In the live broadcast room, the audience still has the time to post barrage.

But at this moment, Fang Chen had already begun to observe the situation around him, with a thoughtful look on his face.

At this moment, both Professor Ding and Professor Bai were looking at Fang Chen intently.

As leading intellectuals and academics, they all understand.

The next behavior of Fang Chen is very likely to create a new history.

It is precisely for this reason that those experts and professors dare not let go of the slightest details, and stare at the screen desperately.

On the screen, Fang Chen started to act.

He slowly muttered to himself at this moment:

"The orientation of the Eight Trigrams Array doesn't seem right. Although the door of death has not been opened, there are also problems with the other seven doors."

"It needs to be changed artificially, eh? Can these formation symbols be moved?"

"The danger is so..."

Fang Chen was testing at this moment, slowly moving some symbols.


The next moment, the huge Broken Dragon Stone fell from the entrance again.

The terrifying weight directly shook the entire underground palace, like an earthquake.

At the same time, above the head of the entire room, the wall began to slowly fall.

Just like a hydraulic press, it is slowly falling down from above at an extremely slow speed.

The space is dwindling every minute and every second.

According to this trend, within three minutes, Fang Chen will be crushed into meat puree!

The countdown to life has begun!

"It's a mechanism! A mechanism that is far more deadly than the previous one!"

At this moment, the archaeologist Professor Bai Jiang stood up with a change in his face, and said in horror:

"The last mechanism can be avoided anyway, and the damage can be avoided by dodging."

"But this level... If you can't break through the danger within a limited time, the consequences will be too serious... People will surely die!"

"Oops, Mr. Fang Chen needs to decipher the content of the gossip in a short period of time."

"But how much does he know about these things... we don't know anything."

For a while, many professors who survived the National Movement couldn't help standing up.

Their expressions became horrified.

At this rate, the boulder would take about three minutes to fall.

However, when the boulder drops to a height of about one meter, people's mobility will be greatly limited.

When it dropped to about 30 cm, Fang Chen could only passively wait to die.

The real time left may only be more than two minutes!

And as the drama falls, the surrounding space is filled up little by little, which puts a lot of pressure on the heart.

It was a suffocating sense of despair that spread in people's hearts.

The sound of friction between stones makes people feel numb.

In this case, the expressions of the audience gradually became desperate.

Now... is it over?

However, at this time, Fang Chen still stood still, pinching his chin and looking at the gossip formation under his feet.

He looked extremely calm, tilted his head, and there were some weird smiles on his face.

Fang Chen didn't get started at all.

He just moved with his toes and moved the gossip array in front of him a little bit.

The boulder above his head did not arouse Fang Chen's thoughts at all.

In just a few tens of seconds, the movable symbols in the formation were moved by Fang Chen.


With a vibration, the broken dragon stone that fell down seemed to be stuck by something, and it stopped at this moment.

Before the despair of the audience was over, it was over.

They were dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

Our emotions are not ready yet, and you have already completed the third level on your side! ?


For a while, the audience was a little confused.

Then, the atmosphere of the scene changed again.

In the picture in the live broadcast room, Fang Chen looked at the formation at his feet with a speechless expression, and said to himself:

"It's that simple?! I thought the gossip formation in the third level was so powerful."

"Thanks to me, I was a little nervous. I didn't expect to do it casually, so I cracked it casually."

"It seems that to clear this, only a very shallow knowledge of gossip is enough..."

Fang Chen was a little helpless to himself.

He also didn't expect that it would be enough to just restore the eight directions of the gossip.

Fang Chen also had a second grade on Earth and studied the contents of gossip for several months.

Some national style games also gave Fang Chen a lot of knowledge about gossip.

At first, he thought that after recovering the gossip, there were still many steps to take.

For example, the gate of life enters and exits the gate of death, or the gate of entry and exit.

As a result, just after the first step was completed, the problem was solved.

This quickly caught Fang Chen by surprise, and was stunned for a while.

But at this moment Fang Chen didn't know how much shock he had caused the outside world.

The complicated and mysterious gossip, in front of Fang Chen, seems to be so simple?

good guy!

That being said, what is complicated for Mr. Fang Chen! ?

The audience looked a little embarrassed.

In their minds, Fang Chen's rank in the field of gossip must be very, very high.

It is precisely because of this that he can still behave so calmly in the face of such dangers.

And if anyone in the world encounters gossip, I am afraid that they will all die.

Only Fang Chen, the boss, not only cracked it easily, but also disliked this thing for being too simple?

If the will of the mysterious place has feelings, I am afraid that the blood pressure will already be full at this moment...


At this moment, the Broken Dragon Stone slowly rose up.

Fang Chen looked forward calmly, and thought of the mechanical and electronic voice again in his mind:

【Ding! Successfully survived the third level of A-level danger and successfully obtained the innate ability: Soul of the Beastmaster! 】

[Soul of the Beastmaster: It has a powerful ability to shock and deter living beings! 】

With the sound of the system prompt, Fang Chen suddenly felt some inexplicable changes in himself.

He couldn't say it either, but at this moment, there was a kind of deterrent in his gestures.

Fang Chen's expression was a little surprised at this moment.

At this stage, if I encounter those purple squirrels, what will be the result?

I am afraid that at a glance, those squirrels will die on the spot.

After passing the third level, Fang Chen suddenly felt that the pressure in his heart to warn himself had disappeared.

At this moment, he slowly pushed open the door of the gossip hall and continued to walk forward.

This time, Fang Chen had some curiosity about the danger in front of him.

This danger is completely different from other dangers I have experienced before.

Not just because of the multiple levels of danger.

It is also because of the crypt just experienced, a man-made experience.

Prompt from the seal character of "Breaker dead" at the entrance.

Go to the organs and inscriptions at the back, as well as the level of the gossip just now.

Fang Chen found that this kind of danger not created by nature seems to have some cultural symbols.

If you connect these symbols in series, you may be able to find the heels of this danger.

For some unknown reason, Fang Chen always had a feeling in his heart that this kind of thing was not created out of thin air.

The dangers generated by the mysterious place may have many inexplicable relationships with reality.

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