National Job Change, I Rely On Exploiting Summoning Creatures To Become Stronger

Chapter 87 Ye Chuan Is Too Miserable! It's All The Fault Of The Beauty!

Yalong Empire, Imperial Capital, Cabinet.

When a minister said, "This world is not just our Union of No Stars," all the other ministers fell silent.

Because what they called the Union of Yuanxing was actually a very weak force in this world, far weaker than the Undead Empire, Elf Empire, or Dwarf Empire.

There's no way around it, the professional players of the Union of Yuanxing have only appeared for a little over a hundred years.

But whether it's the Undead Empire, Elf Empire, or Dwarf Empire, they have already existed in the original game world for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years.

Although they are only natives or game NPCs and are not as convenient as professional players in terms of becoming stronger, over the years, a considerable number of legendary powerhouses have emerged in the three major powers, and there are even those above the legendary level, known as the Holy Domain powerhouses.

As a result, in terms of high-end strength, the Union of Yuanxing is completely overwhelmed.

In this situation, these professionals who are not even legendary in their own countries can only be called kings, but their importance to the world consciousness may not be worth mentioning.

Realizing this, everyone fell silent.

"No matter what, since the World Consciousness has opened the 'Honor Mall,' it shows that it has high expectations for us professionals. We old folks, no matter how crooked we are, should create better conditions for the next generation. After all, the future of the Yalong Empire depends on these newcomers." After a few seconds, a minister said.

"That's right. The advantage of the natives lies in their strong strength and solid foundation, but their growth rate is relatively slow. It takes hundreds or even thousands of years for a legend to appear."

"But we professionals are different. As long as we have enough resources, theoretically speaking, it's no problem to achieve legendary status in a year. That's why the World Consciousness is vigorously cultivating new professional players..."

"Hearing you say that, why do I suddenly think of an assembly line factory?" a minister suddenly laughed.

"Maybe it really is an assembly line factory?" another minister shook his head.

Upon hearing this, everyone's expression became more serious. Even an assembly line factory has come up. Is the threat felt by the World Consciousness really that great?

"Alright, all of you ministers have spoken very reasonably. Since we want to vigorously cultivate new professional players, then I will issue my order next. All professional players who make it onto the 'Career Promotion Ranking' will be rewarded heavily. As for the specific rewards, the Ministry of Rites will plan them uniformly."

Your Majesty, the Emperor, has the final say.

At the same time, in the Sakura Country, the Imperial Palace.

"What a big move, such a big move. I didn't expect the World Consciousness to place such top-notch items in the 'Honor Mall'!" Emperor Sakura exclaimed as he looked at the three items in the 'Honor Mall.'

He is also a powerful professional player, with a professional level of 59. The three items in the 'Honor Mall' would be of great help to him, but unfortunately, he doesn't even have the qualification to earn honor points.

Otherwise, he would do whatever it takes to get them.

"General Yamamoto, in the name of the royal family, issue an order for all imperial warriors to make every effort to enter the 'Novice Career Promotion Ranking.' In the top ten, our Sakura Empire must occupy at least three spots!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"In addition, whoever is the first to surpass Ye Chuan, the professional player of the Yalong Empire, I will personally meet him and give him the highest honor of a warrior."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Watching General Yamamoto quickly leave, Emperor Sakura's face revealed a smile.

"Ye Chuan, oh Ye Chuan, don't think that just because you were the first to reach the top of the world rankings, your nightmare is over! Take a good look at how you will suffer defeat. As a warrior of the Great Sakura Empire, I will definitely nail you to the pillar of shame!"

"Even a hundred years later, there will still be people who remember that there was once a genius from the Asia Dragon Empire who, due to his arrogance and complacency, looked down on the 'Novice Career Advancement Assessment'. He was the first to complete the career advancement, but in the end, he was repeatedly crushed by the warriors of the Great Sakura Empire..."

As various countries reacted to the "Honor Mall" incident, the internet had already become explosively lively.

"Oh my god, the system is amazing! It actually arranged such amazing treasures in the 'Honor Mall'. This time, I must climb to the top of the 'Novice Career Advancement Ranking' and be among the best!"

"Yes, this is insane! Is the system giving out such great benefits? I've decided, within 10 days, I must complete the 'Novice Career Advancement Assessment' and not waste any more time here!"

"This is incredible, so lucky! I've been grinding the 'Novice Career Advancement Assessment' for the past five years. A few days ago, I was about to pass the assessment, but I didn't expect the system to create a 'Novice Career Advancement Ranking'. It's a good thing I didn't pass the assessment before. This time, I can finally show off my skills and prove whether my five years of effort were in vain."

