"What I just killed was... Human ?!!


Wu Xiangnan's pupils shook, and his body trembled uncontrollably!

He killed the human ?!! by mistake

Intense remorse welled up in his heart

And what makes them even more desperate is that

Looking up, there was a dark patch in the distance, occupying the entire square of demons

They were all made ?!! by humans

"Hahaha, guys, do you like the great gift I gave you?!!


The trilobite demons clasped their hands around their chests, and the sand under their feet was pushing higher and higher

It stood in front of the army of soldiers and demons, looking down at the three of them who were at a loss, and the refreshment in its heart was indescribable!

"You brute, you brute!!


Wu Xiangnan roared and raised his Merlin gun to shoot the trilobite demons

However, it raised its hand, and another soldier demon was standing in front of it as a shield!

Wu Xiangnan could only grit his teeth, but he didn't dare to pull the trigger!

"Oops~ What's the matter? Why is Kamen Rider, who was so arrogant not long ago, so embarrassed now? Hahaha!".

The Trilobite Demon Cultist sneered in a disdainful tone

"Don't you understand? This is your human weakness!"

Throughout the ages,

A man who prides himself on being righteous would rather lose a thousand to himself than to injure eight hundred innocents

This is especially true for social professionals such as doctors and nuns

Although they now desperately want to be able to ignore morality and morality and go on a killing spree

But the humanoid instinct prompted them to lay down their weapons.

But just as the situation is at a stalemate,

When the Trilobite Demon thinks he is in control of everything,

Several gunshots suddenly broke the dead silence!


The Trilobite Demon Disciple was hit, and immediately let the surrounding soldiers and Demon Disciples surround him!

"Who ?!!".



The crowd looked back

The figure that stepped out of the dimensional wall was none other than the Kamen Rider Legend, who was carrying the legendary Magnum spear

There was still white smoke from the muzzle of the gun, proving that he had fired the first few shots.

"Seniors, those demons are all human, we have to think of something else!".

Wu Jiaojiao shouted anxiously, for fear that Chu Qing would make a reckless move because he didn't know the situation at the scene

The trilobite demon disciples in the distance were even more fearless, and looked up to the sky and laughed

"Legend! You're waiting for you, but even if you come this time, it's useless! because you can't solve the current situation!".

Chu Qing raised his eyebrows and chuckled

"Heh... Is it?".

"Of course, do you dare to attack them?!".

Woohoo !!

Before the words fell, Chu Qing directly pulled the trigger

Under everyone's incredible gaze, the soldiers who were blocking the trilobite demon disciple were shot on the spot extremely quickly!

As the smoke cleared, another human being was swallowed up little by little, dragged into the endless abyss!

"Senior!! stop!".

"Legend! Are you crazy?!!

Wu Jiaojiao and Wu Xiangnan both rushed up in a panic to stop


But there was only indifference in Chu Qing's tone:

"Get out of the way, or else... Even you will be killed. "


A terrifying aura enveloped this space

The few people present all felt the chill to the bone

He's really hands-on!

This is exactly in the hearts of Wu Jiaojiao, Wu Xiangnan, and Si Nian, who has been silent

You can't go wrong!

Woohoo !!

Pull the trigger again,

Chu Qing walked along, and the legendary Magnum in his hand never stopped shooting!

One by one, the soldiers and demons turned back into humans, fell into the abyss, and disappeared into the square!

Wu Xiangnan's eyes were red and bloodshot

He roared angrily in front of Chu Qing:

"I'm telling you to stop! You're killing, you're killing people, do you understand?!!


Woohoo Woo


"Go south! Get out of the way!".

Chu Qing did what he said

In the second that Wu Xiangnan stood in front of him,

The firearm in his hand immediately turned, and countless bullets shot at his body, blasting it out in an instant!

Wu Jiaojiao's mind went blank, looking at his younger brother who collapsed on the ground and couldn't get up

Watching the killing god come, his eyes were full of indifferent and ruthless seniors

She didn't know what to do anymore

Si Nian stood beside her, equally at a loss

It's just that after a long time, she shook her head with a wry smile:

"We should be glad that Legend is such a person. "

Wu Jiaojiao looked up at her.

