National Luck: Lord Of All People, Son Of The Opening Plane!

72. Super God-Level Building! Miracle Ability! Territory Anti-Aircraft Tower! The Top Of The List Is

Regarding the announcement that Shen Lin successfully resisted the third and fourth rounds of beast horde attacks within an hour, all the trainee lords in the Endless Continent were all stupid on the spot!

Especially those trainee lords who were too low in strength and were still struggling to resist the third round of beast hordes, even cried out on the spot after hearing these special announcements!

At the same time, the trainee lords from all over the world are also full of curiosity and jealousy about the special reward Shen Lin just received!

At this moment, it is located in the fifth-level territory of the trial forest.

After listening to the special announcement rewards from Endless Continent, Shen Lin couldn't wait to enter his personal backpack to check the rewards.

The next second when Shen Lin entered the back of the person, the hidden achievement reward that had just been rewarded by the Endless Continent just popped up from his eyes in the form of digitization!

[Reminder: Congratulations to the trainee lord Shen Lin, who has won the reward of the hidden achievement "Blockbuster"!]

[Hint: Under the special reward of the hidden achievement "Blockbuster", the trainee lord can successfully open the special building warehouse, and freely choose one of the buildings in the building warehouse!】

[Reminder: The special buildings on the curry side of the construction warehouse, after the trainee lord is selected, do not need any materials, and can be directly built in your own territory! 】

【Hint: Do you want to open the special building warehouse now!】

"Special building warehouse? Freely choose a building?"

After reading the prompt in front of him, Shen Lin didn't hesitate at all.

"Open the special building warehouse!"

Almost as soon as Shen Lin finished speaking, his eyes suddenly lit up!

Immediately, three special complete buildings popped out from Shen Lin's eyes in one day!

[Complete building]: Defense tower!

【Building grade】: Level 1

[Building Quality]: Grade B!

[Building function]: All fierce beasts and local forces within 500 meters of the territory will be attacked by the special rays emitted by the defense tower!

"Defensive towers...forget about this!"

For this B-level defensive tower building, Shen Lin didn't even think about it, and just skipped it.

Because there is already Leita in his territory!

Whether it is attack or attack range, the Lei Tower is much stronger than this B-level defense tower!

Looking at the remaining two complete buildings, Shen Lin frowned slightly and said: "The heart of the barracks can increase the rate of recruiting special generals in the barracks, but there is no way to increase the recruitment rate of special generals and above.. ...this is useless!"

With the blessing of the "son of the plane" of the SSS-level lord's heart, the buildings of his barracks have a 100% chance of recruiting special generals, and there is no need to mention them at all.

If the building of the heart of the barracks can increase the chances of recruiting a general, then it is a choice!

Then, Shen Lin looked at the last building.

[Complete building]: Anti-aircraft tower turret!

[Building Level]: Level 1!

[Building quality]: B+ grade!

[Building function]: All fierce beasts and local forces that are close to the territory within a kilometer will be attacked by the shells fired by the anti-aircraft tower turret. At the same time, the attack effect on flying beasts and local forces is more obvious! And the flying beasts Attacking with local forces can double the special effect!

"Air defense tower battery?!"

Seeing the last building, Shen Lin's eyes lit up!

"If I remember correctly, the Moonlight Goddess blessing I obtained before, and the architectural blueprint I obtained after opening it... seems to have something to do with the anti-aircraft tower construction!"

Opening his personal backpack, Shen Lin looked inside the backpack for the special architectural drawings that he hadn't used yet.

Immediately, information about the special architectural drawings in the backpack popped up in detail one by one from Shen Lin's eyes!

[Architectural Drawings]: Territory Air Defense Tower!

[Drawing grade]: Grade A!

[Drawing material]: The number of fire-type crystals, or lightning-type crystals and other attack-type crystals is ten, and diamonds (or special stones above diamonds) are one hundred units! Fort building / one!

[Blueprint introduction]: When the lord gathers all the building blueprint materials and builds the territory air defense tower, the air defense tower can cause huge damage to the creatures that invade the territory! The damage caused by flying creatures will increase by an additional 100% fifteen!