"Ten years to forge a sword, the frosty blade has yet to be tested! The person above has only worked hard for five years, but I have been working hard for ten years. This time, it will be my moment to shine!"

"I've been diligently training in the 'Novice Career Advancement Assessment' for eight years, and I never expected to encounter such a perfect opportunity. I just want to say, who else is there?"

"After waiting for so many years, I finally waited until this year. It happens to be when my skills have reached their peak, and now the rankings have arrived. It shows that I am the chosen one, I am the king of the world. This time, it will be my moment to soar!"

When the top rewards in the "Honor Mall" were revealed, many professionals who had been honing themselves in the "Novice Career Advancement Assessment" to achieve higher scores immediately voiced their opinions.

Each one of them was full of confidence and excitement, feeling that this ranking was tailor-made for them.

It should be noted that many of these professionals had been grinding for a good assessment score for years, to the point of obsession. Even after changing careers for many years, they were still at level 9.

They were not respected by their families, not understood by their friends, and not supported by their spouses and children. They were practically abandoned by everyone.

But now, their opportunity had finally come!

This ranking was their chance to show off and wash away all the previous stigma.

However, just as those experienced professionals were getting excited, the new professionals began to vehemently oppose it.

"It's unfair, so unfair! Those are all experienced professionals, not newcomers. Why should they be allowed to participate in the 'Novice Career Advancement Ranking'?"

"That's right, I'm only level 5 now, and I just changed careers a day ago. But those people have been changing careers for over ten years. It's unfair to compete with them!"

"Exactly, it's so unfair. They have been honing themselves in the 'Novice Career Advancement Assessment' for so many years, and now they come to compete with us newcomers for the rewards. It's simply not fair."

Many new professionals were passionately opposing this on the forums.

There was no way around it. They were just some fresh-faced newcomers. Compared to those professionals who had been grinding themselves for countless years, wasn't that just asking for trouble?

"If you can't do it yourself, then don't complain about the rules being unfair. The current number one on the ranking, Ye Chuan, is a newcomer professional, isn't he?"

"That's right, whether you can make it onto the list or achieve good results depends on how skilled you are, not whether you are a newcomer professional or not. What does that have to do with anything?"

"Exactly, if you can't do it yourself, then stop whining! However, even though Ye Chuan is a skilled professional, we experienced professionals are not to be underestimated. This time, we must compete with Ye Chuan and prove ourselves!"

"Well said, so what if he's number one? We've been honing ourselves for so many years, all for the sake of making a name for ourselves. This time, we experienced professionals will shine!"

"Step on Ye Chuan, bravely compete for the top. It's our chance to clear our names. Let's all work hard and aim for the top ten, what do you say?"

"Aiming for the top ten is not enough, my goal is to dominate the top hundred!"

A group of old professionals were shouting crazily on the forum, which made many novice professionals indignant. But there was nothing they could do. Many of these people were only at level five or six, and at this point, they didn't even have the qualifications to participate in the "Professional Promotion Assessment." Speaking at this time would only make them uncomfortable.

However, when they thought of Ye Chuan, their mood instantly improved.

After all, he was the real target of public criticism, the target that all old professionals... no, all professionals vowed to step on.

"Ye Chuan, the professional from the Yalong Empire, is in a miserable state! He just completed his professional promotion and a ranking list came out, along with an "Honor Mall" where precious treasures are sold. This is like rubbing salt on his wounds. And there are so many old professionals declaring war on him!"

"That's right! If we had known there would be a professional promotion ranking list, an "Honor Mall," and such precious treasures, he definitely wouldn't have completed his professional promotion so quickly."

"Poor Ye Chuan. I have a friend in the Yalong Empire who said that Ye Chuan only took a little over ten minutes to complete the professional promotion assessment. I'm afraid he only scored around 50 points. Now, even those who regret it are crying in the bathroom."

"This can't be true. Even if there was no professional promotion ranking list or "Honor Mall," no one should be so careless about the professional promotion assessment, right?"

"I am from Tianxing City, and I can confirm that Ye Chuan really only took a little over ten minutes for the professional promotion assessment. It is said that this behavior of Ye Chuan's has made the Lord of Tianxing City so angry that he slammed the table. Even the instructor of the Sichuan professionals was crying from anger..."

"This is unbelievable. Such an important professional promotion assessment, and he only spent a little over ten minutes. Couldn't he have persisted for an hour and earned more points?"

"Maybe, as the professional promotion assessment progresses, the difficulty increases, and Ye Chuan simply couldn't pass the later stages."

"Really? Are there professionals who are so afraid of difficulties? Such professionals who are afraid to try are useless! Even if it's difficult, the professional promotion assessment won't kill anyone. I despise those who are afraid of difficulties and won't even try!"

