National GGG

Three hundred and fortieth chapters set off a fierce battle (2)

The latest website: The match between Wang Hao and Chavez, which is also Wang Hao's first world title fight, ended the second round.

From the perspective of the first and second rounds as a whole, Wang Hao and Chavez fought evenly. Even in the second half of the second round, through the flexible movement of his steps, he came to Chavez, who was frequently punched by Wang Hao at close range. He also gained some upper hand, which transformed the situation where Wang Hao had a slight lead at the beginning of the second round into a situation where Chavez took the lead.

When the bell rang at the end of the second round, when Wang Hao and Chavez walked back to their corners, the audience also applauded warmly for their wonderful performance.

Compared with the first round, Wang Hao and Chavez, who are already familiar with each other, obviously fought more intensely in the second round. The two exchanged more than a dozen straight punches at one point, and it was possible to knock each other out of the ring. However, in that confrontation, Chavez took the initiative to retreat, but in the following games, Chavez had some advantages.

"Wonderful! It is foreseeable that the match between the two will become more and more exciting. The two have shown their strong offensive style in the second round. As the game progresses, the two will definitely fight more and more intensely! Perhaps, Soon one side will win this confrontation!" In the commentary booth, special guest Robert Duran spoke.

"The second round was really exciting!" Camacho praised after watching the second round.

"So! Who do the two guests think will perform better in the second round?" the host of Mexican National Television asked at this time.

"I think it was the same as the first round. The performance of the two in the second round was almost the same. At the beginning of the first round, Chavez played a bit better, but in the second half, Wang Hao relied on sharp counter punches to fight more eye-catching. At the beginning of the second round, Wang Hao had an advantage in the counterattack, but in the second half of the second round, Chavez regained some advantage through a short-range and quick counterattack!" Robert Duran said his opinion , "I think this round is the same as the first round. It doesn't matter whoever leads! Of course, Chavez has the advantage at home."

But Camacho said: "I think the veteran Chavez had some advantages in the second round, although it was not obvious. First of all, in the confrontation between the two, although Chavez retreated first, but I I think the two were evenly matched in that attack, and then in the second half of the second round, Chavez relied on the flexibility of his feet and his skillful close-range play to gain some advantages. Overall, I think Chavez was leading in the second leg."

"Okay!" After listening to the speeches of the two commentators, the host of the Mexican National Television took the technical statistics of the second round of Wang Hao and Chavez's punches in his hand, "Let's take a look at the two. The statistics of the number of punches and hits of a boxer in the second round!"

After hearing the on-site commentary, I want to read out the statistics of the punching statistics of the two boxers in the second round.

Many spectators at the scene also calmed down and listened carefully. They felt that the second round of the match was very fierce. Wang Hao and Chavez fought very close. It is difficult to say which of the two fighters has the upper hand. Although they are basically boxing fans, they are still amateurs in terms of boxing skills. At this time, I really want to see the professional statistics of the two of them.

The host of the Mexican National Television slowly talked about the statistics in his hand, "In the second round, the number of punches of the two boxers has increased significantly, exceeding one hundred punches, of which Wang Hao punched one hundred and twenty-one punches. And Chavez threw a hundred and fifteen punches."

"Of the 121 punches Wang Hao threw, 46 were heavy and 75 were jabs, while Chavez punched 70 of the 115 punches, 45 were heavy. fist."

"Judging from the overall number of punches, Chavez's punches are slightly less than Wang Hao, but the difference is not big, especially the number of heavy punches of the two, which is almost the same. After talking about the statistics of punches, let's take a look at the two The boxer's hit count."

The host of Mexico's national television continued to talk about the data in his hand.

"Wang Hao hit nineteen of Chavez's forty-six heavy punches, and Chavez's forty-five heavy punches hit Wang Hao's fourteen punches. There is a certain difference in the number of hits compared to Wang Hao. Next, let’s look at the number of jabs hit by the two.”

