National Luck: Lord Of All People, Son Of The Opening Plane!

59. Territory Attribute! The Characteristics Of The Son Of The Plane Are Activated! Intense Rolling

After his territory level was successfully upgraded to level four, Shen Lin felt that his physical strength, strength, etc. had all been improved in overall strength!

In other words, when Shen Lin upgraded the territory level before, Shen Lin had this feeling, but the feeling was not strong!

"Now it seems that after the territory level has been raised to level four, new changes have appeared in the attributes of the territory..."

Seeing that the birds and beasts were still some distance away from his territory, Shen Lin recalled the upgraded attributes of his territory.

【Lord of the Territory】: Shen Lin!

[Territory Level]: Level 4!

[Territory Building]: Barracks/Level 4, Private/Level 4, Granary/Level 4, Blacksmith/Level 4, Lei Tower/Level 4!

[Territory status]: Son of the Plane/Under the effect of the lord's SSS-level lord's heart, the overall territory has been specially improved! At the same time, the overall strength of the troops in the territory has also been improved to a certain extent! And attack enemy targets in the arms, or capture When the rest of the lord's territory, you can get a special blessing of the son of the plane!

[Territory camp]: Human race!

[Territory Prestige~]: Famous everywhere!

[Upgrade materials]: 100,000 ordinary energy spars, 70,000 intermediate energy spars, 1,000 advanced energy spars, 200,000 units of wood, 100,000 units of stone!

[Lord attribute]: When the level of the territory is successfully upgraded to level 4, the level of the lord itself will be the same as the level of the territory, and the overall strength will also be upgraded!

"Sure enough, it's the same as I guessed!"

After reading all the detailed attributes after the upgrade of the territory, Shen Lin suddenly said: "After the level of the territory is upgraded to level 4, new changes will appear in the attributes of the territory, and my self-confidence will also be improved.


At the same time, in the column of the status of the territory, there is also the special attribute of my lord's heart - the son of the plane!

"However, education has never told us about these attributes after the territory has been upgraded to level four..."

In other words, the instructor may not have thought of it!

Shen Lin was able to raise his territory level directly to level four during his apprenticeship as a lord!

After all, such outrageous things have never happened before!

"Lord! Those birds are coming again!"

While Shen Lin was thinking, the miners and the residents had all come to the top of the city wall under the leadership of the master craftsman.

Hearing the words of absenteeism, Shen Lin also withdrew his mind.

Then, concentrate on dealing with the birds flying over the territory.


At this moment, it is located in the dark forest of the Endless Continent.

In the second-level undead territory, John Smith, the trainee lord standing on the city wall of the territory, now has an extremely ugly face!

Looking at the orc leader commanding the orc clan to attack his own territory a thousand meters away, John Smith was so angry that he couldn't help but cursed: "Shit! Those damned untouchables! They actually told me all about the troops in my territory! That orc leader!"

"Damn it! Those untouchables are really damned!"

If he knew this was the result, John Smith would definitely kill those fleeing residents one by one!

Fortunately, the level of his special undead unit, the witch, has been greatly improved in the past few days.

Whether it is the undead magic released or other aspects, it can deal with the attacks of these orcs and the beast tide.

"Witch! Don't waste magic! Let the undead knights deal with the beasts in the beast tide!"

Looking outside the territory, the witch who had been standing behind the undead knight and was in charge of long-range magic attacks, John Smith ordered: "Your main attack target now! Those damned orcs!"

Although the number of the first wave of beasts that attacked their territory was about 5,000, the threat to John Smith was not too great, or in other words, there was no threat at all!

And the only ones that can pose a threat to their own territory are those local forces of the orc tribe who command the fierce beasts to attack behind the beast tide!

They are the king's forces that pose the biggest threat to their territory in the first wave of beasts!

Only by killing all these orcs, can we survive the first wave of beast attacks in our territory!

So, after thinking of this, John Smith ordered his undead witch to temporarily stop using undead magic to kill the beasts in the beast tide, but to wait until the orcs came to attack before using undead magic!

"The level of the undead knights has broken through the fifth level, and there are even three undead knights who have been promoted to the sixth level..."

With this level of strength and special combat power of the undead knight, he can easily deal with the beasts in the beast tide!

It's just that it takes a little more time!

At the same time, witches can also take advantage of this time to recover their magic power!

And when John Smith commanded in this way, among the orc clan behind the beast tide, those few residents who had rebelled had already guessed what John Smith was thinking.

So, one of the residents said to the orc leader: "The great leader of the orc clan! The lord of the foreign force! He wants to take advantage of this time to restore his witch's magic power!"

"We can't let him succeed! Because among the troops in the lord's territory, only the witch is the strongest!"

"We have to take advantage of this time to beat him!"

Looking at John Smith standing on the city wall, the residents who had already developed hatred in their hearts gritted their teeth and said ferociously.

"Hmm...that makes sense!"

The leader of the orc clan immediately waved his right hand after listening to the residents' suggestions: "Orcs! Attack!"


Hearing the leader's order, more than a hundred strong orcs of the orc clan immediately screamed and used the four beast legs under their bodies to "thump" towards John Smith's doctor!

While charging, these orcs also used some long-range weapons of bows and arrows in their hands to directly draw the bowstring, and stabbed fiercely at John Smith's undead troops!


Suddenly, one of the arrows pierced fiercely into the chest armor of one of the undead knights like a roaring truck at high speed!

That is, at this moment, the entire body of the undead knight suddenly flew backwards fiercely!

Then, with a loud "bang", the wolf slammed into the city wall of the territory behind!

Without even struggling, the low-level undead knight who was stabbed by the arrow fell directly to the ground and died!

