National Luck: Lucky 99999 Shocked The World

Chapter 107 What? There Are Fish In The Materialized Lake!

"Dear experts, we are still on live broadcast, please calm down a little bit.

Su Su had to speak out to dissuade these top authorities in the country.

In her opinion, it is indeed great that this high-efficiency fertilizer can speed up the growth of plants, but it does not make them so crazy, right?

Could it be that there was something else in there that she hadn't noticed?

After hearing Su Su's words, the experts returned to their positions. Although they seemed to have calmed down a lot, their out-of-control expression management still betrayed their inner thoughts.

"Professor Liu, what is so different about this high-efficiency fertilizer that makes you so excited?"

"Isn't it exciting to be able to speed up plant growth by 2-3 times?" Liu Zhiming's words still left everyone confused.

He probably came to his senses, so he coughed twice quickly and his voice became much calmer.

"Sorry, I was too happy just now."

"Yes, in everyone's opinion, this high-efficiency fertilizer only shortens the growth cycle of plants, it's not a big deal.

"But don't forget why the ecological environment is so miserable today and desertification is getting more and more serious."

"The fundamental reason is that there are fewer plants!"

"Some friends should know that even in the prosperous times, we have been vigorously building various protective forests, such as soil and water conservation forests, windbreak and sand-fixing forests [farmland and pasture protection forests, etc.

"But with the lack of resources, these protective forests have all disappeared, which has led to the vast expansion of land desertification!"

After hearing what Liu Zhiming said, the audience raised new questions.

To put it bluntly, the disappearance of shelterbelts is not caused by water shortages.

But now that both groundwater and surface water resources have been greatly replenished, isn't it possible to re-build various protective forests?

People with fast minds have actually reacted, but most people are still confused.

Then I heard Liu Zhiming continue: "Everyone is right. Once water resources are available, we can indeed rebuild protective forests."

"But have you ever thought about how much water is needed to rebuild the ecological environment now that it has deteriorated to this extent?"

"And this is not something that happens overnight. Not to mention that after success, a large amount of water is required for maintenance. It also takes a long time from planting to growing, and this process requires a large amount of water resources.

"If water resources are exhausted again, all the previous efforts will be in vain!"

"So the importance of efficient fertilizers is highlighted at this time!"

"This kind of fertilizer can increase the growth rate of plants by 2-3 times, which means that we only need to spend half, or even less than half, the time to build a shelterbelt! The same goes for water consumption!"

"The water resources consumed to build one shelterbelt can be used to build two or even three."

"With more protective forests, the ecological environment will become better. By then, fewer resources can be used to build new protective forests. This forms a virtuous cycle until the ecological environment is completely restored in the shortest time and with the least consumption. !”

"And all of this is thanks to high-efficiency fertilizers. Do you still think that high-efficiency fertilizers are not worth it?"

The audience was very surprised. They didn't think about it at all before, but now they suddenly realized it after hearing Liu Zhiming's words!

To put it simply, it is possible to build shelterbelts and improve the ecological environment without high-efficiency fertilizers, but doing so will lead to rapid consumption of resources and cannot form a virtuous cycle in the shortest possible time.

And if there is any trouble in any link, all the previous efforts will be wasted!

There are also super powerful people on the Internet who have performed simulation calculations and drawn conclusions.

If the change in the ecological environment is set as the Y-axis of the coordinate axis, the higher it means the better the ecological environment, and the lower it means the worse, then time is the X-axis.

After using high-efficiency fertilizer, the line extending from the origin will rise in a short period of time, and the tilt angle will become closer and closer to the Y-axis.

The line that does not use high-efficiency fertilizer will show a stepped pattern for a long, long time, and it cannot maintain stability because the problem of water storage must be considered at any time.

As long as water resources cannot be continuously replenished, this stepped line will even decline and even return to the original point.

"The reason why I say this is the first step in blowing the clarion call for counterattack is because now we can officially start to improve the ecological environment.

"And don't forget, the fruits and vegetables that Xu Hao's furniture is made of are also plants, and high-efficiency fertilizers are also effective on them!"

"In addition, if the Lake of Life is used for watering, then..."

Liu Zhiming didn't finish his words, because he didn't need to tell the result at all, the audience had already imagined the scene!

Among other things, this high-efficiency fertilizer, which they initially looked down upon, allows them to taste fresh fruits faster and have fresh vegetables to eat.

Even if you only think about the problem from the perspective of ordinary people, this high-efficiency fertilizer is definitely top-notch!

"No wonder the experts are so excited. It turns out that this high-efficiency fertilizer is really so powerful. Now I am not sure whether we can eat canned fruit first or fresh fruit first!"

"I remember that it only takes fifty days for strawberries to grow and mature. Then using this fertilizer, wouldn't it be shortened to about twenty days directly? Plus transportation [Oh my God! Then I can eat it in about a month] Got fresh strawberries?”

"I apologize for my previous behavior of underestimating high-efficiency fertilizers. I was blind. I really want to eat fresh vegetables and fruits quickly!"

"Since we want to build shelterbelts, we might as well start building shelterbelts on farmland and pastures and protect the plant resources obtained by Xu Hao. The desertification of the land in the south is not that serious and should be improved soon."

"This is not something we ordinary people should worry about. There are so many experts in the country, and the method they come up with must be the best!"

"Holy shit! I saw fish! I was cooperating with local officials to extract the embodied lake of life, and found that there are fish at the bottom of the lake! There are many more!"

"I've said it before, and many people still accuse me of talking nonsense. There are really fish in the embodied lake, but they are all motionless at the bottom of the lake. I don't know if it's because they just materialized, so they haven't resumed swimming yet. Ability."

"Not only water, but also fish? Xu Hao really gave us a big gift this time!"

"This Lake of Life is so magical, does it mean that the fish in it also reproduce very quickly? It seems that now we can not only look forward to vegetables and fruits, but also a wave of fresh fish!"

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