
Just when the audience was stunned.

In the mysterious place, all the giant bees don't know what signal they got.

At the same instant, nineteen bees suddenly burst out at the same time, attacking Fang Chen from all directions.

Some attacked suddenly from the ground, cutting Fang Chen's legs with scythe-like forelimbs.

Some flew straight up and attacked Fang Chen's - middle door.

Others jumped high, dropped sneak attacks from a height, and aimed at Fang Chen's face.

There are still three detours, blocking Fang Chen's retreat.

This set of completely closed sharp operations directly fooled the audience.

What a brilliant combat IQ!

Don't call it bugs.

Even with nineteen people, I am afraid it will take a long time to work out such a tacit understanding.

And the insects unique to this mysterious place are born with such a tacit understanding.

A cold light flickered around Fang Chen.

If the forelimbs of giant bees are likened to the blade of a blade.

At this moment, there were at least twenty or thirty knives aimed at different parts of Fang Chen.





Many viewers couldn't help covering their eyes nervously.

However, as expected, the scene of seeing blood did not appear.

in the next screen.

In an extremely twisted posture, Fang Chen completely avoided the past while surrounded by more than twenty "knives"!

This scene is simply incredible.

His body was twisted out of place.

Even the joints of the elbows are directly removed, and they pose strange shapes in order to fight for space to avoid.

The legs are also like a werewolf, showing a weird anti-canine posture.

Although it looks very strange, at this moment there is not a single bee that successfully hit Fang Chen!

And the first attack of nineteen giant bees.

Fang Chen escaped without injury in such a tingling way!

The audience was taken aback.

How did he do this!?

However, before the audience applauded, the mutation happened again.


Several gloomy smiles sounded.

The gloomy and bloodthirsty expression on Fang Chen's face at this moment was even more terrifying.


Suddenly, a ruthless punch suddenly blasted out.

This punch almost mobilized two-thirds of Fang Chen's muscles.

The power of the punch was extremely terrifying, directly hitting the giant bee in front of him.

The shell on the bee is three or four centimeters thick.

As a result, under Fang Chen's full-strength punch, it shattered directly!

And the spines on its outer shell also hurt Fang Chen.

Dripping blood flowed from the back of Fang Chen's hand.

But at this moment, Fang Chen seemed to be unable to feel it, and continued to smash out with a second punch.


This punch is astonishingly powerful.

The shell that had been shattered was directly blown up under this punch!

And the remaining power of the fist was not used up, and it went straight through the body of the giant bee in front of him.

In just two punches, he directly killed a giant bee!

The audience watching this scene was horrified.

Fang Chen's bare hands, does it have such terrifying lethality?

However, although the effect is considerable, the cost is not small.

Fang Chen's right arm was dripping with blood, and his left arm was directly showing the bones of Bai Sensen.

The terrifying injuries made the audience's scalp tingle.

But at this moment Fang Chen seemed to have never heard of it, and his expression was still bloodthirsty and hideous.

And this kind of expression doesn't look like a human anymore.

More like a bloodthirsty brutal monster!

And what he did just now, also just confirmed this.

Dodge fatal injuries at the cost of dislocating yourself.

At the price of letting his skin break open, he forcibly killed a giant honey.

And in the process, Fang Chen's mouth always had a weird smile.

Throughout the live broadcast room, billions of viewers could not help shivering.

In the end... Who is more like a monster?

"Damn it, does the big boss Fang Chen still have such a terrifying side? It's so infiltrating!"

"When someone said Fang Chen didn't look like a human, I refuted it, but now it seems to make sense.

"What the hell is wrong with Fang Chen? Can you recover?"

"It's more vivid to call him a monster than a human?"5

At this moment, the audience endured the horror in their hearts and sent messages little by little.

At this moment, Fang Chen is indeed crazy.

In fact, back in the very beginning.

Fang Chen already had plans for this kind of battle.

Among the rewards of the A-level danger, the power of the tiger, in addition to giving Fang Chen a powerful power.

It also gave it a terrifying fighting instinct.

When this fighting instinct is kept sane, it is difficult to exert its real power.

And when Fang Chen used the power of the divine tiger to hand over his body to his instincts.

This situation has changed dramatically.

Just like this moment.

Fang Chen faced eighteen opponents alone.

Every opponent has the power to kill Fang Chen.

However, at this time, Fang Chen was able to beat eighteen with one opponent, without showing any disadvantage.

Every move has the power to turn corruption into magic.

Every move can evade deadly moves.

Under this instinct, Fang Chen temporarily forgot about the pain.

Killing takes the high ground of reason.

At this moment, driven by instinct, Fang Chen evaded several fatal attacks in a clever way.