"This is the reality right now, you have to make a choice, whether to let the humans who have turned into demons attack other humans with impunity, or deal with the humans who have become demons, you and I, neither you nor I are the one who can take all the responsibility to make decisions, only he, Legend, he can. "

Listening to the words in his ear, Wu Jiaojiao looked at the figure of one person facing the entire army of soldiers and demons in a daze

Suddenly, she only felt strong guilt and heartache.

"I don't blame my predecessors, but my predecessors are the heroes, who can sacrifice themselves and face those brute heroes, I just think... It's unfair to him, and I'm also a Kamen Rider, but I'm too weak to help him share it..."

"So, that's why we're starting to expect him to be there in every fight, he's there, maybe everything can be worked out. "


"Damn it, damn it, damn it!!".

The Trilobite Demons kept retreating in the middle of the army

The shock and panic on his face completely expressed the uneasiness in his heart now!

Whoever didn't expect it,

Legend would shoot so decisively

Even if you know that these soldiers and demons are humanized!

The Trilobite Demon Cultist thinks he's mastering the psychology of the Kamen Riders who claim to be on the side of justice

But I didn't expect that not all Kamen Riders are so easy to be controlled by human nature.

In Chu Qing's eyes,

Even if in front of him was a group of humans who had not become soldiers at all

As long as these people stand in his way, they will still be ruthlessly solved!

Even, Chu Qing felt that he didn't kill fast enough

Backhanded, he pulled out a brand new Alchemy Knight card and inserted it into the drive!

【ChemyRide!G-G-G-Gorgeous! W!Xtreme!】

Buzz ——————

With the sound of the mechanics resounding,

On the land that has been reduced to a battlefield of gunpowder, three pillars of green, white and purple light rise into the sky!

I saw that Chu Qing seemed to be about to tear his chest open, and the data energy with strange fluctuations continued to gather around and transform into a new pair of armor!

It is the Kamen Rider W Blast Ace Extreme Form!

The Trilobite Demons who were far behind the Demon Cultists' army couldn't see what was happening at all

I just felt a strong sense of uneasiness, forcing him to keep retreating!

But the next second,

The entire army was instantly torn apart by the terrifying force!


The moment the passionate electronic sound resounded,

A turquoise blade of light covered the entire square

As if it could tear through the space, in the blink of an eye, all the soldiers and demons in the range were all cut off by lazy waists!

The deafening explosions sounded one after another, and the fireworks soared into the sky, and the scene was even more tragic than imagined!

Especially when an unconscious human corpse is dragged underground by eerie vines

Ordinary people who saw this scene all collapsed to the ground in despair!

They were all dead.

"They're all dead!hahaha!! Legend, it's you, it's you who killed all these humans!".

The Trilobite Demon Cultist is like crazy:

"I thought you were just killing two to demonstrate to me, but I didn't expect you to really dare to do it~ I don't know how you feel now?

Chu Qing shook the Prism Holy Sword in his hand, and looked sideways at the Trilobite Demon Disciple in the distance, without a trace of waves in his tone

"You know that there is an old saying in human beings, one will make a thousand bones, and for the sake of my success, some people's sacrifices are necessary, just as I can kill you now and hate them for them. "

"No way! You can't be without any mood changes! Aren't you afraid?!

The Trilobite Demon Cultist can't hold it anymore

His original intention was to make Chu Qing and the knights collapse from a psychological level

Even afterwards, a steady stream of guilt will torment them

But after feeling that Chu Qing really didn't have a trace of emotional fluctuations

He panicked

It's not because Chu Qing will kill him

It's that he feels worthless

As an evildoer, a monster,

When the heroes of justice are not angry with it and don't care about it

The monster will feel like it's really dead.


Chu Qing's next words completely made the trilobite demon disciples break their defenses:

"What? Is this panicked? Then let me tell you one more thing, in fact, I have already seen through your purpose. "


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