National Luck: Lucky 99999 Shocked The World

Chapter 117 Explosive Resources! In Less Than Half A Day, You Can Harvest More Than Ten Kinds Of Fru

"Why are these all mushrooms?"

After occupying two mushroom resources in a row, the audience began to wonder, could it be that the original big spider in this territory was a vegetarian?

Wang Jianghe said: “Dark and humid places like this are the favorite and easiest environment for fungi to grow, so it is not surprising that several mushrooms appear at the same time.

Hearing this, some viewers immediately reacted and quickly said in the barrage: "No wonder mushrooms are growing in our school toilets, so that's what happened."

"Brother, don't tell me you've eaten it! It's called dog urine, but it's poisonous!"

"Go to Nimad, that thing grows in the toilet, how can I eat it!"

The audience member who mentioned dog urine and moss was obviously anxious. How could anyone in their right mind eat something that grows in the toilet?

Liu Zhiming said with a smile: "Although it is not recommended for everyone to eat large fungi such as dog urine and moss, I think it is still necessary to popularize science with everyone.

"In fact, dog urine coating is edible, but only when it is in the growing stage. It will produce toxins when it matures, and it cannot be eaten at that time."

Liu Zhiming originally meant to popularize science for everyone, but as a result, the student audience became even more defensive and sent barrages like crazy to explain, "I really have never eaten dog urine and moss, whichever of you guys likes it eats it!"

Xu Hao walked around again and found no other resources.

Feeling that it was almost the appointed time, he picked some mushrooms and put them in his backpack, and started walking back. He planned to go to the Golden Valley first to find Little Miaomiao and Old A, and then return to the Lake of Life to meet Lilia Ami. Join Na to see what resources they found.

After lunch, think about what to do in the afternoon.

Arriving near the Golden Valley field, Xu Hao saw Old A standing motionless like a javelin, with hundreds of pheasants at his feet whose feet were tied by vines.

The little meow was lying on the ground and taking a nap out of boredom. The pheasants were all caught, so naturally there was no need for it.

"Little meow!"

Xu Hao shouted from a distance, and the little meow's ears stood up instantly. He jumped up and ran towards Xu Hao, rubbing against him and letting out a cute little muffled hum, as if Telling how wronged it was to be left here.

"Okay, okay, I won't leave you behind in the future. Let's go back for lunch and let Old A get you some more delicious food. Is that okay?"

When he heard that there was something delicious, the little meow immediately became happy.

Walking to Lao A, Xu Hao looked at the more than a hundred pheasants with satisfaction, but his eyes stayed on the open space next to him because there were a lot of eggs there!

This kind of wild eggs is smaller than ordinary eggs, but Xu Hao has eaten wild eggs before and knows that the taste is not comparable to ordinary eggs.

And at a rough count, there are about two hundred pills, which is enough for them to eat for several days!

"Old A, you did a good job. You collected these eggs too?"

"Yes, Master, these eggs will turn into pheasants if they hatch. I think this is part of the order, so I did it. If I did it wrong, I apologize to you."

Hearing this, Xu Hao laughed out loud and waved his hands quickly: "No, you did it right, and you did it very well.

In fact, apart from having no skin, Old A's every move is no different from that of a human being. This also causes Xu Hao to always subconsciously treat him as a separate human being, rather than a robot that obeys orders.

But sometimes, Old A still can't get rid of the common problems of robots, just like the current situation where he doesn't know how to work around.

It seems that no matter how advanced artificial intelligence is, it will still be inferior to humans.

Xu Hao now only thinks that those movies that depict artificial intelligence that will launch wars after becoming powerful and intend to replace humans are pure farts.

"Okay, let's go back to the lake first. We'll talk about the collection in the afternoon. Let's take care of lunch first."

After hanging hundreds of pheasants on the little meow, Xu Hao thought for a moment, put some ears of grain and eggs into his backpack, and then set off towards the lake.

Still far away, you can see the figures of Big Meow Meow and Treasure Raccoon. It seems that Lilia and Amina have come back first.

"Hao, you're back! Huh? Why is old A with you?"

Amina saw Xu Hao first and rushed forward.

However, this woman's brain was already out of control. Before Xu Hao could answer, she saw the pheasant hanging on the little meow's back again.

"Wow, there are so many big birds, Hao, are these also the prey you hunted?"

"What a big bird, this is obviously a pheasant!" Lilia also came over and gave Amina an angry blow.

Xu Hao said with a smile: "Old A, you make lunch first. My bag contains ears of corn, eggs, and some mushrooms. You should know them all. See if you can use them.

"Yes, master!" Lao A responded, picked up Xu Hao's backpack and went to cook.

Xu Hao then looked at the two girls and asked, "How is it? What did you gain?"

Amina seemed eager to answer this question, and immediately said happily: "Hao, I found winter melon and tomatoes, two resources, aren't they amazing!

"Well, not bad!" Xu Hao complimented casually, which made Amina dance with joy.

Looking at Lilia again, she said with some pride: "I also found two resources, grapes and eggplants!"

You can't blame these two women for being so happy. Finding two resources in a row in such a short period of time has already broken their record of 510!

Although they have gained a lot of knowledge by following Xu Hao, this time it is a resource they discovered independently, and the meaning is different.

"And there are grapes? Where are they? Give me a taste."

Xu Hao likes to eat grapes, and he hasn’t eaten them in a few years, so naturally he wants to try them quickly.

But after saying this, he found that the two women were looking at him blankly.

"What happened?" Xu Hao was confused, "Did you not pick it back? That's okay. It will be the same if you pick it again in the afternoon.

Xu Hao didn't take it seriously. Again, the resources wouldn't escape anyway.

But Lilia said at this moment: "Xu Hao, won't the resources be occupied after being touched? We can't bring them back without you."

Hearing this, Xu Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what it meant, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Are you waiting for me to occupy it?"

The two women nodded in unison.

Xu Hao sighed and said softly: "Well, I didn't make it clear. Since I said we should act separately, it means that you can go and occupy the resources after you find them. You don't have to wait for me every time.


"No need to explain, I don't mean to blame you. Okay, let's go see what Lao A plans to cook for lunch."

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