National Job Change, I Rely On Exploiting Summoning Creatures To Become Stronger

Chapter 83 Danger And Opportunity, Completely Incarnated [Shadow Space]!

"I didn't expect that the destination recorded on the map would actually have a 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' growing there. I really don't know who left this map behind."

Ye Chuan slowly exhaled and his mind gradually regained its calm.

Only with a calm mind can one make the most correct choices. Excitement, agitation, or joy can easily affect a person's judgment, especially when faced with great benefits and temptations. Being calm is even more important.

"According to legend, almost all genius treasures have powerful monster guardians, and extraordinary divine fruits like the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' are no exception!"

"I absolutely don't believe that a 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' like this would not attract any monster's greed!"

"So, if I want to seize the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit,' I must first understand everything about it! Including the enemies I will encounter when fighting for the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit'..."

Ye Chuan maintained a calm mind, heightened his vigilance, and slowly moved towards the direction of the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit.'

As Ye Chuan approached, his 'Shadow Space' gradually enveloped the surroundings of the magma pool.

At the same time, the aura of the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' became clearer and clearer.

However, what made Ye Chuan feel strange was that throughout the entire process, he didn't find any enemies.

"It's strange. Could it be that a divine fruit like the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' doesn't have any powerful monster guardians?" Ye Chuan approached cautiously with a puzzled expression.

Finally, following his perception, Ye Chuan used his 'Scouting Technique' towards the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit.'

'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit: A miraculous fruit that grows after a phoenix's rebirth failure. It contains the pure bloodline power of the phoenix race. When consumed by a fire-type avian pet or mount, it can activate their phoenix bloodline, and there is even a certain chance of transforming into a new phoenix. When consumed by a professional, there is also a certain chance of awakening the phoenix race's talent... Maturity countdown: 7 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes, 16 seconds.'

"It really is the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit,' and its basic effects are the same as recorded online!"

"However, the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' is not yet mature. I have to wait for 7 days before I can officially harvest it!" Ye Chuan suppressed his excitement and carefully calculated.

The existence of the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' has been completely confirmed.

Moreover, it will mature in 7 days!

The problem now is that the situation of the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' is too abnormal. How could such an extraordinary divine fruit not have any monster guardians?

Most importantly, if there really are no monster guardians, then the area around the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' should have been filled with various monsters waiting for it to mature.

But now, there is not a single monster.

No wonder they say that the mighty 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' doesn't interest any monsters. Such an amazing 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' has been here for so many years, and no monsters have discovered it?

Ye Chuan suddenly thought of the map he obtained.

The map looked somewhat old, indicating that it had been around for a long time.

And since such a map exists, it means that this 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' has been discovered before. Moreover, judging from the fact that Zhang Tianyi and the others almost arrived just in time, it can be inferred that Zhang Tianyi and the others might even have some understanding of when the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' will mature.

Knowing that there is a 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' here but not making any preparations or defenses is abnormal.

Thinking of this, his alertness increased.

"There must be a powerful monster guarding the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' and driving away all the monsters that approach it! At the same time, it makes it impossible for human professionals to stay!"

"It seems like I can't stay in this place!"

"Anyway, the 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit' will take 7 more days to mature. I can wait until then to further enhance my strength and then come back to claim this 'Phoenix Rebirth Fruit'!"

With this in mind, Ye Chuan had a thought and slowly began to retreat.

Just at this moment, a sharp voice suddenly came: "Run!"


As soon as he heard the sharp voice, Ye Chuan's heart suddenly contracted. He didn't feel any danger, but he didn't hesitate either.

Regardless of whether there was danger or not, he decided to run first and think later.

In an instant, Ye Chuan's transformed Shadow Space shot towards the direction away from the Phoenix Nirvana Fruit like a flash of lightning.

Fast, indescribably fast!

With a terrifying speed of over 88 kilometers per second, Ye Chuan's speed was as if he was shuttling through the void.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Chuan's transformed Shadow Space had completely left the magma pool where the Phoenix Nirvana Fruit was located.

And just at this moment, a huge transparent figure suddenly appeared where Ye Chuan's consciousness had previously stayed. Immediately after, a transparent giant tail heavily slammed onto the ground.

In an instant, the earth shook.

Where the huge tail struck, a deep and dark crack several hundred meters long appeared directly.

