National GGG

Chapter 34

Through this period of training, Wang Hao discovered that one of his weaknesses is that his front hand is a bit light. Although compared to his level, Wang Hao's front hand jab strength is quite satisfactory, not good, but it is not bad. But Wang Hao didn't want to demand himself with such a low standard.

You must know that many excellent professional boxers can make very threatening jabs. This kind of threatening jab is not only in terms of speed and accuracy, but also in terms of strength. For example, Golovkin's jab is It is very heavy and can be called a heavy stab. It can not only open up the opponent's defense, but also severely injure the opponent through continuous hitting until KO.

There are even some world professional boxing champions who can knock down opponents with their front hands alone, such as the heavyweight Klitschko and the middle and lightweight Pacquiao.

The threatening front hand jab can control the opponent very well and bring huge psychological pressure to the opponent. After all, when a boxer's jab has the attack power of a punch to KO the opponent, one can imagine how desperate his opponent will be.

At present, Wang Hao does not have this ability, but this is also his goal of development, to hit a heavier jab without slowing down his speed.

Therefore, Wang Hao can also strengthen the strength training of the front hand recently, the pear ball training with the left hand, and hitting sandbags, which have achieved certain results.

Wang Hao plans to focus on the training of front jab in today's actual combat.

Of course, although Xie Yijue is better, he is more than ten kilograms heavier than Wang Hao. It is unrealistic for Wang Hao to knock down Xie Yijue with a few jabs, or to easily open Xie Yijue's boxing. The previous few times Wang Hao knocked down Xie Yijue, he relied on his backhand, or swinging punches or uppercuts. But Wang Hao intends to see if he can defeat his opponent if he continues to punch Xie Yijue with a strong jab.

Xie Yijue's training is now on the right track. After he was tortured in the actual battle with Wang Hao, he was very depressed. He went back and beat Yao Haojun, which made him feel a little better.

He also thought about it, and made some plans for his training. There are two key points, one is strength training. Xie Yijue wants to magnify this advantage of his own. After all, this is the only reliance brought to him by his asymmetrical physique. , If one day in the battle, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, you get lucky and hit Wang Hao's backhand with a single blow. Maybe you can make a cool KO, and you can avenge the previous beating.

Another important point is the training of movement and defense, because Wang Hao's attack speed and strength are too good at the same level. For Xie Yijue, when the two are fighting, Wang Hao's speed advantage is equivalent to being magnified. Relatively speaking, it has shrunk, but there is still a certain threat. Xie Yijue was often beaten passively, so he strengthened his defense and movement to deal with Wang Hao's sharp attack.

However, Xie Yijue found that Wang Hao's jab today was even more difficult to deal with.

The speed is faster, and the angle is still tricky. Although he can better block Wang Hao's jab with both arms, the power of Wang Hao's jab seems to be stronger than before, and the arm can penetrate the bone.



Wang Hao made another two front hand jabs in a row, aiming at the gap when Xie Yijue was moving, and with the cooperation of his footsteps, he hit Xie Yijue's forehead with one blow, and his chin with the other. Head tilted back frequently.

Xie Yijue was furious, and also punched two jabs, followed by a backhand.

"Hey! Technology has improved!"

Seeing that Xie Yijue was no longer coming up, Wang Hao knew that the opponent had also gained experience from being beaten, and he had grown from being hit.

Wang Hao slid back to avoid the front hand, then circled to the right, nimbly dodged Xie Yijue's back hand, and then attacked with the front hand.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Three hands in a row tapped Xie Yijue's face, and Xie Yijue's feet were unsteady and a little staggered.

Kankan blocked the three jabs with his face.

Wang Hao succeeded in attacking, and before the opponent counterattacked, he withdrew and continued to attack.

Although Xie Yijue received frequent jabs from Wang Hao, he found a problem. Today, Wang Hao only threw jabs, he didn't throw backhands, swings, or even uppercuts.

Just now, in the position where Wang Hao punched three jabs, if he used a left-handed uppercut and a right-handed flat hook, he would definitely be able to seriously injure himself, but Wang Hao didn't make it.

Xie Yijue saw the way, and he had an idea, as if a light bulb was lit in his mind, and asked Wang Hao, "Are you only punching jab today?"

He was thinking that it would be fine if Wang Hao only punched jabs. Although Wang Hao's jabs are more difficult to deal with today than before, if he only punches jabs, it means that he does not have to worry about Wang Hao's heavy blows, and he can punch them with confidence. , Don't worry about defensive issues.

"No!" Wang Hao wanted to focus on jab today, but he didn't want to say that he only did jab.

"..." Xie Yijue was speechless.

"However, today I focus on practicing the front jab and try not to use the back hand," Wang Hao said.

Try not to fall behind!

Xie Yijue repeated what Wang Hao said in his heart. Although Wang Hao did not say that he would not be able to fight back, but he tried his best not to, which made him feel relieved a lot, and he can let go and fight.

call! call!