[Drawing Tips]: The attack effect of the anti-aircraft tower depends on the number of energy spars inlaid by the lord and the properties of the energy spar! Secondly, the defense of the anti-aircraft tower also depends on the level of stones used by the lord! The higher the level, The higher the defense of the anti-aircraft tower!

"This is it!"

After reading the architectural drawing information of "Territory Air Defense Tower", Shen Lin did not hesitate at all, and directly chose the "Air Defense Tower Fort" building on the Curry side of the building warehouse!

[Reminder: Congratulations to the trainee lord Shen Lin, select the building from the Curry side of the building warehouse and complete it! Get a complete building "air defense tower battery"!】

[Hint: Is it automatically selected by the territory, the best location to build the "air defense tower fort" building? 】

"Start building!"

Almost as soon as Shen Lin finished speaking, an anti-aircraft tower turret appeared out of thin air at the city wall of the city gate of his territory!

After the anti-aircraft tower turret was successfully built, Shen Lin didn't pause at all. He looked into his personal backpack again and saw the architectural blueprint of "Territory Air Defense Tower" and said: "Start using the architectural blueprint!"

[Materials required for architectural drawings]: The number of fire-type spars, or thunder-type and other attack-type spars is 10 pieces/satisfied! Diamond (or special stones above diamond) 100 units/satisfied! Fort building/satisfied !

[Building Tips]: It is detected that the number of energy spars in the lord's current personal backpack is completely sufficient, so it is recommended that the lord use 15 thunder spars, 15 gold spars, and 15 ice spars!

[Building Tips]: When the lord uses the above number of energy spars to build the territory air defense tower, the shells fired by the territory air defense tower will have special effects of thunder and ice!

At the same time, under the exclusive effect of the gold spar, the attack power of the shell can be increased by three times on top of the original base!

"Add three times the attack power..."

Looking at the "Building Tips", Shen Lin pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "The number of gold, lightning, and ice crystals has been increased to twenty! Start building!"

According to Shen Lin's current situation, the construction of the air defense tower in this territory is very important to him!

Because that adult black dragon whose level has been raised will definitely attack his territory in the last round of beast tide tomorrow!

And this territorial air defense tower can just deal with the black dragon!

When Shen Lin was thinking this way, the architectural blueprint of the "Territory Air Defense Tower" in his backpack, as well as the three energy spars of thunder, gold, and ice, suddenly shattered with a "poof" sound!

Immediately, the thousands of dazzling stars all flew towards the anti-aircraft tower turret above his collar!

When the stars are all integrated into the anti-aircraft tower turret, the appearance of the entire anti-aircraft tower turret also begins to change!

About three minutes later, the bright stars that shrouded the anti-aircraft tower fort building gradually dissipated!

At the same time, the construction information of the fully upgraded "Air Defense Tower Fortress" also popped up in detail before Shen Lin's eyes!

[Territory Building]: Territory Air Defense Tower!

【Building Affiliation】: Human Territory!

[Building Attributes]: Lightning, Ice!

[Building Level]: Level 1!

[Building quality]: Grade A!

[Quality correction]: With the blessing of the "Son of the Plane" of the SSS-level lord's heart, the quality of this building will automatically advance to the SSS-level!

[Building function]: The lord can enter the territory air defense tower by himself or order the troops, and control the territory air defense tower to attack the enemy target!

(bidb) When the shell fired by the anti-aircraft tower turret successfully hits the enemy target, the enemy target will suffer from a special lightning attack and a special ice attribute!

Under the ice attribute, the overall action ability of the enemy target is temporarily reduced by 35%! This ice attribute can be superimposed!

Even, when the ice attribute is superimposed to a certain extent, the enemy target will be "frozen" and unable to move!

In addition, the shell attack of the territory's anti-aircraft tower will increase the attack of flying beasts and local forces by an additional 35% on the original basis!

[Building Tips]: The charging time of each attack of the territorial air defense tower is five seconds!

[Building Tips]: After every special attack released by the territorial air defense tower, it takes ten seconds to recharge to recover!

[Building Tips]: The attack source of the air defense tower in the territory is the energy spar of three attributes: thunder, gold, and ice. Therefore, if the lord wants to improve the attack of the turret, or upgrade the level of the turret, it needs to consume a certain amount of energy spars of the three attributes!