Unfortunately, just as the giant tail came crashing down, Ye Chuan's transformed Shadow Space had already completely left the area.

Amidst the dust, one could faintly see a gigantic monster that was about thirty to forty meters tall, over a hundred meters long, and completely transparent, coldly looking in the direction where Ye Chuan disappeared.

"What the hell is that thing? This is too sudden!" Feeling the movement behind him, Ye Chuan turned his head and couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

Too dangerous! Too terrifying!

When he transformed into the Shadow Space, he was clearly on high alert the whole time, but he didn't sense any danger approaching at all.

But just as he had just left that place, a completely transparent giant beast suddenly appeared, and its tail happened to strike where his consciousness had stayed.

If he had been even a fraction of a second slower, he would have been ambushed solidly.

Of course, with his current strength, even if he was ambushed, it didn't necessarily mean he would die.

But no matter what, he was still grateful for the presence that had spoken up.

However, who exactly was it that spoke up to remind him?

Controlling the Shadow Space, Ye Chuan carefully sensed the situation within the range covered by the Shadow Space. Suddenly, he felt a movement in his heart and looked towards ten marshes.

There, a pigeon-sized bird with a fiery red body and a colorful long tail was elegantly standing on a withered tree branch.

And in front of that little bird, there were several words written.

"I'm here!"

"I'm here? Are these words left by the presence that spoke up just now?" Ye Chuan pondered, and in the next instant, his Shadow World had already started to exert its power.

At the same time, new words began to appear on the marshes.

"It was you who spoke up to remind me just now?"

"Of course it was me. You should thank me. Otherwise, if that stupid dragon had ambushed your consciousness core, you would be done for!" The bird with the colorful tail grabbed a branch with its claws and swiftly wrote.

A bird that can write?

Looking at the neatly written words on the marshes, Ye Chuan couldn't help but question his life choices.

There was no doubt that this world was no ordinary reality, but a bird that can write human words, and write them so well, was somewhat unbelievable.

"Thank you, but what do you mean by 'consciousness core' and 'stupid dragon'?" Ye Chuan was filled with curiosity and quickly began writing.

"You should be controlling the spatial power of the shadow element. When you use this power, your thoughts are where your consciousness core is! For example, even though you are here writing and chatting with me, your consciousness core is actually hundreds of kilometers away." The little bird continued to write.

"So that's the consciousness core?"

Looking at the words written by the little bird, Ye Chuan couldn't help but ponder. His current thoughts, or rather, his consciousness core, were indeed far away from here, hundreds of kilometers away, and he didn't dare to get too close because he didn't know if it was a trap. So he didn't dare to get too close.

Before, he had never realized this, but now he finally did. Although when he used the 'Shadow Space' skill, he transformed into the 'Shadow Space', theoretically, the 'Shadow Space' was him, and he was the 'Shadow Space'. They should be inseparable. But in reality, there was still a significant difference between the 'Shadow Space' and him.

Most of the time, he actually relied on various operations of the 'Shadow Space' to perform attacks, movements, and collections.

Just as Ye Chuan was lost in thought, the colorful-tailed bird began writing again.

"If you still can't understand, then imagine this: when you transform back from this state, where does your true body appear? The place where your true body appears is where your consciousness core is."

"The place where the true body appears is where the consciousness core is?" Ye Chuan's heart trembled as he read the words written by the little bird, finally understanding completely.

"Your mastery of this power is still very crude. The core consciousness only exists in the center of the world, and this weakness is too obvious. You need to master the method of allowing the core consciousness to move freely, even to gather and disperse at will. And true strong individuals don't have a core consciousness."

The colorful-tailed bird continued to write.

"I need to master the method of allowing the core consciousness to move freely, even to gather and disperse at will? True strong individuals don't have a core consciousness?"

Comparing the content written by the colorful-tailed bird, Ye Chuan couldn't help but mutter to himself, as if he had gained some insight.

Seeing that Ye Chuan was still confused, the colorful-tailed bird continued writing.

"Don't you understand? The core consciousness is your biggest weakness, and what you need to do is not protect this weakness, but make it completely disappear. Since you have already transformed into this state, you shouldn't hold onto human thoughts anymore. Instead, you should directly treat this as your body and let your consciousness disperse throughout the entire 'body'!"

