National Luck: All Human Beings Degenerate, I Am A Fish That Slipped Through The Net

Chapter 71 Even the cellular structure is more advanced than others?

Professor Ding was also confused.

Standing up, he and Professor Bai looked at each other and saw the shock in the other's eyes.

At this time, Sun Miao, a junior professor of cytology, raised his hand tremblingly and whispered:

"I...I may have guessed some reasons..."

The person who spoke was not considered an elder, and could only be regarded as a junior in the field.

Just because of the subject of immunocytology he studied.

There are no academic bigwigs at all, so he was photographed to charge up.

Immunocytology, as the name suggests, is the study of the cells and immune capabilities of the human body.

Sounds like a very big name.

In reality, however, there are very few immune cells in the average human body.

There is nothing to study at all.

It also leads to a very low ceiling in this industry, and real academic bulls do not come to this field at all.

Facing the eyes of the audience at this moment, Professor Sun Miaosun showed everyone a picture of cells and said:

"Audience friends see that in the cells of the human body, there is such a residue-like incomplete substance. 35

"It is one of the many wastes in human cells, but this substance in a few cells is not in the state of residue, but appears in a complete form."

"Our research found that this is a powerful biological catalyst of human cells, called enzymes, which are secreted by living cells.

"I have done experiments, and the ability of cells with this enzyme to decompose alcohol is completely two levels! 39

"However... the chances of the enzyme being intact are very, very small, about one such intact enzyme per billion cells! Finished product

"And just seeing this, I suddenly had a bold guess.


"The cells in Mr. Fang Chen's body are completely different from ordinary people. What if most of the cells in his body possess this magical substance?"

When Professor Sun Miao said this, he was already excited.

He looked at Fang Chen on the big screen, who drank so much without dying.

This is hard evidence for my point of view.

Sun Miao said excitedly:

"So I have every reason to suspect that the cells in Mr. Fang Chen's body have abilities that normal people don't have at all! Not being afraid of drinking is just one of them!"

"And only in this way, the ancient ancestors 10,000 years ago can drink this highly poisonous thing as a drink, and be immune to this highly poisonous thing!"

"Not only does he have advanced cells that we don't have in our bodies, but even those cells that we have... have far more capabilities than normal people!"

"His strength is not only in the macroscopic aspects of muscles, strength, and organs, but even in the cellular structure of the microscopic perspective, which is far more advanced and excellent than normal people!"

Sun Miao's words really made the audience shout outrageous.

In the eyes of the audience, this kind of thing sounds like a fantasy.

Also human, Fang Chen even has cells many times stronger than normal people? the two really belong to the same level of life?

If strictly speaking, does Fang Chen still belong to the category of human beings?

Everyone looked at Fang Chen, who was still shaking on the screen, dumbfounded.

That is to say, after drinking so many highly poisonous substances, the biggest consequence is... Sleeping in the middle of the night?

Then it's gone?

The audience was dumbfounded.

"I rub... Is this really a human? Is this a monster? No, animals can't do this right now, right? This is the ultimate creature!"

"Uh... Let's think about it, strictly speaking, Fang Chen's life form is truly a perfect creature.""

"I rub it, it's true to say that, our cells have all experienced degeneration and weakening. If you compare Fang Chen to a normal person, then everyone on the screen is a second-level disability! 35

"Hey, hey, I'm not happy when you say that upstairs, obviously we are normal people, Fang Chen is the kind of strong and excessive!"

"It's not too true to say that, we are people who have experienced two or more degenerations, and Fang Chen has a high probability of being a genetically atavistic person, so in terms of life form, he is 'more perfect' than us. Humanity.

°Alas, in this life, no one else has earned as much, and no one else is as handsome as anyone else, and now it seems that I am not very qualified in terms of being a man..."

The audience was speechless.

Looking at Fang Chen who has recovered on the screen, what else can they say?

At this moment, slowly shaking his face, Fang Chen sighed:

"Yesterday's wine has a bit of stamina..."

When Fang Chen said this, he couldn't help patting the back of his dizzy head.

The expression of countless people who heard this sentence was stiff.

This Nima, a highly poisonous substance capable of poisoning hundreds of thousands of people, is just a bit too strong for you?

What do you want, Mr. Fang Chen? God?

Fang Chen didn't die, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

(Nuo Mo's) But the ensuing question once again gave everyone a headache.

After ordinary people drink alcohol, the internal organs in the body are enough to be burnt to pieces.

Although the current Fang Chen has survived, how much ability does that proud body still retain?

What happened to the optic nerve, nephew?

What about the balance system of the brain?

Even if the current Fang Chen survives, has he become a crippled person?

Many viewers who haven't slept for twenty or thirty hours were already ready to rest.

But when I think about it... well! Everyone can't sleep again.

At this moment in the live broadcast room, Fang Chen, who had just woken up, was swaying, and he was still walking a little fluttering.

Everyone who saw this scene was anxious.

No... Mr. Fang Chen has already...

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