[Building Upgrade]: 50 Thunder-type spars, 50 Gold-type spars, 50 Ice-type spars! 1,000 units of diamonds/or special stones above the diamond level!

"I'll go! The appetite for upgrading materials for this building is too big! It actually requires one hundred and fifty attribute energy crystals!"

Seeing the materials needed for building upgrades, Shen Lin couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said: "At first I thought about upgrading to another it seems that I should forget it!"

Although the attribute energy crystals in my backpack are enough to upgrade the air defense tower building to another level, there is no need to waste it!

Because just relying on the attack attributes of the air defense tower in the current territory, it is enough to cooperate with the attack of the god general Zhao Yun to resist the adult black dragon in the last round of beast tide attack tomorrow!

"Tomorrow is the last day of life and death..."

Thinking of this, Shen Lin looked at Zhao Yun, the master of the territory.

It can be seen that Zhao Yun's current level has been successfully raised from level 11 to level 12 after killing the fourth round of beast horde attack alone!

Zhao Yun's strength has also been promoted to level seven!

"The strength of the seventeenth level is already equal to that of the black dragon..."

Taking a deep breath, Shen Lin looked at the barracks in the territory again.

Immediately, a special notice from the barracks popped up in front of him.

[Reminder: The recruitment time of the barracks has been refreshed! 】

[Reminder: The number of free lord recruitments is currently "zero"!]

[Reminder: The lord has successfully selected a special recruitment method, and the number of recruitments that have started to be consumed is "three"! There is still one left!】

"Tomorrow we can successfully recruit a new general..."

Taking a deep breath again, Shen Lin looked forward and said: "As long as I recruit a new general, my chances of winning against the last round of beast tide tomorrow will increase!"

Then, in the next period of time, Shen Lin first let Zhao Yun rest in the territory for a while, and then let Zhao Yun lead the troops in the territory to the vicinity of the trial forest to kill the local forces that escaped from the attack of the beast horde just now .

After all, no matter how small a fly is, it is meat!

At the same time, Shen Lin also ordered the absentees to lead the residents to follow Zhao Yun and other troops to continue mining diamonds and diamond wood.

The purpose is to upgrade my barracks building to level five before tomorrow's beast horde hits!

"I remember that the energy spar needed to upgrade the barracks to level five seems to have high-level energy spar..."

Shen Lin called out the upgrade materials for the barracks building.

[Barracks upgrade materials]: 150,000 ordinary energy crystals, intermediate energy crystals

150,000 stones, 4,000 advanced energy crystals! 100,000 units of diamond wood/or special wood above diamond, diamond/or special stone above diamond

Material 100000 units!

"The number of energy spars needed to upgrade the barracks has all been gathered..."

During these four rounds of resisting the beast hordes, the number of energy spars Shen Lin has obtained is so large that it is about to overflow!

Including advanced energy crystals, 10,000 of them were also obtained in the fourth round of resisting the attack of the beast horde!

"Currently the most scarce thing is diamond and diamond wood..."

After the territory was upgraded to level five, all the stone and wood in Shen Lin's backpack had been completely consumed.

Otherwise, Shen Lin would not choose to let absenteeism lead the residents to continue mining materials under the cover of night.

"It's also fortunate that the forest troll has been tamed, which can help absenteeism and residents to speed up the collection of materials. Otherwise, in just one day, I'm afraid I really can't collect them..."

Of course, the most important thing is his hundred times crit.

If there is no special blessing of a hundred times critical strike, no matter how many residents and forest trolls there are, it is impossible!

While Shen Lin has already started to relax, the rest of the trainee lords in the Endless Continent are just beginning to suffer!

Because the fourth round of beast tide attacks is coming!

at the same time.

The second-level undead territory in the dark forest.

Listening to the countdown to zero in his ear, John Smith called up the trainee lord points ranking list.

Looking at the points of Shen Lin at the top of the list, John Smith's facial features are too hideous!

"Two hundred thousand points! Two hundred thousand points!"

Shen Lin's 300,000 points are five times more than his own!

With five times the points, even if John Smith doesn't eat or drink, he can't keep up with killing beasts every minute and every second!

"After entering the high-level endless continental plane, we must unite with the rest of the lords! Let's kill this damn Kyushu lord together!"

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