind like a stream of light, flipping the long sword in his hand, blood splashing, and the bird's head fell to the ground.

Killing by one sword?

Hu Zi was so shocked that he changed his voice and shouted "Ba" as "Dad".

"This... How is this possible!"

Hu Zi widened his eyes.

He really couldn't understand why a college student who was "weak as a chicken" half a month ago now had the strength to kill a Purple Sun Realm.

Are college students now so strong?

While Hu Zi was shocked, Lin Zhi narrowed his eyes and looked at the birdmen surrounding him.


One of the birdmen with a red bird head waved his hand, and dozens of wild beasts similar to pangolins rushed out of the source earth field and jumped on the backs of the dozen birdmen in front of him.

The pangolin jumped on the birdman's back and immediately "melted" into a back armor with two ferocious blades inserted on it, shaped like a Ninja Turtles.

The birdman with the back armor drew out the blade and slashed at Lin Zhi.


Lin Zhi waved his sword to meet the birdman, and the secret crystal of the black turtle clan in his mind flashed, launching "absolute defense".

The moment Lin Zhi's sword blade collided with the opponent's blade, he cut it off, and the sword force did not decrease, and instantly cut through a bird head.

Blood spurted out, and a birdman fell to the ground.

Lin Zhi then launched a "leap step" and passed through the crowd. He turned around and swung another sword, instantly killing the nearby birdman.

His Red Moon Realm body could not do such a fast movement, but the armor formed by the Turtle Spirit Holy Lotus was really powerful.

The armor condensed with the extraordinary alloy "Blue Copper" and the "Five Elements Materials" that can strengthen the divine ring spirit plants is like a divine weapon, giving him hard defense and sharp attack.

Coupled with the energy of the purple sun quality soul soil, he is obviously in the Red Moon Realm, but he is at ease among this group of purple sun realm god-favored natives, chopping melons and vegetables.


At this time, the birdman gardener in the back started to comprehend the soul soil, and a black tree appeared in front.

The tree moved without wind, and tens of thousands of leaves fell, turning into bats, rushing towards Lin Zhi.

Bang bang bang!

Lin Zhi raised his sword and slashed, and the bats were defeated by touch, but there were too many of them.

It didn't hit the armor on his body, leaving a series of white marks.

"Secret Art Water Dragon!"

The secret art crystal flashed in Lin Zhi's mind, and he activated another secret art of the Black Turtle Clan.

The water attribute was attracted by the sword in his hand and turned into a vortex around him.

He swung the sword, and a water dragon gushed out, instantly washing a large group of bats in front of him.

This water dragon has the property of being weak to water. As long as the bats touch it, they will be pulled into it by the terrifying suction force and corroded.


The birdman gardener shouted, and the bats in front of him suddenly condensed and turned into a birdman with three heads and six arms. It flapped its flesh wings, and two tornadoes were lifted up, blowing the water dragon away.

Immediately afterwards, six claws grabbed Lin Zhi in unison.

Lin Zhi hurriedly retreated, propping up a fungus farm in front of him.

Then, the fungus farm instantly covered and wrapped it.

The birdman struggled hurriedly, and then turned into countless bats and drilled out.

At this time, Lin Zhi had summoned the old phlegm pea and launched a torrential rain of attacks.

Bats were hit by the mucus, smoke came out of their bodies, fell, and were immediately swallowed by the creeping fungus farm below.

Lin Zhi flashed close to the birdman gardener, and with a sword, he beheaded him!

The fungus farm immediately turned into a big hand and grabbed his body and swallowed it.

As the source soil field was swallowed, the thickness of his own soul soil increased again.

It is worth mentioning that when he was in the Blue Star Realm before, the thickness of his soul soil was only 100 meters. After killing two Red Moon Gardeners, it became 300 meters.

A few dozen minutes ago, he was promoted from the Blue Star Realm to the Red Moon Realm, and the thickness of his soul soil increased to 1020 meters.

Yes, the thickness of the soul soil obtained by killing the enemy before not only did not increase with the promotion, but became thinner.

This time, after killing a gardener in the Purple Sun Realm, he absorbed the Soul Soil Domain, and the Soul Soil thickness increased to 2020 meters.

The advantage of a thick Soul Soil is that it can store more nutrients and accommodate more roots of spiritual plants.

The more roots a spiritual plant has, the higher the efficiency of absorbing nutrients and spiritual energy.

After killing the enemy, Lin Zhi immediately returned to the cabin and left in a hurry.

However, after just a few hours of flying, he was blocked again.

The interceptors were several Saint Crown Realm masters!

One of the Saint Crown Realm masters was surprised to hold up a piece of white jade that was shining.

"Sure enough, there is a reaction, the world sapling is in his hand!"

Hearing this, Lin Zhi's heart tightened.

No, the Black Turtle Clan's plan was discovered!

He quickly pulled the fighter's control stick, and a laser shot out and flipped in the air, turned around and fled.


In the void, a huge stone man suddenly appeared and hit the fighter hard.

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