"Only then will you completely eliminate the weakness of the core consciousness!"

"Treating the 'Shadow Space' as my body and letting my consciousness disperse throughout the body?" Ye Chuan carefully pondered the words of the colorful-tailed bird.

It had to be said that the colorful-tailed bird had indeed seen through his weakness. That was, even though he had already transformed into the 'Shadow Space', he was still trapped by human thoughts, deliberately creating a core consciousness and then using it to control the 'Shadow Space'.

If the 'Shadow Space' was compared to a body, it was like deliberately creating a new consciousness within the body and using the 'Shadow Space' as if it were a mecha.

This was not only unnecessary but also self-inflicted trouble.

"I understand now. After transforming into the 'Shadow Space', the 'Shadow Space' is me, and I am the 'Shadow Space'. Why do I need to condense a consciousness to control the 'Shadow Space'?"

"Such behavior is completely meaningless!"

"Perhaps, this is the subconsciousness of being human!"

"But, if you want to become stronger, you must overcome this subconsciousness!"

Thinking up to this point, Ye Chuan's train of thought became clearer and clearer.

"If, in the past, I was the core of the 'Shadow Space,' controlling its flight, attacks, and collection. Then now, I must completely transform into the 'Shadow Space.' From now on, the 'Shadow Space' is me, and I am the 'Shadow Space Factory.'"

"And the first step is to completely disperse my core consciousness into the 'Shadow Space!'"

Ye Chuan silently sensed the situation of the 'Shadow Space' while also sensing the state of his core consciousness.

Some things cannot be achieved just by understanding them, like dispersing core consciousness.

But fortunately, he already knew the direction he needed to work towards.

Ye Chuan gradually relaxed, controlling the dispersal of his core consciousness. And with each bit of dispersed core consciousness, it slowly merged into the 'Shadow Space.'

That feeling was very awkward.

Awkward to the point where it was indescribable, even unimaginable.

But fortunately, the difficulty was not too great!

After a few minutes, with the final bit of consciousness completely merging into the 'Shadow Space,' Ye Chuan finally transformed into the 'Shadow Space' for the first time.

"I am the 'Shadow Space,' the 'Shadow Space' is me! So, this is what it feels like to completely transform!"

"Before this, I controlled the 'Shadow Space' through my core consciousness. Rather than saying I was the 'Shadow Space,' it was more accurate to say that I controlled the 'Shadow Space' through my core consciousness."

"But now, the feeling is completely different! Whether it's sensing ability or reaction ability, everything is completely different."

"Now, I have truly become the 'Shadow Space'!"

Ye Chuan carefully sensed his own situation, feeling an indescribable happiness and excitement.

"I didn't expect your talent to be so good, to quickly integrate your core consciousness into the entire space." The colorful-tailed little bird widened its eyes, writing in shock.

"I have to thank you for your guidance. This feeling is really great!" With a thought, Ye Chuan's literary talent automatically appeared.

"Of course, this feeling is great, but you shouldn't be too careless. Your true weakness in the past was only your core consciousness. The enemy can only harm you by attacking your core consciousness. As for attacking other areas, it doesn't affect you at all."

"But now, your consciousness has merged into the entire space. No matter where the enemy attacks the space, it can harm your consciousness. In other words, the entire space has become your weakness. Of course, this weakness is not fatal unless the enemy can destroy your entire space. Otherwise, it's basically impossible to kill you."

"You mean, in the past, my only weakness was my core consciousness, and as long as it wasn't attacked, I wouldn't be injured. But now, no matter where the enemy attacks the space, I will be injured?" Ye Chuan furrowed his brows.

Could it be that he had been tricked?

Why did it feel like he was becoming weaker and weaker?

"More or less. Your core consciousness has dispersed, but it can still condense. You can try it yourself when you have time! Now, let's talk about that stupid dragon!"

"I believe you have already guessed it. Yes, that dragon that can turn invisible is actually a crystal dragon at the pinnacle of the 'Moonlight Rank.' It naturally possesses powerful invisibility talent. Its invisibility ability is extremely strong. Although your shadow ability is very powerful, shadow abilities are naturally restrained by light abilities. Therefore, when it stealthily approaches your core consciousness using its invisibility ability, you won't have the slightest clue..."

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