【Skeleton Warrior】

【Level: 1】

【Health: 40】

【Physical Attack: 8】

【Defense: 4】

【Movement Speed: 8】

【Attack Speed: 0.8】

【Equipment: None】

"These attributes are so trash, just as expected from a 'cannon fodder summoner' product. No wonder everyone says that a skeleton warrior without equipment is just cannon fodder. These attributes, aren't they just cannon fodder?"

"Fortunately, as long as there's a large quantity, it doesn't matter how much of a cannon fodder they are!"

Ye Chuan smirked and commanded the skeleton warriors to guard him while he sat on the ground, replenishing his mana.

In this world, the rule is that outside of combat, mana recovers by 1 point per second. Therefore, in just 50 seconds, Ye Chuan's mana had completely replenished.

Without even getting up, Ye Chuan immediately used the skill "Skeleton Summoning". With a flash of black light, 10 more skeleton warriors appeared by his side.

Adding the previous 10 skeleton warriors, there were now 20 skeleton warriors.

Surprisingly, although the strength of the skeleton warriors was a bit weak, when so many of them stood together, their momentum was quite formidable. In the middle of the night, they could probably scare people straight into the hospital.


"Continue the massacre!"

"Today, I'll let you all know that not all 'skeleton summoners' are 'cannon fodder summoners'!" Ye Chuan smirked and continued to replenish his mana, waiting for the summoning.

Other 'skeleton summoners' wouldn't be able to continuously summon and accumulate skeleton warriors like him.

Because the skeleton warriors summoned by the skill "Skeleton Summoning" would be refreshed.

In other words, once the skill "Skeleton Summoning" was used, the previously summoned skeleton warriors would be sent back, and only the most recently summoned skeleton warriors would remain.

Therefore, no matter how many times they used the skill "Skeleton Summoning", they could only retain a batch of skeleton warriors at most.

But Ye Chuan was different. With the innate talent of "Infinite Summoning", as long as he had enough mana, he could continuously summon without worrying about being refreshed.

With this, he could confidently employ the strategy of overwhelming numbers.


As time passed, every 50 seconds, Ye Chuan would use the skill "Skeleton Summoning" to summon 10 skeleton warriors. Unknowingly, an hour had already passed, and the number of skeleton warriors around Ye Chuan had reached over 700.

"The unfortunate 'skeleton summoner' mentioned in the rumors couldn't even defeat a single elite monster with 800 skeleton warriors. I only have a little over 700 skeleton warriors now, although it seems like a lot, I still can't defeat an elite monster. Obviously, it's not enough!"

"Therefore, no matter what, I'll accumulate 3,000 skeleton warriors first!" Ye Chuan replenished his mana while counting the dust on the ground, feeling bored.

He didn't know that while he leisurely replied to messages and continuously summoned skeleton warriors, the outside world had already become lively.


Because of "Job Transition Day" and the "Novice Instance," this year's Job Transition Square was particularly bustling. After the job transition ceremony ended, many snack stalls even appeared on the square. Surprisingly, their business was much better than usual.

Many parents, because their children entered the Novice Instance, subconsciously waited in the Job Transition Square. Even if they couldn't do anything, very few would leave.

Even the teachers and principals of major high schools were waiting here.

And at this moment, a huge list suddenly appeared in the sky above the Job Transition Altar, attracting everyone's attention.


[Year 2223, Tianxing City Novice Occupation Level Ranking]

[1st place: Li Mengyan, Radiant Priest, Level 2, 12%.]

[2nd place: Chen Wu, Fire Mage, Level 1, 85%.]

[3rd place: Liu Xiaohua, Archer, Level 1, 82%.]

[4th place: Li Haiqiang, Iron Wall Warrior, Level 1, 81%.]


[918th place: Ye Chuan, Skeleton Summoner, Level 1, 0%.]


"What is this? Tianxing City Novice Occupation Level Ranking?"

"Damn, there are names on it. Wait, I know, this is the ranking of our city's novice occupation levels..."

"Look, Li Mengyan is in first place, Level 2, 12%..."

"Truly deserving of being the top student in our school. As a support occupation like Radiant Priest, she actually ranks first on the level ranking, and she even has nearly 30% more experience points than the second place!"

"Yes, it's unbelievable. I really don't know how Li Mengyan leveled up!"

"That Li Haiqiang is not bad either. As an Iron Wall Warrior, he can rank fourth on the level ranking. He truly is an elite occupation!"

"Isn't there a hidden occupation among the job transitions? What level is it?"

"Are you talking about Ye Chuan? Don't get your hopes up. His 'Skeleton Summoner' job transition is a hidden occupation, but it's a bottomless pit occupation that ordinary people can't afford to play. And Ye Chuan, it's said that both his parents died, and he relies on school assistance just to go to school. He doesn't have the money to improve his equipment. It would be good if he can rank in the top 50..."

"I just checked, Ye Chuan isn't in the top 50..."

"Damn, look at the last place!"


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