...Please give me flowers...

"I despise him too!"

"You are all wrong. From what I know, there is a reason why Ye Chuan completed the professional promotion so quickly! He made a bet with a beautiful woman. If he surpassed that woman by five levels, she would become his girlfriend. That's why Ye Chuan completed the professional promotion so quickly! He did it to win the bet!"

"What? There's such an inside story?"

"It's unbelievable. A real-life version of loving beauty more than the country?"

"How beautiful must that woman be to make Ye Chuan disregard his future like this?"

"So, comrades, we must take this as a lesson. Women only affect the speed of our swordplay. We must keep our distance!"

"A real-life version of a femme fatale!"

"I wonder if Ye Chuan regrets it now!"

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! Who leaked this bet? It's making me so angry!"

In a dark and damp forest, Li Mengyan flipped through the posts on the forum about her bet with Ye Chuan, her cheeks puffed up with anger, looking like a fierce little kitten.

"Miss?" A female professional looked at Li Mengyan with concern.

"Don't mind me, just continue!" Li Mengyan said without lifting her head, her eyes fixed on her phone.

"This is so infuriating. People are even saying that I'm a femme fatale! I didn't make this bet, it was all Ye Chuan's idea. What does it have to do with me? Instead of saying that Ye Chuan is infatuated, they say I'm a femme fatale. Have their brains been eaten by dogs?"

Li Mengyan grumbled angrily in her heart.

But she had completely forgotten that she had said the same thing to Ye Chuan at the beginning.

Even the term "femme fatale" was mentioned by her for the first time.

"But the most annoying thing is Ye Chuan, clearly we agreed to increase the difficulty of the assessment, but he just brushed it off like this, causing me to be criticized!"

"No, this bet cannot continue, I need to modify the bet! Otherwise, if this bet is proven true, then I will truly become a femme fatale, a sinner! Coincidentally, there is now a 'Trainee Professional Promotion Ranking' right? Let's compare with that guy!"

With this in mind, Li Mengyan immediately called Ye Chuan.

By the side of Tianxing Lake, after Ye Chuan finished studying the situation of the "Honor Mall," his attention once again fell on the "Clark Resentful Avatar."

"The 'Clark Resentful Avatar' is also not doing well!"

Watching the performance of the "Clark Resentful Avatar," Tian Chuan couldn't help but shake his head.

At the beginning, the performance of the "Clark Resentful Avatar" was very impressive.

Indeed, it was a destined tool, and its performance was simply breathtaking.

The skill "Ring of Waves" was basically released every 20 seconds.

Even when the skill "Ring of Waves" was on cooldown, there was no laziness at all. It continuously used the single-target skill "Water Arrow" to attack the army of skeletons.

Don't underestimate the "Water Arrow" skill, although it is a single-target attack, when used by the "Clark Resentful Avatar," it is almost as powerful as the "Gatling Buddha."

The frequency of casting 2,000 water arrows per second is simply unreasonable.

Under such terrifying attacks, the 90 million army of skeletons that Ye Chuan had painstakingly accumulated was almost completely depleted in just two hours in front of the "Clark Resentful Avatar."

And this was because Ye Chuan deliberately controlled the number of skeleton soldiers, not daring to die too quickly, coupled with the defense and life increase of the skeleton army.

From this, it can be seen how efficient the "Clark Resentful Avatar" is in boosting attributes.

Unfortunately, even a destined tool with such a perfect performance has finally reached the edge of elimination. First, the "Water Arrow" skill completely failed to break through the defense, and then the "Ring of Waves" skill also began to lose its one-shot advantage.

And now, even the "Sea Injection Ring" skill completely failed to break through the defense.

When the "Ring of Waves" skill was used, the entire screen was filled with red damage numbers of 1.

In other words, the originally high damage of 2.8 million+ from the "Ring of Waves" skill was now completely unable to break through the defense of the skeleton army.

And this happened in just a short two hours.

"In just two short hours, my army of skeleton soldiers has completed a super counterattack from being one-shot to being unbreakable."

"Indeed, I knew it, the talent 'Legacy Plunder' is definitely the most powerful talent. As long as a destined tool is found, it's a matter of minutes to soar to the sky! Unfortunately, even a destined tool like the 'Clark Resentful Avatar' is about to be eliminated!"

"But I will remember its contribution! Thank you, 'Clark Resentful Avatar,' you have completed your great and glorious mission. Now, you can go back home and rest!"

Ye Chuan looked at the current state of the "Clark Resentful Avatar."

After all, it is a resentful avatar. Apart from maintaining some rationality at the beginning, its rationality has been deteriorating, and now it has completely lost its rationality.


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