[Attention to all, the Survivors of the Dragon Country successfully killed the Survivors of the Sugarcane Country! 】

[Attention to all, the Survivors of the Dragon Country successfully killed the Survivors of the Sugarcane Country! 】

[Attention to all, the Survivors of the Dragon Country successfully killed the Survivors of the Sugarcane Country! 】

With the sound of the third global announcement, the audience finally got it.

Where is this a tactical confrontation of a person versus a team.

This is simply a dimensionality reduction blow for one person to face a group of people.

This Nima is a naked unilateral slaughter!

After Fang Chen failed to capture the target several times.

The Yuenan Survivor finally managed to escape and announced the end of the battle.

The audience let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, audiences from various countries felt their scalps go numb.

This... how to fight this?

With just a slingshot, is there such a terrifying power?

Once encountered, is there any possibility of survival?

At this time, the live broadcast room was completely exploded, and countless audiences were discussing fiercely.

"I've done it! I've done it completely. From now on, Mr. Fang Chen, you will be my idol, no need to say!"

"God! I've never seen such a fierce person. One dozen, four kills three and scare one away. The four of them went from start to finish, and even the shadow of Fang Chen was not found!"

"I feel that this kind of game is a bit like playing a game and opening a room to abuse vegetables!"

"Upstairs, stay awake, the abuse of vegetables is not as powerful as Fang Chen."

"Hahaha, let people from other countries clamor for the Dragon Slaying Plan, and now let's see who is against whom!"

"I feel like the current boss Fang Chen doesn't have to go into danger. It's enough to hunt other people, especially Benziguo! They got a silver mine yesterday afternoon, how good it would be for him to take it!"

in all major online media.

The news posted by foreign netizens on the platform is being dissed by netizens from all over the world at this time.

And the netizens from all over the world who were clamoring before, all died at this moment.

And those clamoring words.

It was also screenshotted by the netizens of Long Guo's good deeds.

They have been posted on foreign social networking sites, opening the door.

At this moment, the hearts of the audience in this country are gloomy.

Under the leadership of Yue Nanguo, is there any problem with the actions of the four people?

No problem at all.

But in the end of Fang Chen, he died three times and ran one, and he didn't even see Fang Chen's face.

Ben Ziguo asks his own players, it is difficult to be better than Yue Nanguo's players.

The other party is in such a situation, let alone himself?

After killing the three players, Fang Chen didn't stop, didn't even lick the bag, and left the place immediately.

At the same time, the American players were nervously hiding behind the bunker, using electronic instruments to search for movements around them.

He looked at it for a long time, and after confirming that there were no enemies around, he let out a sigh of relief.

Then the American players fell into deep suspicion.

"Thank you for the generous gift! How did Long Guo do it? He was bare-handed, it should be the fate to be slaughtered, how could it be..."

"Did the goddamn Dragon Country players cheat? Or did they find the special mechanics of the Mysterious Land?"

"Four people in a row died in his hands? Damn it, I have to find a way to detect it."

The equipment on the American players is the most technological.

Entering the mysterious place this time, he even carried a solar-charged drone that could broadcast the location to himself at any time.

Therefore, all the way forward is extremely cautious.

After more than two hours, the American player finally saw a figure.

The moment he saw this figure, the American player jumped in his heart and immediately put his hand on the handle of the gun.

It can be seen that his professional level is much higher than others.

"Huh? Is it the guy from the Dragon Country? No, I remember that the guy from the Dragon Country doesn't have any weapons. Did he grab it from someone else?"

"It seems that this person is running for his life, and his appearance is also different from the image of the message passed to me. He is not a survivor of the Dragon Kingdom."

"Is he the survivor who encountered the survivors of the Dragon Kingdom?"

For the next hour or so, the American players simply tested the identity of the other party.

Finally, he determined that the other party was a survivor of Yuenan Kingdom.

The survivor in the United States is named Bloody Johnson. Long before entering the mysterious land, he was the world's top survival master and mercenary.

Originally, when he was in the outside world, he said that he would kill everyone he encountered.

But the plan can't keep up with the changes, and the current Fang Chen is the biggest goal.

And Yue Nan, who knows the information, can't die for the time being.

The two stood face to face, and the American survivors stared at each other.

At the moment, the Yuenan Survivor was still in shock, hiding behind the cover and daring not to show his face.

What they don't know is that, at this very moment, except for the audience in their respective countries.

Audiences in many other countries also stared at the conversation between the two.

There are more than 30 billion people in the world, at least 6 or 7 billion of them, all pay attention to the dialogue between the two.

Including the audience of the Dragon Kingdom.

They also wanted to know what the person who escaped from Fang Chen would say to the master who was chasing Fang Chen.

"We've all been lied to! Fang Chen is definitely not alone, there should be a team with a clear division of labor!"

"Their assassination level is too high! Before we could react, we already sacrificed two people."

"And they are definitely not what they say from the outside. They don't have weapons. Their weapons are very powerful and lethal in one blow!"

"Those people are terrifying, like ghosts. Even if we kill two of our members, I don't know his distance or location!"

"They only shot three times in total, only three times! It's terrible, three people died like that!"

"In the process of escaping, I had a sense of loss of my soul that I was targeted several times, as if even my soul had been seen through. The survivor of the Dragon Kingdom is definitely a monster! It's a ghost!"

"My three team members didn't find each other until they died, and they didn't even know the direction!"

"Longguo's survivors are like ghosts, approaching silently, assassinating silently, too infiltrating!"

Yue Nan's Survivor described Fang Chen's horror with an almost crazy expression.

In just a few minutes of the encounter, he had developed PTSD, Traumatic Stress Disorder.

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