"Wang Hao hit sixteen of Chavez's jabs out of seventy-five jabs in total, and twelve of Wang Hao's jabs out of seventy jabs thrown by Chavez. Heavy punches and I want to increase the jab, the total number of hits, Wang Hao hits Chavez thirty-five punches, and Chavez hits Wang Hao twenty-six punches."

The host of the Mexican national TV station finished introducing the data in hand, and when he introduced the number of hits of the two, his tone was also a little low, and he was obviously in a low mood.

Although on the surface, the performance of the two boxers was similar, even Chavez was better in the second half, but the statistics of the match show that Wang Hao took the lead in the second round, whether it is counting the number of heavy punches or the number of jabs. , Wang Hao took the lead.

The audience at the scene heard these hit statistics, and some of Chavez's loyal fans were quite stunned. They thought there might be a problem with the statistics.

"This data is wrong!" Chavez's boxing fans shouted.

Wang Hao and Chavez sat in the corners of their fists to rest. Both of them heard statistics about the hit and punch data of the previous round. Chavez's coach looked a little angry. He felt that the live commercial channel invited The statistics of professionals who count punching data are problematic. In the view of Chavez's coach, it should be that Chavez has a slight lead.

However, Chavez's coach knew that the statistics of the punching statistics and the scores of the on-site referees were not the same thing. The scoring is based on the referee's own opinion, and has nothing to do with the statistics of punching data.

Although the two should be consistent in theory, that is to say, which of the three referees off the field leads in scoring should be the same as the leader in punching data, but the actual situation is that although most of the cases are the same, there are also many Circumstances are different, possibly even very different.

After Wang Hao, Paul and others heard the statistics of punching statistics, their mentality was relatively calm. They also knew that the statistics of this statistics and the statistics of the referees on the spot may not be exactly the same. up.

Especially Wang Hao was very calm. Although Chavez played very well in the second half of the second round, the progress of the game was not beyond Wang Hao's control. Wang Hao was already very familiar with Chavez's style of play. Even if Chavez quickly approached Wang Hao and hit short range, Wang Hao felt that he could deal with it well in the next round.

Moreover, in the second round of the confrontation with Chavez, by exchanging punches with Chavez, Wang Hao already had a clear understanding of Chavez's hitting ability and his own endurance.

As long as he is not careless and in a head-on attack, Wang Hao can withstand Chavez's punch.


The one-minute rest time passed quickly, and the third round of the match between Wang Hao and Chavez began immediately.

Wang Hao was full of confidence, he clenched his fists tightly, and walked quickly to the center of the ring, while Chavez also clenched his fists tightly at this time, and quickly threw himself into the competition.

Wang Hao and Chavez met in the middle of the ring, and the two quickly exchanged straight punches.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Straight left fist! Straight right fist!

During this round of confrontation, the two punched while shaking and avoiding, dazzled. In just a few breaths, Wang Hao hit six straight punches, while Chavez hit five straight punches.

Among Wang Hao's six straight punches, he hit Chavez three times

First a straight left to the right eye socket of Chavez, then a straight right to the face of Chavez, and finally a straight left to the right eye socket of Chavez.

During this process, Chavez also hit Wang Hao's face with a straight left hand and a straight right hand.


When Wang Hao hit Chavez's right eye socket with his last straight left fist, he felt that Wang Hao, who had taken a certain lead in this round of confrontation, began to back away, preparing to make some adjustments.

At this time, Chavez hit the sixth straight punch.


Chavez threw a straight left hand and almost hit Wang Hao, but because Wang Hao retreated, the punch missed.


Wang Hao dodged Chavez's straight left hand, and immediately threw another left hand jab to control the distance of Chavez.

Wang Hao's jab punch was very fast, and there was a gust of wind in the air. It is difficult for ordinary fighters to dodge such a fast punch.

However, Chavez struggled to move his steps and swayed his body, dodging Wang Hao's jab. After dodging Wang Hao's jab, Chavez wanted to move forward, but he just took half a step. On the one hand, Chavez’s center of gravity was unstable due to the actions he made just to avoid Wang Hao’s attack. On the other hand, the ground might be a little slippery. on the ring.

