Hearing this, Jingsha smiled, "Give up? Why give up? First of all, you have to know how huge the Ji family's wealth is?"

Secondly, I am now a core member of the Dog Lovers Association, and this identity is destined for me not to give up.

But if I want to take over this huge industry, I cannot do without the support of hundreds of thousands of Ji family members and nearly 100 million employees. Inheritance is far more difficult than destruction than you think. "

"Senior, I remember you said that the philosophy of the Dog Lovers Association is that when a whale falls, all things will come to life. If you do this, how will you be different from them? It's just that the dragon slayer has become a new evil dragon! "

Lin Zhi asked.

“First of all, I will eliminate all kinds of illegal transactions and gray industries in the Ji family.

Secondly, part of the wealth I gained is used to support the operation of the Dog Lovers Association so that our ideas can be spread more widely.

The other part will be used to benefit society. A two-pronged approach will definitely bring good news to human civilization. By then, each of us will have a bright future. "

Whale Killer said fanatically.

Lin Zhi shook his head secretly, unable to bear to expose the other party's fantasy.

After all, people are selfish. No matter how great a dream is, it is not all based on passion. He will encounter all kinds of obstacles, difficulties, and tests of human nature.

Of course, Lin Zhi would not deny the other party, because some people have great dreams and just talk about them and brag about them.

As for Whale Killer and his Dog Lovers Association, we can’t say that what we did was wrong, nor can we say that what we did was completely wrong. They did it for their dreams, which is already worthy of admiration.

At this time, Whale Kill pointed at the screen on the crystal tree in front of him and said, "Look, the show is about to begin! This is a cross-border live broadcast!"

Lin Zhi quickly turned his head and looked at the screen hanging on the crystal tree.

The picture on the screen unfolded from an aerial perspective, allowing him to intuitively see an endless purple metal floating island.

The metal floating island is bathed in golden sunlight, giving it a dreamy feel.

There are traces of destruction everywhere on the floating island, including collapsed psychic towers and decaying mechanical puppets.

A towering metal Great Wall was tightened around a huge damaged and collapsed light door, and countless mechanical spiritual gardeners worked hard to repair it.

Outside the Great Wall, one can see the endless orc army.

High in the sky, densely packed divine ring powerhouses were confronting each other.

Outside the screen, Whale Kill next to Lin Zhi explained

"During the time you left the Black Turtle Forbidden Land and headed here, the human legion's defense line at the port of the Black Ice Continent was completely defeated, so they retreated to the Purple Gold Floating Island.

At the same time, the Aoki Forest Legion, under the leadership of your classmate Jia Qiyun, successfully escaped from the prison and returned to the Purple Gold Floating Island. "

"Good luck?"

"Yes, if this was a novel, he should be called the Son of Luck. With the help of the strong men from various legions in the Aoki Forest, this boy actually planted 81 sunflowers."

"Sunflower? Could it be said that he evolved the flower of the sun?" Lin Zhi asked quickly.

"Yes, the Muyang Flower caused the entire battlefield to be shrouded in light, so the Seven Sins Demonic Insects were purified! At the same time, Ji Wuming, who was fighting spiritually against the Seven Sins Demonic Insects, and most of the peerless geniuses who had been reincarnated by true spirits before They successfully escaped erosion."

"Wait a minute, are the reincarnated geniuses no longer themselves?" Lin Zhi asked quickly.

"Yes, but these reincarnated true spirits are the true spirit ancestors of the Ji family and other aristocratic families! Moreover, they were not reincarnated voluntarily, but were passively reincarnated by the Seven Sins Demonic Insects. They are also victims. !”

Whale Kill sneered.

"Other families?"

Lin Zhi suddenly remembered a novel about cultivating immortals he had read in his previous life. How could the Ji family's operations be so similar to the operations of the "Corpse Yin Sect" in the novel he had read?

Moreover, compared to the forced seizure of bodies in previous novels, this Ji family's operation seems to be more clever?

Anyway, if you explain the alliance laws to the other party, it seems that there is really nothing wrong with the other party!

"Did you know? Except for you and Jia Qiyun who owns Sunflower, all the more than 900 peerless geniuses who came to the trial this time were corroded by the Seven Sins Demonic Insects, and then were injected with the true spirit potion by the Ji family, allowing them to survive. The True Spirit Ancestor and the True Spirit Ancestors of other aristocratic families swallowed up all these geniuses and then successfully reincarnated!"

Lin Zhi was directly shocked by Whale Kill's words.

You must know that these more than 900 peerless geniuses are just a handful of people born in an entire academic year of human civilization and a population of tens of trillions.

All of them were "taken away" from the same pot?

Of course, this is not a matter of seizing one's body. Due to the rules of soul soil, the gardener cannot seize the body at all, so the Ji family uses the Seven Sins Demonic Insect to develop the true spirit potion.

This is a method that uses the erosion and assimilation ability of the Seven Sins Demonic Insect to infect life, and then fuses the true spirit with the Seven Sins Demonic Insect, so that the Seven Sins Demonic Insect possesses the thinking consciousness of the true spirit.

If true spirit and life are compared to two terminals, then the Seven Sins Demonic Insect is equivalent to a data cable.

After the three are fully integrated, even if you unplug the data cable, there will be no effect.

Lin Zhi really didn't expect that the truth of the matter was connected with each other.

The situation in the world of wild beasts is nothing more than a trap set up by the Ji family and other secret families in order to resurrect the true spirit ancestor in the family and play with the entire human civilization and the orc civilization.

"So, do you understand? The first scene of this scene is that the human legion is in crisis.

The second act shows the Ji family being eroded and falling into madness.

The third act shows Ji Long and other powerful men from aristocratic families adhering to the justice in their hearts and sacrificing their lives for civilization.

The fourth act is that the good luck that happens to restrain the Seven Sins Demonic Insects purifies the Seven Sins Demonic Insects and restores the eroded peerless geniuses to normal. "

Whale Kill mocked, "In this chess game, the Ji family and the players behind the scenes won. They gained prestige, the fruits of victory, and the resurrection of the strong family members.

Although the Alliance suffered heavy losses, it won in the end. Human civilization would defeat the Wild Beast World and other civilizations at the expense of countless people, and then be promoted to legend. "

Then, he changed the topic and said:

"However, over the past few decades, our civilization has successively invested more than 50,000 organized legions, as well as adventure groups and reclamation teams with no less than 100 billion people in the war with the eight worlds.

The death rate among these hundreds of billions of gardeners and gods' favored ones who were at least in the Blue Star realm was 50%. In this year’s war, the number of casualties was astonishingly 10% of the 50 billion casualties in the past few decades.”

Including private adventure groups, reclamation teams, etc., there are 8 world battlefields, with a total of 5 billion people killed in a year! ! !

Lin Zhi was shocked. You must know that the total population of the world in his previous life was only over 8 billion.

These 5 billion people were more than half the number in the previous life, and all of them were killed within one year.

Although the owner of human civilization is close to one hundred billion people.

But one thing must be understood. The nearly one hundred billion people include gardeners, those blessed by gods, and ordinary people.

The number of gardeners plus those favored by God is only one trillion at most.

In addition, the higher the cultivation level, the higher the life span. If you reach the divine ring, you will have a life span of 500 years.

Not to mention someone like Lin Zhi who has a manual and a son from an aristocratic family, generally speaking, it would take decades to train a Blue Star Gardener with initial combat capabilities.

Every fighting force in the backbone of civilization was cultivated by spending resources and dying of countless peers.

However, in just this year, 5 billion people died at once!

"But in fact, we could have avoided such battle losses!" Whale Kill showed anger on his face.

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