Xie Yijue swung two big punches, and swung through with the sound of the wind.

Wang Hao slid back to avoid these two powerful swinging punches, and then took advantage of the gap between Xie Yijue's attacks, slid forward suddenly, and hit Xie Yijue's chin with his front hand.

The two went back and forth, and soon the first round passed.

This round, Wang Hao really didn't hit backhands or swing punches, and relied entirely on mobile defense and fronthand jab attacks.

But Xie Yijue became more courageous. He resisted Wang Hao's jab and punched more heavy punches, but he missed Wang Hao and was cut in the mouth by Wang Hao's jab.

After a short one-minute rest, the second round began. Xie Yijue's physical strength improved after training, and the frequency of his heavy punches in this round was almost the same as that in the first round.

Wang Hao practiced the jab more deeply. He tried to make his steps more agile. It was somewhat similar to Ali’s butterfly step, but it was different. Wang Hao’s agile steps were developed from the agility ladder in football training. , His feet are as elastic as if pressed by a spring, and he is also very dexterous, and his short-distance movement speed is much faster than that of ordinary boxers.

Move more lightly and harass your opponent with a lighter jab. When you have the opportunity, push your left foot on the ground and use the strength of your body as a support to deliver a heavier jab.

Xie Yijue felt that this round, Wang Hao's jab was lighter and heavier, and it was more difficult to hit Wang Hao. Although he couldn't hit Wang Hao with his back hand in the first round, he could occasionally hit Wang Hao's jab , but this round, under Wang Hao's pace, Xie Yijue found that it was difficult to hit Wang Hao even with a jab.

After chasing and attacking Wang Hao all the time, Xie Yijue was tired again, his movements were a little slower, and his fists were lowered again.

Wang Hao spotted Xie Yijue's move forward, followed by a sliding step forward, tilting his head to the left, dodging the opponent's front hand, and then exerted force from his feet, which was transmitted to his left hand, and a jab brought him forward and kicked The strength, and then the strength of rushing forward towards the opponent, hit Xie Yijue's face.

Xie Yijue felt as if he had been stabbed severely by a steel rod, his head was stunned, he couldn't stand up, and fell to his knees on the ground.

Wang Hao knocked down Xie Yijue with a front jab.

Wang Hao retreated to the southeast corner, waiting for Xie Yijue to stand up.

Because of the huge difference in weight, it was impossible for Wang Hao to knock down Xie Yijue with jabs, but because Xie Yijue had been jabs for a long time, although each punch was not heavy, it was so frequent that the punches were too heavy. , brought a lot of physical energy consumption, Xie Yijue was actually in a weak stage, and Wang Hao was able to fight back, the power of this punch actually included the inertia of the two people's bodies, so he directly hit Thank you.

Three seconds later, Xie Yijue staggered to his feet, obviously not suffering any serious injuries.

For the rest of the second round, Wang Hao and Xie Yijue did not actively attack, and the frequency of punching dropped a lot. Xie Yijue did it to save his energy, while Wang Hao wanted to feel the coordination between the new steps and the jab. .

After resting in the second round, Xie Yijue felt that his physical fitness had recovered a lot, and Wang Hao hadn't made a back move for two consecutive rounds, and he probably wouldn't do it in the third round.

He decided to attack hard in the second half of the third round. In the last round, Wang Hao knocked him down with a jab, which made him even more pitiful.

He has been beaten and knocked down several times by Wang Hao with various techniques. He is extremely eager to give Wang Hao a hard blow, so he decides to do his best in the last half of the round and give full play to the highest level of his skills. Earn a little face for yourself.

In the first half of the third round, Wang Hao still didn't attack much, mainly because he felt the coordination between his steps and his punches. Xie Yijue was obscenely conserving his energy, focusing on defense, supplemented by attack, waiting for the last minute to erupt .

The two were fighting, and suddenly the speed of Xie Yijue increased, the punches were vigorous, the changes in the way of punching hit their highest level, and the strength between punches was also full.

Wang Hao took a look, "Hey! This is going to explode!"

He leaned back to avoid Xie Yijue's right-hand hook, and then leaned forward to avoid Xie Yiren's left-hand swing, showing his super flexibility.

At the same time, a front hand hit Xie Jue's face, hitting Xie Jue's head backwards. At the same time, he stepped back on the ground, turned his waist, and a powerful back hand made an upper hook, as fast as lightning, hooked On Xie Yijue's raised chin.

Xie Yijue was like a kite with a broken string, it suddenly broke into pieces, his feet went limp, and he fell on the ring.

"Wang Hao! You play second hand!" Xie Yijue gritted his teeth and roared.

Wang Hao spread his hands together, "Did I say that I won't hit any second hand?"

At this time, Qiu Youyue's voice sounded in the venue, "The sixteen boxers who participated in the Dongyue Beer Cup Boxing Friendship Match come to me, and I will tell you about the exchange match with Penglai Boxing Club."

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