Chavez fell to the ground suddenly, and the audience was in an uproar. Many boxing fans stood up to see what happened on the ring.

The referee from New Zealand was standing next to Wang Hao and Chavez. He knew that Chavez's fall was not caused by a knockout, but because his feet were unstable or the ring was slippery.

He immediately stepped forward, made a gesture, indicating that he had slipped and fell, and said that the game would continue.

Chavez also stood up in a hurry. This time he was a little surprised when he fell to the ground. It is true that he did not stand firmly on his feet, but the reason for this situation was that Chavez was too flustered when he responded to Wang Hao's jab just now. This leads to an imbalance in the center of gravity when the foot moves.

Seeing that Chavez fell to the ground unexpectedly, Wang Hao also stood a few steps away. When the referee signaled the game to continue and Chavez was ready, Wang Hao clenched his fists tightly and continued to move forward.

"Chavez slipped and fell this time! This kind of situation often happens in the boxing ring!" Camacho also said in the commentary.

When Chavez fell to the ground and then stood up again, Wang Hao found that due to the continuous punching in the previous two rounds, both of Chavez's eye sockets were swollen, especially the right eye socket was already high. swelling.

Boom! Boom!

Wang Hao stepped forward and punched Chavez in the face without reservation.

Chavez quickly made a evasive move, and also hit a straight punch to counter Wang Hao.

Wang Hao's punches were fast, so Chavez had to follow the rhythm of Wang Hao's punches, otherwise Chavez had to retreat to resist Wang Hao's attack.

But that doesn’t fit Chavez’s Mexican style. There are still so many Mexican spectators watching Chavez’s game, and Wang Hao’s offensive rhythm has always been very fast. Continue to be punched, and slowly rout.

In a boxing match, although punching consumes physical strength, receiving punches also consumes physical strength. Sometimes punching consumes more physical strength than punching.


Wang Hao first hit a straight left hand, which hit Chavez on the forehead, but Wang Hao followed up with a straight right hand, but was dodged by Chavez's evasive movement.


Chavez also hit a counterattack with a straight left hand, but Wang Hao avoided it by shaking his head.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Straight right fist! Straight left fist! Straight right fist!

Wang Hao didn't cherish his own physical strength. After passing Chavez's straight left fist, he hit Chavez with several consecutive straight punches quickly.

Seeing this, Chavez did not flinch, and while evading, he punched three straight punches equally.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Straight left fist! Straight right fist! Straight left fist!


Wang Hao's straight right fist hit Chavez's forehead first. This punch was relatively heavy, which made Chavez's speed suddenly slow down, and the straight left fist he punched was also somewhat deformed.

Immediately following Wang Hao's straight left hand punch was also hit, but was shaken by Chavez's evasive movement while punching.

Immediately afterwards, Chavez's second straight right punch hit Wang Hao. Wang Hao also swung his head and avoided the straight right punch.


Wang Hao's third straight right fist hit Chavez's right eye socket while Chavez's head was shaking.


At this time, Chavez's third straight left hand punch also hit Wang Hao's face.

In this attack, Wang Hao hit Chavez with two straight right hands, while Chavez only hit Wang Hao with a left hand, which made Chavez a little angry.

He started to stand still, and punched Wang Hao with faster speed and greater strength.

In the second round of confrontation with Chavez, Wang Hao had already built up his confidence. Seeing this, he also stood still and punched Chavez.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Both Wang Hao and Chavez threw four straight punches.

All four of Wang Hao’s straight punches hit Chavez, and Chavez’s first three punches hit Wang Hao. When Chavez hit the fourth straight left hand, Wang Hao’s fourth straight right hand had already hit Chavez.

It was a powerful, vicious straight right that hit Chavez directly on the jaw.

After being hit, Chavez staggered a little, and the straight left fist he punched was also deformed. Although he punched it, it was not threatening and passed by Wang Hao's face.

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