The Black Turtle's voice was particularly angry, saying, "These guys are accelerating the demise of our civilization! The World Tree is already half-dead, and its root system has been sealed for thousands of years. If it continues to be destroyed like this, the World Tree will be completely destroyed sooner or later."

Lin Zhi knew why he was so angry.

Because the World Tree is bound to civilization to some extent, if the civilization is destroyed, the fate of the World Tree will either be swallowed by other World Trees and become part of the other party, or it will be replaced by a new civilization.

If the World Tree is destroyed, the civilization attached to the world will collapse directly and fall into the abyss.

Damaging the World Tree to extract juice is something even a person with cerebral palsy would not do.

That's why Lin Zhi said that what Xuangui said before that the orc natives were crazy was true.

"We can't let them continue like this, you have to stop them!" Xuangui said urgently.

"Stop it? Are you crazy or am I crazy? We are being hunted! Besides, there is a Saint Crown Realm here to control us, and I can't beat them."

Lin Zhi said quickly.

"If the World Tree dies, this world will completely wither away, and neither you nor I will have any way to survive."

The black turtle gritted his teeth.

"Isn't there a World Sapling?"

Lin Zhi asked.

"The World Tree that owns the world is the real World Tree. This World Tree just records the information of our civilization."

Xuangui continued, "Even if I burn the true spirit and pay the price of the true spirit being extinguished, I will help them temporarily improve their cultivation to the Holy Crown and stop them!"

"Yes, but not now!"

Lin Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly, thought for three seconds, and said slowly.

Now it is unrealistic for him to find a passage out of the ground. Sooner or later, the pursuers from behind will completely destroy the golden stalagmites and chase him.

In addition, he has a mission and must find his mentor Meng Xingchen as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the world of wild beasts completely falls and human civilization is defeated in this war of aggression, his own life will eventually be at risk.

But his cultivation is still too weak. After all, he is just a student who has not graduated from university.

Under normal circumstances, one should gain experience in university and then work hard in society. Only when a comfortable environment cannot improve one's strength will one choose to enter such a civilized battlefield to seek opportunities.

But now, a trial that was originally 99% stable has encountered a major change that humans have not seen in a century, and the situation has become what it is now.

As a result, he, a gardener who was reluctantly promoted to Red Moon, had to face the purple sun, the holy crown, and even the divine ring and half-step legend that he didn't know when he would appear.

The gap in strength is too large and cannot be improved overnight.

His trump card is that these turtles are at least the true spirits of the divine ring.

The previous manual gave him so many spiritual plants with extraordinary potential, but he didn't choose any of them. He chose the Turtle Spirit Holy Lotus to protect the true spirit of the Black Turtle clan. Naturally, it was not about noble moral character, but profit!

Whether it is the bonus of the true spirit armor or the temporary improvement of the opponent's cultivation by voluntarily burning the true spirit, these are real benefits and are also the trump card for whether he can successfully meet Meng Xingchen.

Lin Zhi knew this in his heart, and Xuan Gui also understood it in his heart.

They had already made up their minds to face the divine ring or even someone stronger, burning themselves to help Lin Zhi escape.

Since they are trump cards, these Black Turtle True Spirits are extremely important and cannot be wasted.

Therefore, Lin Zhi did not immediately agree to the other party's burning of the true spirit and rushed out directly.

After all, the true spirit does not burn for long, and it only improves the level of cultivation, but the evolutionary level of the spiritual plant is still at its current state.

Therefore, if he wants to maximize his trump card, he needs to evolve the spiritual plant first.

After so many days of escaping, his spiritual plant had already accumulated enough to evolve into the quarter moon and even the fan moon, but he never had time to process it.

Now that he finally had time, he decided to mention his own strength first.

He looked around, found a hidden place near the underground river, and then entered the Origin Territory.

Stepping on the purple soul soil with both feet, Lin Zhi felt a little safe.

Feeling the emotions conveyed by Old Tan Wandou and other spiritual plants, he moved out all the Xuangui's storage in the warehouse.

Then, he stared closely at Old Phlegm Pea, and had strong thoughts of evolution in his heart.

Soon, the voice of the selection manual sounded in his head.

[Your Old Phlegm Pea has reached the Fan Moon evolution conditions. Based on your current situation and resources, you can choose two of the following evolution directions. 】

[Option 1: Absolute tracking (The attack launched by Old Phlegm Pea will automatically track the enemy, and it will continue to fly for 5 minutes before hitting the enemy. 】

[Option 2: Super sticky phlegm (the thick phlegm attached to the peas fired by the old phlegm peas will greatly increase the viscosity. 】

[Option 3: Toxic Swamp (The peas fired by Old Phlegm Pea melt and gather on the ground to a certain number, forming a highly toxic swamp, and the toxicity is greatly increased. 】

[Choice 4: Ten Explodes (Old Phlegm Pea splits into one main body and nine branches. 】

[Choice 5: Super Giant Expansion (Old Phlegm Pea fuses all the barrels and expands its body to form a super giant pea plant. 】

Lin Zhi silently watched the selection. As before, the prompt text in the manual was not a fixed template, but changed according to his own situation.

This time, perhaps because of the limited types of resources and situation he has, the manual only gives five choices.

He considered the options one by one, and at first glance, all five seemed good.

So we can only use the elimination method. If we want to choose a suitable evolutionary direction, we first need to position the pea shooter.

What is the positioning of Peashooter?

The first position is long-range output, so hits are extremely important.

Before there were no skills like absolute hits, the pea shooter's attacks relied on speed and volume plus terrain to win. Facing opponents with lower strength, it can clean up the battlefield.

But facing opponents with higher strength, it is difficult to effectively kill.

Therefore, option one is a must. With absolute tracking, the damage of the old phlegm pea can hit the enemy.

Then the second option? It increases the control ability of the pea shooter. With the fungal blanket farm, this ability can be abandoned.

The third option is also biased towards control. Although the toxicity ability is good, it cannot fight a protracted battle in general battles, so it can also be abandoned.

The fourth and fifth options represent two directions.

One is to increase the flexibility of the pea shooter. In the previous star level, the rotation attack, attack speed, etc. are all to enhance its soul.

But the 10 barrels of the old phlegm pea hit together, which is still not flexible enough.

If it can be split, there will be more space for operation, which is equivalent to evolving into a mobile turret.

Another one is to increase the attack area of ​​the pea shooter, thereby increasing the attack power of the old phlegm pea. With the ability of absolute tracking, it doesn't matter if it is flexible. It is equivalent to evolving it into a rail turret.

Lin Zhi thought about it and decided to increase the power of the pea shooter.

The reason is that he has a tree house and the enemy can only enter from the gate.

Choosing to split, the power has not changed, but the damage is shared.

Super giantization is more suitable.

Of course, this is considering that he is defending the enemy. If you attack the enemy, splitting is more useful.

[You have chosen absolute tracking and super giant expansion. You can use the following materials to evolve the old phlegm pea...]

Lin Zhi checked the evolution plan given in the manual and hurriedly searched for materials. If there were not enough materials, he would use the world tree sap crystals to replace them.

Soon, the old phlegm pea burst into light, and the crescent moon on its head turned into a "crescent moon" and then into a "fan moon".

The light faded, and its new appearance appeared in front of Lin Zhi.

"Wo Ri!"

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