National Luck: Lucky 99999 Shocked The World

Chapter 113 The B-Class Long-Limbed Anaconda Proactively Comes To Deliver A Treasure Box!

After filling a whole kettle with honey, Xu Hao was satisfied.

"Young boys, work hard and I will give you benefits next time I come to inspect!"

"Besides eating honey, what else do bees eat? Forget it, go back and ask Old A, maybe he knows.

After bidding farewell to these hard-working brothers, Jie began to explore.

However, at this moment, several similar comments appeared in the live broadcast room: "There seems to be something in the grass far to the right of Xu Hao!"

However, because the number of these barrages was not large, they did not attract much attention and were quickly brushed aside.

Xu Hao did not go further, because this exploration originally revolved around the Lake of Life, and it was determined to explore nearby.

Although there are many plant resources near the Lake of Life, it is relatively rare to have three resources within ten meters like before.

After walking slowly for nearly a hundred or two hundred meters, the light around Xu Hao dimmed a lot.

It's not because of the weather, but because the trees here are more lush, so it looks extra dark and humid. There is also a sticky feeling in the air, which is very uncomfortable.

"The Lake of Life is full of life, why is there such a dark ghost place nearby!"

The audience also obviously felt very uncomfortable, especially when a huge spider web appeared directly in front of Xu Hao, which made their hair stand on end!

To be able to weave such a large web, it must be a huge spider. The only thing worth celebrating is that the big spider is nowhere to be seen.

But as Xu Hao got closer, he could see a spider leg as thick as an adult male's thigh in the grass!

"Damn it, these spider legs can't be from that spider, right? The legs are so thick, this spider must be C-level at least, right?"

"Absolutely. This leg is hairy and not long, so it's not that kind of long-legged spider. Calculated in proportion, it's probably like a C-level spider. If it's a long-legged spider, it's a little thicker. It has to be a B-level or even A-level counterattack!"

"No! It's impossible for this spider's legs to be completely broken. Do you think there might be some more powerful beast nearby that killed this spider?"

"I guess they are all close. This place is too weird. Xu Hao is alone now. It's better to leave quickly!"

"What is that! Look! There is a pair of red eyes on the right side of Xu Hao!"

"Damn it, I just said I saw it right before and no one paid any attention to me. That thing has been following Xu Hao for a long time!"

It's hard to say what it was like before, but now those eyes have indeed been seen by countless people.

Moreover, Xu Hao didn't seem to notice the approaching danger yet, and was observing whether there were any resources nearby.

After all, many plants like to grow in such dark and humid places.

"This spider should have been killed. If there are any resources here, they should be ownerless. Let's go inside and take a look.

Xu Hao also deduced that there should be no spiders here, so he walked towards the darker depths.

The audience was starting to get anxious. Although they still couldn't tell who the owner of the blood-red eyes in the distance was, they probably were the culprit who killed the spider!

There were no traces of fighting nearby, which proved that the battle was not brutal and was probably a one-sided killing.

If these speculations are true, then the ferocious beast in the distance is at least B-level or above!

This is different from when Xu Hao single-handedly killed the A-level Giant Tooth Demon Dragon. Although he was also alone at that time, he was in a cave. The Giant Tooth Demon Dragon couldn't get in for a while, and he could slip away at any time. .

At other times, there are ferocious beasts protecting them. A danger like this must have been noticed early on.

But now Xu Hao is alone and doesn't notice that the danger is getting closer, so we can't blame the audience for being anxious.

Who knows what level of attacks the automatic protection ring can withstand. If the upper limit is exceeded, wouldn't Xu Hao, who had no time to react, be buried here?

"It's a snake! No, it's a python! Oh my god, why is it so long!"

"No, this shouldn't be a python, but a frog! It's a more powerful creature than a python!"

"Xu Hao, turn around quickly! That guy is getting closer!"

"Aren't Xu Hao's senses all enhanced? Why haven't you noticed it yet?"

"Whether it's a snake or an anaconda, they are all reptiles. They don't make much noise originally. Now they are still some distance away, so it's normal for Xu Hao not to notice them.

"Then what should we do now? If Xu Hao finds out by himself, wouldn't it be too late?"

"What else can we do? We can only ask the officials to contact Xu Hao as soon as possible. It was okay not to use the contact function before, but now it is too much to not use it in this situation!"

The owner of those blood-red eyes finally showed his true appearance, which was a very large and long snake-shaped ferocious beast.

Some viewers speculated that it was an anaconda, but they haven't seen the information yet, so they can't be sure.

But no matter what it is, it is approaching Xu Hao quickly. With the size of this guy, even if Xu Hao's automatic protection ring works, it can't resist the result of being swallowed in one bite.

In fact, Dragon Kingdom officials are also very nervous now, and have decided to use the contact function to quickly tell Xu Hao that he is in danger!

But at this moment, the snake-shaped ferocious beast suddenly started to accelerate, and it rushed towards Xu Hao with its big bloody mouth!

[Name of the vicious beast: Long-limbed Anaconda!]

[Beast level: B level! 】

[Details of the ferocious beast: The anaconda has an extra-long body, more than twice the length of an ordinary anaconda. Its body contains super strong digestive acid, which can dissolve prey in a very short time. It has a cunning personality and is good at sneak attacks. It does not like To deal with strong enemies, always choose prey that you can devour in one bite!] (Money)

The information has emerged, just like the audience guessed, this is really a B-level beast!

But now it seems that it is too late to know this information, because this guy suddenly burst out very fast, and he was about to swallow Xu Hao into his mouth!

The officials were also anxious at this time, and the contact function was too late to activate. In an instant, they could only regret not making a decision earlier, which led to such consequences!

Everyone thought that Xu Hao was doomed this time. They could not blame Xu Hao for being careless, but could only blame the long-limbed anaconda for being too despicable!

However, the next second, Xu Hao, who noticed the movement, turned around and immediately found a huge snake head no more than two meters away from him!

"Damn it! You scared me, what a piece of shit!"

The automatic protection ring was not triggered, but the long-limbed anaconda seemed to be frozen in this position and could not move forward even one centimeter!

The audience was stunned and had no idea what to do!.

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