First, the existence of the obvious two devils, such as short and big, continued to disgust everyone, causing everyone's unanimous disgust.

Then wait until the U.S. fishing boat offensive arrives.

The audience, who was already unhappy, suddenly started a group of emotional explosions.

At this time, the audience of the whole network was open to the idea.

Not only did the U.S. fail to attack itself, but because of this incident, a group of two devils were exposed!

And the root of everything.

It's just the bunch of naysayers when it started early!

"My dear, the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom are shrewd, short and tight, I would like to call it a humanoid vaccine!

"Hahaha, I wouldn't be able to wake up so early if I hadn't been jumping around on stage with shorts and big tights!"

"Tall! It's so tall! I don't even know if I'm short or not, or if I'm the person on the other side. I'm so stupid—it's definitely true!"

"Although we have degenerated the immune system now, the immune system in the society is still strengthened? Haha!

"Thank you for being short!

In a certain apartment in Long Country, Dwarf and Tight stared at the program in front of him, his expression stunned.

No matter what, he never imagined that he would end up like this!

In the Dragon Kingdom, his reputation is already rotten!

It is impossible for any manufacturer to ask him to endorse him, and it is impossible for any publishing house to ask him to write a manuscript.

And outside the Dragon Kingdom, he sabotaged the U.S. plan at a high cost.

Sooner or later, he will face the reckoning of the United States.

One day, he will be shot eight times in the back and commit suicide...

Thinking of this, Diao Dajin finally found out in despair.

From the very beginning, when I came to the National Games Survival Program, I entered the trap myself.

You are being calculated clearly!

And watching the National Luck Survival program.

Whether it was Professor Ding Li or General Zhang, the corners of his mouth evoked a strange arc at this moment.

Short, big and tight, the whole body is cold.

They've already colluded, and they're just waiting to get caught!

"I should have figured out... how could that kind of show call me, it turns out... it turns out to be like this...

There was despair on his short, tight face.

He is completely finished.

Mysterious place.

This is the third day after Fang Chen cleared the danger of Sickle Moth.





Never encountered any difficulties.

At the same time, the situation outside was even more tense.

After the moral repression failed to work.

The United States immediately proceeded to the next stage of action.

And this time, it was far more ferocious than the moral stage.

Prepare for battle!

This is a more terrifying persecution.

The United States began to mobilize large numbers of warships to gather at the dock.

All military-industrial lines are fully recovered.

The country urgently established an emergency fund, and the major chaebols in the United States invested a lot of money in it.

Veterans re-enlisted.

Arming the front lines begins...

And the diplomatic rhetoric is getting more intense each time.

"We will increase our investment in military spending to deal with situations that may occur in the future. This situation does not rule out war!"

"We suspect that some countries are hindering the spread of freedom and democracy, and to implement this idea, force may be considered.

"The United States has the world's top military power, and if it takes action against a certain country, it will definitely win, even if it is the second in the world!

"The United States is willing to do whatever it takes for peace, even to open the Pandora's box of war!

All diplomatic rhetoric and military movements are sending a signal to the outside world.

America is preparing for war.

He may not be determined to fight, but to send a signal.

Tell the dragon country through this signal: If you don't compromise, I will attack you.

This clearly is to give Long Guo a multiple-choice question.

Either obey, and according to the requirements of the United States, complete a series of regulations that humiliate the country.

Either fighting, the price paid may be far more serious than losing power and humiliating the country.

Can only choose one.

This kind of persecution is far more serious than the moral level.

Because there is no way out.

If Long Guo does not reply, the persecution of the United States will go further and become more rampant.

Today the battleship is just parked at the U.S. dock.

......‥ ask for flowers 0

However, once Long Guo turned a deaf ear.

American warships may appear on the high seas tomorrow!

The day after tomorrow is approaching the coastline of the Dragon Kingdom!

He is using an alternative method to pull the Dragon Kingdom into a life-and-death mode:

"Either you kneel down to me and accept my rules, but you can still survive; or I will fight you to the death, and you can only survive one."

And the bow did not turn back.

Once the United States says this sentence, it is destined to have a fiasco, or both!

It was as if on a narrow road, the two cars were moving relatively fast, and each driver stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

In this case, the timid can only choose to abandon the car to escape and lose a car.

Or be brave and die together!


At this stage, the car in the United States is more sturdy, and the survival rate may be slightly higher.

And the United States is forcing Longguo to jump!

In fact, in the past many years, the United States has used such similar methods more than once.

Some persecutions succeeded, forcing those countries to sign agreements that humiliated the country.

Some of the persecution failed and eventually led to wars, the collapse of those countries' regimes and the displacement of people.

Even the crazy Asan once imitated the United States and carried out similar methods.

But in the ancient times, Asan once lost his way.

In ancient times, after Asan released the battle information to the Dragon Kingdom, who would have thought that the Dragon Kingdom would immediately respond positively.

As a result, war was imminent.

The final result is that the Dragon Kingdom almost defeated Ah San and was forced to move to the capital!

At this moment, the two largest countries in the world meet in this way.

All other countries were silent.

Except for a few countries that are bound to the interests of the United States, both win and lose.

The vast majority of the remaining countries shut their mouths.

Those countries that jumped before are all silent at this moment.

They were afraid that after the war was over, they would be liquidated by the Dragon Kingdom.

Because once a war breaks out, no one knows who will ultimately win.

The overall strength of the Dragon Kingdom looks slightly worse.

But is there still less in history where less wins more? 1.

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