This time in the mysterious land is almost equivalent to one or two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Survivors from all over the world are shivering and shivering, starving and freezing.

They couldn't figure it out.

Also a survivor, how did Fang Chen survive the A-level danger in such an environment.

So far, Fang Chen has broken the record for the third time.

From the first E-level record, to the later D-level danger record, to the A-level at this moment.

Survivors were stunned to find that Fang Chen was dancing all the way!?

At this time, with the obsession of the first emperor disappearing, the original magnificent underground palace also disappeared.

Even the big screen in Fang Chen's live broadcast room became dark.

When the picture is restored, there are still those splendid things in front of me!

It was clearly a dark tomb.

Although the surrounding buildings are still the same as before, they have become ghostly.

And everything that happened before, as if Nanke's dream, has now been completely disillusioned.

And in this ghostly hall, there were still a few lights on, pointing to a door at the end.

"Where's the... safe house?"

Fang Chen poked around in the entire hall, but couldn't find a decent reward.

It seems that this place is not a bonus area yet.

He slowly opened the door, and as soon as he opened it, he smelled a fragrance, and he couldn't help but move his index finger.

In front of it is a flat house, it looks like it is only forty or fifty square meters, half the size of a classroom.

Not far away, there was a large table full of delicious food.

All kinds of delicious chicken, duck and fish fill the table.

Boiling hot pot, fragrant barbecue, still steaming in the candle fire.

Looking around, in front of more than 30 kinds of vegetables and cabbage, it is very exciting!

The audience was dumbfounded.

Hey man, are you in a mysterious place?

This is why we don't have such good conditions outside!

On the other side of the room, there is a stone platform with a box on it.

Seeing this scene, many viewers were short of breath.


A-level danger clearance rewards!

What kind of survival equipment will be given?

Fang Chen slowly came to the box and opened it.

At this moment, everyone is looking forward to Fang Chen's customs clearance reward.

But at this moment, seeing the contents of the box, everyone was more or less speechless.

It turned out to be a bracelet.

The whole body is cast in gold, the shape is exquisite and ancient

Everyone thought it was a good thing at first, but it turned out that it was just an ornament.

Many people couldn't help sticking their heads out, wanting to see if there was anything else in the dark part of the box.

It turned out to be empty inside!

There's nothing left.

The audience was dumbfounded.

"This... this is an A-level reward, why did you reward such a piece of jewelry? It's too rude.? 99

"Is it a mistake, maybe the reward is somewhere else, this place is a display? 55

"How is it possible upstairs, even if everyone can admit their mistakes, can boss Fang Chen admit them?

"Uh... It's still a bit of a loss when I think about it. After doing such a big thing, I ended up giving this...

"I've always felt wronged for Fang Chen. It's just a bracelet, although it's a little nice."

At this moment, ordinary audiences feel that Fang Chen's prize is not worth it.

But not long after, a message appeared in the live broadcast room:

"We Bixuan Museum are willing to buy the bracelet at a high price of 5 billion yuan after Mr. Fang Chen returns, and the price can be negotiated!

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the outside world.

Bixuan Museum is a world-class top museum, and its reputation in the collection circle is reverberating.

If he is not worth over 100 million yuan, he is not even qualified to enter the museum.

And such a high-profile museum in the cloud actually took the initiative to buy a bracelet?

In fact, business people are very smart.

Laymen don't know, but they know how valuable that bracelet is.

There are so many luxury goods and collectibles all over the world, and few of them have the same meaning as Fang Chen's bracelets.

This is produced by Mysterious Land, the world's first A-level reward, and probably the only one!

If it is really the only A-level danger reward, its value will be more than doubled!

At that time, for such a thing, the rich people all over the world will be robbed of their heads!

If you can use this kind of thing as a family heirloom or a treasure of the town hall.

Enough to make a third-rate collection hall become the world's top collection hall!

Its significance is too great.

It is precisely because Bixuan Museum realized this in advance.

He was the first to offer a very high price, hoping to let Fang Chen see his attitude.

After the Bixuan Museum, many top collections and private collectors reacted.

While annoyed at his slow response, he also began to frantically increase the price.

"I am willing to pay 6 billion to buy that bracelet, the price is also negotiable!

"I'm willing to spend one billion yuan to rent that bracelet for three years! You can return it to Mr. Fang Chen at that time!"9

"We, Alpha Auction, are willing to help Mr. Fang Chen auction for free!

Many wealthy people have come up to join in.

Even some famous foreign billionaires took the initiative to come to Fang Chen's live broadcast room to look for opportunities.

Many people are not in the collection (Nuo Mo's) world at all, but they also know the value of this thing and are scrambling for it.

In the face of the audience who did not know the truth, a wealthy man who did not want to be named explained to his nephew:

"We don't care about the quality and craftsmanship of the bracelet at all, because this thing was obtained by Mr. Fang Chen, and it is A-grade, the value is simply incalculable!

"Through the live broadcast, we already know the horror of the A-level danger."

"Under this level of danger, it is almost impossible to pass the customs for the second time."

"There are many E-level and F-level rewards, and even D-level and C-level rewards, but A-level rewards may be the only one in the world!"

"Don't say it's a bracelet, it's just a piece of animal skin, a piece of bone, as long as it was obtained from Mr. Fang Chen, it has such value!

"For no other reason, this is most likely the only A-level reward in the Mysterious Land, and that's enough!"

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