Then suddenly grabbed the giant bee in front of him.

With a roar, it was directly torn in half!

The corpse fluttered weakly, and finally lost its movement.

At this moment, Fang Chen became more and more brave, and continued to madly rush towards the remaining targets.

The third was kicked off the head!

The fourth one was twisted off the waist!

The fifth was torn off its wings, and then smashed its stomach.

the sixth...


Fang Chen's movements are not like those in the movie, like martial arts moves.

It is a more original wild power, like a lion rushing at a rabbit, and a tiger leaping.

The lethality of each move is astonishing.

With every punch, the utilization rate of the muscles in the body has reached more than 50%.

Outside the live broadcast room, the audience looked at Fang Chen in horror at the moment, and his expression was dumbfounded.

So... Does Fang Chen still have such a cruel side?

In the guest seat of the National Fortune Survival, the bureau seat looked at Fang Chen at the moment with a complicated expression:

"History is mutual. Generally speaking, when you punch someone else, you will receive the same reaction force."

"And many times, when you hurt the opponent, you will also suffer the same damage. 35

"In order to protect itself, the human brain has formed a self-protection mechanism, which limits the body's strength within a safe range, and even if it hurts the other party within the range, the reaction force will not hurt itself.

“Normally, everyone has this kind of self-protection mechanism. 99

"But now look at Fang Chen's bloody fists, he has broken through his own brain protection mechanism, and every punch of his... is 100% powerful!

"This is another unknown ability of him. By unleashing his wildness, he makes himself extremely terrifying and becomes a downright human killing machine!"

・・・ Flowers 0

"Fang Chen in this situation may have lost his instincts as a human being, and he is the most terrifying at this time."

The bureau seat looked at Fang Chen who was killing him at this moment, and his heart was extremely horrified.

Do ancient people still have the ability to liberate their own nature?

How is it a bit like the Saiyan in a certain dragon ball?

The audience watched this scene, and their hearts were also extremely horrified.

After all, Fang Chen at this moment is too different from the previous one.

As the audience talked about the brain protection mechanism, some viewers also thought of the situation of ordinary people.

When a few people are extremely angry, it seems that they can do things they can't usually do.

There are even rumors that someone broke through a 50 cm steel plate when he was extremely angry.

Some people are even able to unleash their sliding shovel skills on tigers when they are extremely angry.

In other words, human beings now have similar abilities.

This ability has not completely disappeared.

But compared to Fang Chen, ordinary people are far behind.

Ordinary people only have a momentary opportunity to exert strength that is usually unreachable when their emotions reach the limit.

That's all.

And what about Fang Chen at the moment?


People directly manipulated themselves into that state.

And not just for a moment, but for a considerable period of time.

And the outbreak of ordinary people is only a matter of increasing their strength.

Regarding Fang Chen's powerful fighting instinct at this moment, ordinary people can't even catch up.

At this moment, Ding Li also thought of this.

While watching Fang Chen in the live broadcast room unleash his fierceness, he sighed:

"Perhaps in ancient times, our ancestors all mastered the art of wild release, staying sane in times of peace and staying safe in times of danger.

"Obviously, we've almost completely degraded this ability now.

"Only when you are extremely angry, do you occasionally have a little meaning, but in the end it's far from it.

"And what Mr. Fang Chen is showing at this moment is most likely the true and complete wild power of our ancestors in ancient times.

"Alas! Let's see more, maybe someday in the future, our descendants will disappear even the last bit of wildness.

Finally, the bloody Fang Chen completely completed the kill.

Nineteen bees in total have been killed by Fang Chen all over the place.

Fang Chen himself also suffered a lot of injuries, but compared to them, he was already countless times better.

The whole world was shocked.

Is this the lethal power of Fang Chen's real ruthlessness?

With his bare hands, he destroyed nineteen beings no less than himself!

If Fang Chen is put into this state above Blue Star, I am afraid he will tear his opponent apart.

Many viewers were silent.

And those who mocked Fang Chen's death before.

At this moment, he was silent and did not speak.


At this moment, Fang Chen was panting heavily, leaning on the stump to rest for a while.

His eyes were still full of wildness, and his every move seemed natural.

He didn't quit this state.

Bloodthirsty eyes stared straight ahead.

Fang Chen is waiting for something.

The audience who saw this scene trembled, especially Ding Li in the National Games Survival Show.

He had guessed that there might be a final boss.

Looking at Fang Chen's appearance at the moment, the guess really came true!

The announcement of Fang Chen's customs clearance did not appear after all.

Seeing this scene, Professor Ding Liding couldn't help shouting:

"B-level! This may be a B-level danger! The most terrifying existence has yet to show up!" Two.

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