However, fortunately, the undead units still have special resurrection opportunities!

You can use the heart of the dead left in the barracks to perform a second resurrection!

Seeing the resurrected undead knight walk out of his barracks building, John Smith couldn't bear it anymore!


John Smith's facial features were distorted: "Give me these sons of bitches!! Kill them all!!"

Following John Smith's order, the witch who had recovered some magic power immediately began to release undead magic, aiming at the rushing orcs, and smashing them one after another!

Seeing the witch's attack, the leader of the orc clan also drew out his exclusive long sword: "Now, the killing begins!"

As he said that, the leader of the orc clan rushed towards John Smith's territory under the roar of wild beasts!

"Kill these nasty beasts!"

"Guard our territory! Guard our lord!"

"The great king of elves! Please grant me the power of elves!"

On the other side, the second-level elf territory of the Endless Continent.

Outside the territory, led by the jihad elves and elf sisters, all elf arms began to rush towards the beast hordes that attacked their territory bravely.

Suddenly, the blue-haired elf and a dozen new elves who joined the territory clasped their hands together and placed them on his chest.

At the same time, these elves also closed their eyes, opened their mouths slightly, and sang sweet songs.

Almost at the moment when the melodious singing was sung from the mouths of the elves, a wave of magical elf power immediately sprinkled on the body of the elves in front of them in the form of singing!

In an instant, under the blessing of the singing of the elves, the elves who fought with the fierce beasts in the beast horde immediately gained a special boosting effect in their overall strength!

"Great king of elves! Give me the power of elves!"

Under the blessing of the special boost effect, the jihad elf, the leader of the elves, suddenly raised the elf sword in his hand!

I saw that under the special blessing, the elf sword in the hands of the jihad elves exudes the power of the holy elves!

Then, the elven sword in the hand of the holy war elf aimed at the beast beast below, and slashed down fiercely!

……… Ask for flowers…

In an instant, a huge elven sword aura slashed out from the elven sword in the hands of the jihad elf!

When this elven sword energy collided with the tide of beasts below, hundreds of fifth-level ferocious beasts were all purged and wiped out by the elven sword energy directly under the screams of pain!

At the same time, the elven sisters next to the jihad elves suddenly released special elven magic while spinning in mid-air!

Under the elf magic released by the elf sisters, there was a loud "cracking" sound on the ground below!

In the next second, green vines that were more than twice as thick as the legs of an adult elephant "jumped" straight up!

Moreover, at lightning speed, they all entangled in the "crash", rushing to the fierce beast at the forefront of the beast horde!

And when the vines entangled hundreds of beasts, the buds on the surface of these vines all bloomed one by one with a "pop" sound!

Almost at the same time as the flower buds bloomed, the scent of flowers with paralyzing and poisonous properties against ferocious beasts spread rapidly among the beast crowd in an instant!

All the ferocious beasts that inhaled the scent of these flowers fell to the ground in less than ten seconds amidst howls!

Then, when the beast fell to the ground, green vines grew from its entire body, and continued to spread around!

Soon, more than half of the more than 3,000 ferocious beasts of the first wave of beasts died in the fighting and killing of the elves!


Seeing his own elves so easily kill the first wave of beast attack, Wang Bingyao, the trainee lord in the elf territory, also let out a long sigh of relief: "It seems that the first wave of beast attack can be passed smoothly. It's..."

However, Wang Bingyao did not relax her vigilance too much.

Because in Lin Hai outside the territory, those huge figures that look like titans are still wandering inside, watching their own territory!

"The local forces that really threaten my territory are those terrifying titans deep in the forest"

Looking at those titan figures, Wang Bingyao's expression was serious.

At the same time, he also ordered a few elves to pay strict attention to the titan figures in Lin Hai to prevent accidents from happening.

The titan territory of the endless continent.

Yang Chen, the trainee lord of the territory, stood on the city wall of the territory while looking out of the territory, grabbed those wild beasts in his hands, and then savagely

A titan unit smashing to the ground.

Especially the Armored Titan among the titan arms is like an eagle catching chickens, smashing all the nearby beasts to death with ease!

Of course, this also has something to do with the level of the beast that attacked Yang Chen's territory.

Although Yang Chen's lord's heart is S-level, and he also has high-level titan arms, but the level of the territory is still first-level!

With the blessing of no prestige, the level of beasts attacking Yang Chen's territory is naturally far lower than Wang Bingyao and others!

However, at the same time as the difficulty decreased, Yang Chen's points also decreased relatively!

Because the main factor for obtaining points is not only the number of beasts killed, but also the level of the beasts killed!

"I don't even want to be at the top of the list!"

Calling out the ranking of the points ranking list, Yang Chen looked at his own ranking and muttered: "It's enough to squeeze into the top ten!

After all, the top ten rewards on the list are also very rich!

And as for the top spot...

Looking at Shen Lin who was still occupying the position of assistant, Yang Chen took a deep breath and said, "As long as it's not that gringo!

Compared to the second-ranked gringo, Yang Chen hopes that the trainee lord at the top of the list is Shen Lin from his own country!

In this way, the national fortune of one's own country will also be improved!

at the same time.

Except for the trainee lords like Shen Lin, the trainee lords from other countries were also attacked by varying numbers of beast hordes.

Fortunately, the first wave of beast attack was not too strong, which gave many low-level trainee lords some respite and a chance to rest.

But they know very well that this is the beginning of the beast tide!

The real beast attack has not officially started yet!

At that time, it will be the ten important moments that determine their life and death!

ps: Since it is a big chapter update, there are not many chapters, but there are many numbers. Brothers, believe me, there will be a wave of more updates in the future!.

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